After disposing of the two Mist Rebels, the seventh class continued to advance towards the Land of Waves, while Hakaede took out a sealing scroll and put away the two corpses.

Digging up information from corpses can’t be done by Hao Feng, but it doesn’t prevent him from taking these two things as a favor, and Zhaomei’s side should like such a corpse

The person who took the corpse to pick up the girl, Hades Feng is also the only one in the ninja world, and I don’t know if these two misty rebel ninja will scold a Hades Feng Qinggao in another world.

After finishing the incident, Hakaede did not immediately catch up with Kakashi and them, after all, he was only teaching Sasuke, and by the way watched Naruto not be devoured by the Nine Tails.

But now the relationship between Naruto and the Nine Tails is obviously close, so there is no possibility of devouring, so why are you still so dead?

So Hu Feng released his super car, stepped on the accelerator, and headed towards the country of waves with a roar.

Hakaede didn’t keep up with the team, and although Kakashi noticed it, he could only sigh in his heart, people didn’t even put three generations in his eyes, he wouldn’t think his face could be as big as 11.

I only hope that Hakaede can serve Naruto more snacks for Jiu Shinnai’s sake!

However, after learning that Obito was the culprit who started the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Kakashi felt that the kindness of the past might not bring rewards.

Otherwise, isn’t Jiu Xinnai good enough for Obito? But the result!

After Obito had strength, the first to kill was the fourth generation family, and there was no one left behind for Jiu Xinnai.

What’s more, Jiu Xinnai’s care for Hades Feng no longer knows when it was, and whether Hades Feng himself remembers it is all problems, let alone return

Perhaps it was Naruto’s and Sasuke’s performance that proved his strength before, and Dazna also relaxed a lot along the way, answering Naruto’s questions wholeheartedly.

Naruto looked like he was chatting with Dazna, but he was actually inquiring about intelligence, some of them were confirming what Dazna said before, and some were inquiring about some things that Dazna did not say.

“Stop! Alert! ”

Kakashi, who was thinking about what to do if Naruto was affected by the Nine Tails, suddenly felt a trace of killing intent and immediately stopped the team.

Although the killing intent is weak, it is extremely pure, which is something that can only be done by Shangnin.

And the other party is obviously hidden, but he doesn’t care about the appearance of killing intent, and obviously does not use the sneak attack as the main means to deal with himself, which means that the other party has a strong recognition of his strength!

When the three little ones heard this, they immediately put on a triangular formation to protect Dazna, and Haruno Sakura did not fall behind this time, although there was still a scared look on her face, but at least she moved.

“Over there!”

With the cooperation of the Nine Tails, Naruto, the ability of Kagura Shinkaku, has naturally mastered, and he found the enemy earlier than Sasuke, who has the Sharingan.

As Naruto pointed the way, a huge blade flew out of the grass Naruto pointed to, spinning and slashing towards everyone.

The opponent’s shot is a killing move, although Kakashi intends to exercise Naruto’s actual combat ability, but he will not play too much, just about to take the decapitation knife, Sasuke’s movement is faster, and he pulled out the short sword he was carrying.

The blades collided together, and Sasuke defused the ferocious decapitation knife with ingenuity, picked it off, and inserted it beside him.

The sixth rule of Uchiha’s battle law, except for disposable ninja tools such as detonation charms, any throwing ninja tool flies towards itself, and when conditions permit, turn it into its own thing!

To explain it in the words of Hao Feng: people have already thrown things out, they must be what he doesn’t want, and he will take it back if he likes it.

In Sasuke’s opinion, although this big knife does not match his current size, when he grows up, he will definitely be able to use it!

The family is not rich now, there are many places to spend money, and if you can save a sum of money to buy weapons, it is to contribute to the family again, that is, to make efforts for the development of the family again!

Then Kakashi and Naruto watched Sasuke take out the sealing scroll and take away the large knife without saying a word.

The peach field in the grass did not cut off the black lines all over his head, and the corners of his mouth twitched out, and he still thought of using the decapitation knife to give this ninja team a dismount!

Unexpectedly, the knife was thrown out, and I couldn’t come back to read the violent novel, so I went to Feilu Novel Network! )

According to intelligence, isn’t that kid from the Uchiha family? Now Uchiha is the richest person in the ninja world, how can he do things so critically? Grab a knife too!

“Are you a ghost from the Misty Hidden Village? The villain is also the elite Shinobi of Wuyin, and even accepts such a task? ”

Kakashi’s expression brought a hint of solemnity, the noteworthy ninjas in each village, he had a record in his heart, and the one in front of him was obviously on the list.

“It turned out to be Kakashi, a copy ninja of Konoha, I heard that your Sharingan is gone, and your strength has a great impact! Give me the old man behind me, I won’t trouble you. ”

He said flatly, but his eyes unconsciously glanced at Sasuke on the side, no way, his decapitation knife was still in the hands of this little ghost.

According to the information collected before, although the class led by Kakashi is all Shinobi, two of the imps are very noteworthy.

Two Shimo-Shinobi vs. two Naka-Shinobi, but the result is that the two Naka-Shinobi are killed by Shimo-Shinobi, such a thing is not so easy to do, especially if one of them is 663 is Uchiha’s person.

Compared with the people of the five major ninja villages, Uchiha is the most unprovoked in the ninja world now, not to mention how Uchiha’s influence is in the ninja world, with the characteristics and strong strength of this family, no one can afford to provoke.

“You are also from Shinobi Village, and you should also know that this is impossible.”

No matter how much Slash and Kakashi are both upper Shinobi, psychological tactics are difficult for them to play, and if the words are not speculative for more than half a sentence, the two invisible killing intents immediately begin to collide.

Kakashi had no Sharingan, no more beheading or a decapitation knife, and both of them had a certain weakening of their strength, at least on the surface.

After a while, a thick fog appeared around him, and the figure that was not cut slowly disappeared into the dense fog, and Mist Yin and Uchiha had a confrontational experience, and naturally knew how to target the Sharingan.

Although Kakashi’s chakra eye is gone, there is a Uchiha clan on the opposite side, which has to make him obsessed, not to mention that blocking the field of vision is also effective for others.

“Ninja Dark Practice!”

Sasuke raised his eyebrows, knowing that the other party wanted to limit his play, and sealed his hands and released the forbidden technique developed by the second generation Hokage against the Sharingan.

Since you want to block the field of vision, then don’t use your eyes at all! I can’t see it, and you don’t want to see it!.

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