Didn’t you think about staying away from the village?”

Feeling Tsunade’s gaze, Hakaede coughed lightly and asked, Uchiha’s transfer is all carried out in secret, Konoha may still monitor the clan land, but as long as it doesn’t make a big move, they can’t detect it, after all, monitoring Uchiha’s matter, Konoha has also suffered.

Moreover, Tuan Zang and the big snake pill also made such a big movement, and then the two or five children with the soil also came, and with these things to cover, the large army had already been transferred out.

Now Konoha’s attention is all on guarding against the invasion of foreign forces, and there is no movement on Uchiha’s side, and the clan land is still on the edge of the village, and the village is naturally undetectable.

By now, in addition to Hades and Fugaku, there were still Uchiha Leimon and Yan, and even the five elders had gone to the harbor pier.

“I do hate the darkness of the village, but this only has to do with the top, and what is wrong with the villagers here?”

Tsunade sighed slightly, although she was full of disappointment in Konoha, she still couldn’t let go of this village in her heart, now the situation facing Konoha was very serious, she stayed not to say that she could change the situation, but at least it could add some confidence.

“Tsunade-sama is kind-hearted, we Uchiha are ashamed of ourselves, but I still want to advise you, as far as you are shaking when you see blood now, you can’t help Konoha or something, you are Uchiha’s chief medical advisor, if you breach the contract, you will have to compensate for the liquidated damages.” ”

Tsunade didn’t want to leave, and Hakaede couldn’t be dissuaded, the construction of the medical team was already on track, and there were not many situations where Tsunade was needed to guide her, even if she left at this time, Uchiha couldn’t say anything.

“Bastard, are you worried about me?”

Tsunade glanced at Hakaede and said with a slightly amused tone.

Uchiha is not a cold-blooded and heartless person, on the contrary, every Uchiha is a person with particularly rich emotions, not only me, but every Uchiha who has been guided by you will worry about your safety, they are just not good at words. ”

People are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless!

During this time, Tsunade got along with people in Uchiha very well, although it is said that Uchiha and Senju are old enemies, but this is all a matter of the previous generation, and they also shake hands and make peace, and they also build a village together, how much can this hatred be now?

Not to mention that now the Thousand Hands clan does not exist, and the grudges between the families have long been transferred to the grudges between the villages.

When are you leaving?”

Tsunade pouted, not saying anything more on it.

I didn’t say I wanted to go, after all, it still belongs to Konoha nominally, and Uchiha still has someone to stay here, and in the future, this place will be called Uchiha’s office in Konoha, dealing with some family affairs. ”

Haku Kaede grinned, still that sentence, can’t give Konoha a chance to pick bones in the egg, Uchiha did go to the harbor pier, but Konoha’s side is not without Uchiha, nominally still belongs to Konoha.

Anyway, there is no hard and fast rule that the ninja of the village must live on this side of the village, and we people of Uchiha want to live somewhere else, you can’t say anything!

“You really have good intentions!”

The corners of Tsunade’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch, she could already predict what kind of mood her teacher would have when he knew about Uchiha’s changes.

At the moment, Konoha is in need of strong combat power, and as a result, the Uchiha clan has moved out, although some people remain, but this person will obviously not participate in what happens next, making it clear that what happened in your Konoha has nothing to do with Uchiha.

Three generations of unbreathable beards are strange!

At this juncture, even if Konoha was not happy with Uchiha’s approach, he couldn’t do anything, or even say anything.

If you provoke Hakaede, if people don’t interfere, it may turn into a rock, and Konoha will have to face not only the invasion of the forces of the outer village, but also the attack of Uchiha.

Judging from the attack of that level that Hades Feng launched against the mysterious man on Sixth Street, it was impossible for him to have any scruples about the rest of the village.

Although no one took it on the bright side, in the sixth street, the villagers of Konoha who died at the hands of Hakaede were not absent.

Think about it, it is the village high-level who is facing Uchiha, but it is the villagers who implement it, and except for a few people, the Uchiha people rarely have a good attitude towards the villagers in the same village.

It’s not as good as the announcement of the three generations of adults, the matter of Tuanzo, or Uchiha in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, he took himself out in a few words, most of the heads are Tuanzo, he Hokage is a person who is hidden, this is the real good intentions. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Hakaede sneered, after the Obito incident, the Hokage Room immediately issued an announcement, first detailing the things that Danzo had committed, then releasing the threat that Konoha was about to face, so that the villagers were ready to take refuge, and finally gave Uchiha the stain of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and sincerely apologized to Uchiha on behalf of the entire Konoha as Hokage.

As soon as the announcement came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the village, of course, these villagers were not guilty of blaming Uchiha for a long time, but because they were afraid of the impending war.

Although it is the content of the same announcement, the explanation of Uchiha did not leave any impression among the villagers, and it was wrong to blame, and it was not a big deal, so I apologized in the future.

Compared to the fact that enemies will enter the village at any time and threaten their own lives, this is not a thing!

That’s why Hade Feng said this announcement, the three generations and the village’s high-level are really well-intentioned, if it weren’t for the village’s urgent need for Uchiha’s combat power now, Hades Feng felt that there might not be content about the Nine Tails Rebellion in this announcement.

But now the high-level of Konoha can’t help but think too little about Uchiha, really think that Uchiha is a pug, they will wave their tails when they beckon?

If you solve the things you provoke yourself, we Uchiha will not flow this muddy water, and also study with your old fellows, and there are things that have not stood aside in advance to watch the play, but standing a little far.


Tsunade was about to speak, when a loud noise came, and a thick plume of smoke erupted from the center of the village, and fluctuations in the battle followed.

After escaping from Tuanzang and the invasion of the mysterious man, it was calm for several days, and at this moment it was completely broken.

Mu Dun is something that can stir the nerves of every ninja village, and although the ninja world looks quiet, it has already undercurrent.

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