“Old man, shouldn’t you take a look at yourself, and look at what has happened in the village recently, don’t you feel guilty as a Hokage?”

Tsunade said impatiently, and did not mean to hold the three generations accountable, she knew that if she was accountable, the other party would definitely lose a sentence all for the village.

Hades Feng picked up the scroll curiously and glanced at it, the corners of his mouth also twitched, but he didn’t say anything.

In the final analysis, it is still the second generation of civilian support policies that cause trouble, of course, this is not a real mistake of the policy itself, but in the hands of the third generation, the implementation has become a little sour.

When Konoha was established, a lot of ninja clans came large and small, although they were not as large as Senju Uchiha and Hinata at that time, but they were a ninja clan after all.

However, with the three generations ascending to the throne, implementing the will of the second generation, weakening the influence of the ninja in the village was implemented more thoroughly, and the small and medium-sized ninja were all unlucky.

Civilian ninjas are not so easy to cultivate, not only the supply of resources, but also the scarcity of personal talent, so how did the civilian ninjas, who are now regarded as concubines by three generations, appear?

Some may be of real civilian origin, but more are members of the vanished ninja clan, but their clan no longer exists and is branded as a civilian ninja.

The family’s secret arts and ninjutsu have been taken away by the village, and there is no fixed clan land, although there is a ninjutsu heritage, it is not an exaggeration to say a civilian ninja, such as sunset red.

The funny thing is that the Hokage high-level who regard the suppression of the ninja clan as the implementation of the policy, the ninja clan they belong to has not only not disappeared, but has developed rapidly and has developed into a new great ninja clan.

The resources of the village are all fixed, and the resources needed for the development of the ninja race, such as Sarutobi, Shimura, Shunyue, and Mitomon, cannot appear out of thin air, so they can only be taken from others.

Those disappearing ninjas naturally became victims of the development of these ninjas.

Not everyone will put the interests of the village above the village, and not everyone will not understand the trickiness of it.

You all let the family of the family fall, lose everything and become a commoner, and then you still look like a handout to buy them, what will these smart people think?

Even if they don’t show it, they will definitely remember hatred in their hearts, but they know that they are not enough to confront the high-level, so they can only lurk and retaliate at the first opportunity.

Not for anything else, just to give a breath to your own family!

These people were also arranged into the shadow department by the three generations, and they may not know many secrets, but as Hokage’s direct subordinate troops, they will not know nothing.

This was the case before, when the people of the Dark Department entered Konoha with their enemies, avoiding surveillance and patrols along the way, and went directly to the side of the Hokage Building.

If it weren’t for the ninja of the Hyuga clan in charge of guarding the Naruto Building, the location where the battle broke out would not be near the Naruto Building, but the base camp of the Dark Division.

The reason why Yunyin invaded Konoha this time was also found out, and it was indeed related to Mu Duan, but it was not what everyone thought.

They came for the Mudu ninja Tianzo, and according to Yunyin’s consistent style, coming up directly to rob people also echoed their settings.

“The old man will give an explanation to the village, after this incident passes, I will retire from the position of Hokage, and when the time comes~.”

The three generations seemed to be several years old at this moment, and did not defend themselves for anything, he was selfish, but he also took the village seriously.

“Three generations of adults, the existence of Tianzo is an extremely secret thing for the village, how did the people of Yunyin know, and he also directly launched an attack on the dark department, obviously also knows where he is, I declare first, although I know his existence, but this matter has nothing to do with me, and the rest of Uchiha is even more impossible.” ”

What kind of mood the third generation is now, Hade Feng is not interested in paying attention to it, but the existence of Tianzang is exposed, which makes him feel big for a while.

This damn Jiraiya, you tell me that Tuan Zang dug the Sharingan Eye to study Mu Duan, and tell me what Tianzang is doing!

Well, now that Uchiha has finally dissociated himself from Konoha, because this is being suspected again, it is simply nothing to look for!

If Yunyin just came for Mu Duan, it had nothing to do with Uchiha, Tuan Zang’s pot.

But they were for Tianzo, then Yu Zhibo couldn’t get rid of it, after all, Hakaze knew about his existence, or did he tell him.

Therefore, as soon as Hakale opened his mouth, he put aside the relationship, not to mention that he did not do something like that, even if he did, this thing must have nothing to do with Uchiha.

The three generations perked up again, glanced at Haku Kaede, and then stopped at Fugaku and Leimon for a while. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Leaving aside the fact that Fuyue and the others really didn’t know, they really didn’t know about the existence of Tianzang.

In addition to himself, the only people who know Tenzo are Jiraiya and Tsunade, and there is also a Hakaede.

Jiraiya and Tsunade don’t have to doubt that although they have some disagreement with the village, they will not do such a thing.

Uchiha’s words, it is possible, but since he directly raised this topic, the suspicion will not be too big, and now the three generations also understand that Uchiha just simply wants to draw a line with the village, and does not mean to completely froze with the village, as Tsunade said, Uchiha will be happy to watch Konoha’s play, but will not fall into the hole.

Then there is only one possibility!

It was done by the masked man companion of Danzo, who wanted to put Konoha on the cusp of the storm in order to weaken Konoha’s strength and achieve his own goals!

Damn Tuan Zang, if he dies, he has to find the old man unhappy, it is really blind to the old man’s tolerance of him before

“‘I believe this matter has nothing to do with Uchiha, and it’s not just a few of us who know Tenzo’

Miyo sighed, and Kaede’s words also made him understand Uchiha’s attitude, making it clear that he had lost any trust in Konoha, so he knew that it was impossible to pull Uchiha into Konoha’s united front.

Not to mention, now that the entire Uchiha clan is on the other side of the harbor pier, it is impossible to forcibly pull them against the enemy.

Not to mention, the matter of Tianzang really brought soil to spread, first to reduce the pressure on the side of Yuyin Village, and the frequent temptations of those ninja villages seriously hindered the development of the Xiao Organization, and it was revealed that Konoha had mastered the news of Mu Dun and could share the pressure on this side.

In addition, he wanted to get back his Sharingan, a exhausted Konoha, which was more convenient for him.

If a new ninja world war can break out, the combat power of the five great ninja villages will be consumed, which will also be a good thing for him to recycle the tailed beast in the future.

What’s more, this can also make Konoha unhappy, and if Konoha is not happy, he will be happy with the soil, why not? .

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