"Is there any need to ask? Since you all recognized this fan as a flame fan, you must not be hard-pressed to guess my identity."

The ghost shark said lightly, and while speaking, he raised his slanted bangs, revealing the left eye of Sangouyu.

"Did the Uchiha clan send you to kill me, or was it an order from Hizen?"

Danzo narrowed his eyes.

Before he defected, at the peace meeting between Konoha and Kiriyuki, he was exposed in public by the dry persimmon ghost, exposing the killing of Uchiha Kyou and taking away the latter's writing wheel eye.

With the behavior of the Uchiha clan, he will definitely not give up on this. Danzo just didn't expect that Uchiha's people had caught up with the country of rain so quickly.

However, to his surprise, the masked man opposite shook his head and gave an even more surprising answer.

"I am neither Konoha's Uchiha, nor did I come by the order of the so-called Hokage. I am a lonely soul, a soul named Uchiha Madara."

The ghost shark looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, said Yoyo, with an unfathomable look.

Uchiha Madara.

This name fell into the ears of Danzo and Orochimaru, causing the two of them to open their eyes at the same time, their faces stunned, feeling extremely incredible.

The three of Yahiko, apparently, had never heard of this name, but thought that the masked man was some powerful ninja from the Uchiha clan.

But they also became more and more confused. How did Konoha's ninja fight in front of them?

Just when the three felt confused.

"Hmph, you pretending to be a ghost. Madara Uchiha is already dead. Do you think you can scare the old man under the guise of his name?"

Danzo snorted coldly, and then said to Orochimaru, "Stop watching the show, kill this guy with me."

"…it is good."

Orochimaru's eyes flickered, he hesitated for a while, and finally agreed.

He is a very cautious person, and generally will not act rashly until he has found out the origin of the enemy.

However, Orochimaru, like Danzo, does not believe that the masked man is Madara Uchiha. So he decided to try it out. It would be best if he could grab the opponent's flame fan.

After all, whether Madara Uchiha is real or not, the flame fan can't be fake.

"It is said that the flame fan can reflect all ninjutsu, that is to say, ninjutsu is useless to that person. To deal with this kind of artifact, it is natural to use artifact."

Orochimaru said this, raised his head, opened his mouth and spat out a poisonous snake. And the snake opened its mouth again and spit out a slimy sword from its mouth.

The sword was more than one meter long, with a white body, a thick body, a blade like a calamus leaf, and a fishbone-like decoration on the hilt.

Tiancong Cloud Sword.

This sword is one of the only three Kusanagi swords left in the legendary world.

Danzo heard the words, and also cast a seal, injecting his own wind chakra into a kunwushang, forming a sharp white long sword.

Wind escape · vacuum blade.

"It's coming."

Orochimaru snorted, holding a sword in one hand and reaching forward with the other.

The next second, from his sleeve, groups of pythons flew out, each more than ten meters long and the thickness of a bucket, rushing to bite at the ghost shark.

Shulker Snakehand.

This is one of Orochimaru's best techniques. It looks like a ninjutsu, but it is actually a psychic technique, so it will not be restrained by the ability of the flame fan.


These pythons summoned by Orochimaru are much smarter than ordinary snakes. They attack the ghost shark from all directions, intimidating, diverting and capturing him.

Getting tangled up with them is troublesome.

The ghost shark's response was still very simple. He still picked up the flame fan with both hands and slammed it forward.


After the fan was swung out, a gust of wind immediately blew from the foot of the ghost shark, and formed countless fierce wind blades, cutting away at the group of snakes flying on the face.

This is another ability of the flame fan - the power to control the wind.

The ghost shark is not good at wind escape, but with the help of the flame fan and his own huge chakra, the power of the wind escape is not only not inferior to the wind escape of the group, but even stronger.

So, in the horrified eyes of Orochimaru and Danzo.

When those big snakes encountered the wind blades, they were suddenly cut into a dozen pieces as if they had been chopped melons and vegetables, and fell to the ground with a "bang, bang, bang".

Gu Xiao

The two of them looked at each other and stopped being bells and whistles. They charged directly at the ghost shark with their weapons and launched a series of attacks.

clang clang!

The ghost shark protected itself with the flame fan, dealt with it calmly, and launched a fierce battle with the two.

Orochimaru attacked the ghost shark from the front. Not only did he hold the hardest and sharpest Kusanagi sword in the world, but he was also transformed by software to be able to perform a series of bizarre physical techniques.

This guy is like a snake.

In the process of fighting against Orochimaru, the ghost shark thought to himself.

The other party gave him the feeling that it was a soft poisonous snake. All parts of the body, including the arms, legs and even the neck, could be freely stretched or twisted in any direction, thus launching a surprise attack on the enemy.

As the head of the three ninjas, Orochimaru is by no means a false name.

The ghost shark didn't want to reveal too much of his abilities. Under such circumstances, he fought with Orochimaru for a while, and it was indistinguishable.

At this moment, Danzo, who had been wandering beside him, quietly appeared behind the ghost shark and launched a sneak attack from the blind spot of the latter's vision.


The wind-blade long sword in Danzang's hand stabbed straight into the heart of the ghost shark, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth as he held the victory.

However, what Danzo didn't know was that under the mask of the other party, in addition to the writing wheel eye, there was another one - the white eye.

With the 360-degree angle of view, the white eye of the ghost shark stared at Danzo's every move.

Therefore, in the face of Danzo's attack, he did not turn his head, but at the critical moment, he dodged to the side and ducked.

Danzo's sneak attack failed, with a look of astonishment.

In the next instant, the ghost shark kicked back and kicked Danzo's face fiercely, leaving a clear shoe print on the latter's face and kicking him upside down.

When Orochimaru saw Danzo miss, he was shocked and quickly retreated.


He stretched out **** and pointed them into a sword, Tiancong Yunjian flew out of his hand and hovered in the air.

Kusanagi Sword, Sora Blade.

This technique is simply understood as the technique of flying swords. Orochimaru can use Chakra to remotely control the Tiancong Cloud Sword and attack the enemy from the air.

call out.

Under his control, Tiancong Yunjian, like an arrow from a string, shot towards the ghost shark.

Well come.

Seeing this, the ghost shark looked happy.

As early as a year ago, when he first saw Orochimaru, he was coveting this Kusanagi sword. At that time, in the alley, the ghost shark used a trick to deceive Orochimaru, trying to defraud the sword, but unfortunately the other party was not fooled.

When he fought against Orochimaru just now, he also tried to capture the sword many times, but unfortunately, he didn't succeed.

Now, here's your chance.


The Tiancong Cloud Sword, which flew like a meteor, slammed into the flame fan, bursting out dazzling sparks.

Orochimaru licked his tongue, as if a poisonous snake was staring at its prey, and continued to manipulate the sword to fly up and down in the air, attacking the ghost shark from all angles.

Under his fierce offensive, the ghost shark quickly revealed a small flaw.

Orochimaru immediately seized this opportunity, manipulated Tiancong Yunjian to speed up, and stabbed the ghost shark's throat.

And at this moment, the ghost shark's eyes flashed brightly, he reached out his hand like lightning, and pressed Tiancong Yunjian with a swish.

Empty hand to hand to hand.

It turned out that the so-called flaw was deliberately sold by the ghost shark, just to induce Orochimaru to make this move.

But I have to admit that the ghost shark underestimated the sharpness of this sword.


After Tiancong Yunjian was caught by the ghost shark, it vibrated violently. The sharp tip of the sword cut through the ghost shark's steel-like skin, causing him to feel a piercing pain.

The ghost shark had to let go and threw the sword out, and the frightened Orochimaru quickly took back the Tiancong Yun sword.

As expected of the Kusanagi sword.

In the original book, even the ape demon with the body of King Kong will feel severe pain when touched by this sword. After the ghost shark experienced it personally, he found that it was not fake.

call out.

Tiancong Yunjian flew back to Orochimaru with the blood of the ghost shark, and after circling above his head, it landed in his hand.

"What a tough guy."

Orochimaru muttered to himself, revealing a perverted smile. Under the gaze of the ghost shark, I saw him sticking out his long tongue, licking the sword, and licking the ghost shark's blood on it.

The blood of fresh prey made Orochimaru extremely excited.

call out.

He manipulated Tiancong Yunjian to fly out again, this time attacking with all his strength, and made up his mind to kill the ghost shark.

However, just as the sword was about to fly in front of the ghost shark, the body of the sword suddenly shook violently, as if it had lost its balance, and staggered and fell to the ground.

It wasn't that the ghost shark used any means on the sword, but Orochimaru, who was on the opposite side, was suddenly paralyzed and unable to move, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

That's because the ghost shark's blood contains the poison of sansho fish.

"Hey, don't just lick the blood on the sword."

The ghost shark looked at Orochimaru in amazement, and couldn't help laughing for a while.

He originally planned to show his real skills, but he would grab the sword first and talk about it, but he didn't expect Orochimaru to kill himself and knock himself down to the ground.

When Orochimaru couldn't move, the ghost shark calmly bent down and picked up the Tiancong Cloud Sword on the ground.

This sword, which he once dreamed of, finally got his hands today.

With the current strength of the ghost shark, even a ninja tool of the level of the seven ninja swords, it is not a big improvement for him, and it is optional.

But this Kusanagi sword, with its sharp, hard, long and short characteristics, can definitely make him go further and become stronger after being absorbed by the ghost shark.

After the Kusanagi sword succeeded, the ghost shark turned his head and looked at Danzo not far away.

not good.

Danzang's expression changed, and when he saw Orochimaru's defeat, he turned and ran away without hesitation.

Just ten minutes ago, he was in high spirits and brought dozens of confidants to the Xiao organization, wanting to use the opponent to control the entire country of rain and make a comeback.

But in the blink of an eye, his subordinates were nearly wiped out, and he was the only one left to flee like a bereaved dog.

"Lord Danzo, run away, I will block the enemy!"

A young voice came. Yamato rushed out from the side. After quickly forming a seal with both hands, he summoned a large number of trees to attack the ghost shark.


The ghost shark looked surprised when he saw the wooden scorpion used by the other party, but he quickly realized that the child standing in front of him was Yamato.

After all, in the original book, after the entire Konoha behind the Thousand Hands, there is only Yamato, a wooden ninja.

The ghost shark suddenly lit up, slapped the ground with his palm, created more trees, and swept away toward Yamato.

how is this possible?

The little face under Yamato's mask was full of shock. He never expected that the other party would also use Mu Dun, and he was much more powerful than him.

He was quickly entangled by Mu Dun, and he was forced into a coma.

The ghost shark walked to Yamato's side, grabbed the latter's neck, and lifted the boy up like a chicken.

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