There is a tacit understanding between the five hidden villages that did not start a ninja war, although Konoha will be invaded by other villages from time to time, but the three generations are fully deployed, and although the movement is not small, it is difficult to cause turmoil to Konoha.

The third generation of Hokage issued an announcement to the ninja world, summarizing the personal behavior of the Mudun research to Danzo, and even releasing the fact that Danzo and Orochimaru conducted human experiments, and used war orphans as experimental products, and said that Konoha did not get anything other than getting a weak Kidun ninja.

At the same time, the collusion between Tuanzang and the Xiao Organization was also explained, and the person who studied Mu Dun with Tuan Zang was designated as the Xiao Organization, and the big snake pill was the bridge between the Xiao Organization and the Tuan Zang communication, and it was speculated that the Xiao Organization had a more complete and powerful Mu Dun in its hands.

In order to make this announcement more credible, the third generation also took out the mysterious mask man Obito, determined that he was the culprit who started the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and mastered Mu Duan, even released the information that he would know space ninjutsu, and also admitted that the leader of the Xiao Organization had immortal eyes.

This announcement is true or false, Danzo is the main backer, and Konoha is the victim of his pitfall.

Although Yunyin and other village shadows did not believe it, the content of this announcement could withstand scrutiny.

The first is the invasion of Konoha by various villages during this time, except for the situation where the people were completely annihilated, the people who returned said that they were not attacked by Muha.

And the existence of the mysterious mask man, including his ability to use Mu Dun’s intelligence, was also confirmed by the spies they planted.

Whether Tuan Zang is related to the Xiao Organization, although this cannot be confirmed, he and the mysterious mask man leisurely point the same configuration, saying that it is impossible without a little connection ~ system.

After many arguments, the villages found that the announcement issued by Konoha this time was actually not a problem at all.

Of course, they didn’t believe that Konoha’s side had nothing but a Konoha ninja.

After all, Danzo and the Xiao Organization cooperate secretly, and the things that can be found by Konoha are absolutely limited.

For this reason, coupled with the fact that Konoha’s opponents were strictly guarded, it was difficult to rob him, and they had to take their eyes off Konoha’s body.

For a while, Yuyin Village once again became the focus of the ninja world, this time in addition to the immortal eyes, there was also an additional wooden escape.

Obito received the news, the whole person laughed angrily, he also thought about starting a new ninja world war, but Konoha actually threw the pot back directly, and also sent a large pot.

This announcement was so flawless, if he hadn’t known that his Mu Dun was given by Uchiha, he would have thought that he was working with Danzo.

You said that Xiao Organization and Tuanzang did not cooperate! The big snake pill is a member of the Xiao Organization, and has cooperated with Tuanzang more than once.

Let’s say that the organization does not have Mu Duan!

And it’s also a fact that Nagato has reincarnation eyes!

What’s more, there is no room for explanation in the Xiao organization, a member is an S-class rebel organization, who will believe your words!

It can be said that the pot that Konoha threw was called a steady and impartial buckle on the head by the Xiao Organization.

So the major ninja villages took action, different from the previous temptation, this time they really took the affairs of the Xiao organization to heart.

Immortal Eye and Mu Dun aside, a rebel organization has such power, and its ambition is visible, which is also a threat to them.

Although the Xiao organization is mysterious, it is also very transparent, as long as they investigate carefully, they can find some things, and this check will let them find that the current Yuyin Village may have changed the sky!

The investigation into the Xiao Organization distracted the ninja world, and it was what Konoha expected.

The atmosphere in Konoha was still tense, but the invasions from other Shinobi villages became much less, finally giving the three generations a breather.

And Hakaede, also left Konoha to the harbor pier, the confrontation between the ninja villages, did not affect the shipping, firstly, the fog is still recovering this section, this kind of thing is not involved at all, and secondly, the country of water really needs such a way to communicate with the other four countries.

Therefore, although Terumi, who was in Konoha, was the first to obtain information, Kirito chose not to participate.

After the shipping was officially put into production, Yu Zhibo has harvested the first pot of gold, and the amount is very impressive!

After the circulation of the specialty goods of the two countries, the transaction volume of sea transportation will be even greater, and although most of the revenue generated is from the daimyo of the two countries, the operating expenses alone are enough to feed Uchiha and Kirito.

“Hao Feng, we have now realized the five-year plan ahead of schedule, what should we do next?” (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The new clan land is still under construction, but the supporting facilities of the harbor terminal are very complete, and it is still no problem to support Uchiha to hold a family meeting.

Fugaku is still with Sasuke in Konoha, and although the family has moved out, the attitude still has to be put out, so that Sasuke still goes to school in Konoha, in order to make Hokage feel at ease.

Although the patriarch is not there, there are two elders, and the clan council can also be convened.

Now that we have got rid of the shackles of Konoha, the next thing to do is to improve the overall strength of the family, the awakening of the kaleidoscope is very difficult, although we can’t give up the development of our blood succession limit, but also find other ways to improve ourselves, the Book of Seals has been read by many people, right?

“The first point is that everyone will keep the forbidden art writing they have recorded, so that all the clansmen can choose and try to strengthen their own strength. In addition, some changes can also be made in the way of fighting, melee combat is our strong point can not be lost, but in unnecessary situations, try to end the battle with detonation charms, now that the family has money, everyone carries at least a thousand detonation charms, encounter tricky opponents, do not believe in bombing them will not kill them. ”

“The second point, economic development cannot be left behind, the current customer of shipping is only the country of water, the country of thunder can try to contact it, and strive to pull it into the partners, remember that our current position is not on Konoha, just Uchiha, when talking to the country of thunder, put this attitude first.” ”

“The third point is to establish the Uchiha Group, integrate the Uchiha Hotel, Uchiha Crown Casino, Security Thug Company and the harbor terminal, share resources, and recruit professionals in various industries. Under the premise of retaining the family structure, the clansmen entered different company departments for management, and established a group board of directors to manage the operation of the group. ”

“Then the last point, to establish our own intelligence organization, not only in the Fire Nation, other countries must also have intelligence sources, this four elders must be attentive, let the clansmen of the security thug company pay more attention when performing their tasks.” ”

“Clan, the family has not yet been revived, I still need to work hard! Please don’t relax yourself, for the glory of Uchiha!”

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