“After many years, this mysterious enemy who started the Nine-Tails Rebellion has finally reappeared?”

Shikaku said with a heavy face, gesturing to the side, sending out a higher-level warning signal, Konoha could not be careless about this enemy who had set off the Nine-Tails Rebellion many years ago.

In the Uchiha clan, Hakaze and Fugaku, who were arranging the transfer of clansmen in batches, also saw the warning sign, and thought that the family’s actions were detected by Konoha, and both of them were nervous for a while before letting go.

“Who invaded Konoha at this time, would it be from that village?”

Fugaku touched his chin, as early as after the high-level meeting, Konoha’s ninja knew in their hearts that it would not be long before Konoha would be targeted by other ninja villages.

You all want to study this big killing weapon like Mu Duan, and other villages can rest assured.

“It shouldn’t be, if it was an invasion of Shinobi Village, the movement would not be so small, and besides, the news could not spread so quickly, it seems that Konoha was found by other troubles.” ”

Hakaede gloated and said, the more trouble 07 has with Konoha at this time, the more beneficial it will be for Uchiha.

“Patriarch, the big event, the one who invaded Konoha, it seems to be the mask man who started the Nine-Tails Rebellion!”

Uchiha Yan ran in with a pompous expression, ignoring etiquette, and shouted from far away.

Fuyue and Hade Feng looked at each other, and the tacit understanding of long-term cooperation made the two immediately know each other’s meaning, and then Hades Feng disappeared in place.

The old way, Fugaku guards the house, and Hakaede goes to deal with things.

“Yan, you go and inform the existing Shangnin of the clan, surround that mask man as much as possible, and if he wants to leave, leave him with all your strength!”

Fugaku took a deep breath, for this person who made the family carry such a big pot, no matter who he was, Uchiha would not let him go easily.

Even if you know that the ordinary Uchiha Shinobu may not be able to cause harm to it, you can’t just watch it like this.

On the other side, the three generations watched Obito perform the art of wooden cuttings, and their faces were not to mention how wonderful.

I thought that except for Tianzang and Tuanzang, no one else would be able to escape, but what happened?

The culprit who started the Nine Tails Rebellion back then could also cast Mudun, and it seems that the reason for Mudun is the same as that of Tuanzang Huimu, so it is said

Did the original Nine-Tails Rebellion also involve Tuan Zang!

How much did this old guy hide from himself!

With Kamui and Mudu, Obito seems to come and go freely under the siege of a group of Konoha ninjas, and everyone’s attacks cannot fall on him, and as long as the cuttings hit, the person will basically die.

After all, if a log is inserted into the body, an unknown number of logs will emerge from the body to turn people into hedgehogs, and it is strange to be alive.

“Thunder Thousand Birds!”

“Tudao Huangquan Marsh!”

Seeing that Kakashi had unsealed the Sharingan and used the thief-fast Chidori, he immediately cooperated with him and used Tsuchi Ninjutsu to restrict Obito’s actions.

Both of them have relatively rich combat experience, and they can naturally judge some characteristics of the earth god power, after all, they have also fought for so long.

So at the moment when the eyes of the two met, a simple tactic was formulated.

The opponent’s ability to ignore physical attacks does not exist all the time, otherwise he will not parry attacks from them, so in addition to when the opponent attacks, there must be gaps that he cannot maintain that ability.

Chidori, known for its speed, is undoubtedly the best choice to capture this gap.


Looking at the familiar move, Obito’s heart rippled, but the instinct to fight did not stop, and Kakashi passed directly through his body.

Then Obito hit Kakashi in the back with an elbow, knocking him out.

The time-space vortex appeared, and Obito escaped from the Yellow Spring Marsh, looking indifferently at the three generations and the ninja behind him.

“Now Konoha is really weak and sympathetic!”

In a word, it made the three generations feel what is called piercing the heart, but he couldn’t refute anything, leaving aside himself, the people present reached the shadow level of a jiraiya.

Although Kakashi’s strength is not weak, he does not have the strength of Shadow, and judging from the combat power that Obito has just shown, even if he reaches the Shadow level, I am afraid that he will not be able to take him.

“Kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes?”

The three generations calculated in their hearts that now Uchiha has three pairs of kaleidoscopes, and its ability to stop water is other gods, which can be excluded, and the eyes of the weasel are awakened after stopping the water and being dazzled by the group, and can also be excluded.

As for the Hades Maple is also impossible, including Itachi and Shuishui, the Nine Tails Rebellion that meeting, they are still children

Fugaku is possible, but he has not revealed a kaleidoscopic chakra eye until now, and besides, he was still watched by the dark and the roots, and it was impossible to control the Nine Tails.

So, the Uchiha in the village really has nothing to do with the Nine-Tails Rebellion? (read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And the reason why Tuan Zang is so obsessed with Sharingan may not only be to suppress Mu Dun, but may be influenced by the person in front of him.

Tuan Zang and the person in front of him have the same configuration, and the three generations put it in a category of people, if Tuan Zang Quan has knowledge, I am afraid that he can jump out and theorize with the three generations

“What the hell are you!”

Miyo asked, a question that had been bothering him for a long time.

“Uchiha Mada!”

Obito’s voice was not loud, but it made the entire Konoha camp appear to be stagnant for a moment, and even the three generations couldn’t help but widen their eyes a little.

“Uchiha Mada!”

The three generations repeated this name, and their mood was completely uncalm, and anyone would have great pressure on the legendary figure who fought with the original Hokage, and the ninja Asura corresponding to the ninja god Xiang577.

What’s more, with Konoha’s current situation, in the face of a person like Uchiha, he simply does not have the slightest ability to resist, even if he goes with Tsunade, it is also a tragic end for Konoha.

For a time, the Konoha camp felt desperate, and a Kaleidoscope of Uchiha could make the entire Konoha dare not act rashly, let alone a legend like Uchiha.

As the ceiling of the combat power of the Uchiha clan, it is that individuals will rank their combat power above the maple in their hearts.

“If you are a motor, and you still use Jiu Shinnai’s due date to start the Nine-Tails Rebellion? Don’t put gold on your face, the guy who doesn’t even dare to show his true face, don’t touch our Uchiha’s porcelain!”

Looking at Obito looking at the desperate look of enjoying the people of Konoha, Hao Kaede couldn’t get angry, although he also liked to see everyone in Konoha like this, but in comparison, he hated Obito even more.

Aside from whether he was fooled by the spotted black, and his love for Lin, just by virtue of this Erwuzai as soon as he had strength, he immediately made a move on his master mother Jiu Xinnai, and this product was not worth being whitewashed in the later stage.

Watergate aside, you brought the soil monster he did not arrive in time to save Harano Rin and Kakashi, this can be understood, but your master and mother are so good to you to bring the soil, but you will take revenge, this point can not be washed well at all.

Therefore, Hades Feng is not used to seeing the soil, and it is very unaccustomed! .

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