At the entrance of the village, two Chunin guards stood guard, yawning boredly.

Suddenly, there were two bangs, and the two fell to the ground without warning. They didn't have any wounds on their bodies, but their eyes were dull, apparently from some kind of illusion.

Three figures in black cloaks and hoods came out of the darkness.

"The lights in Fengying Building are still on. It seems that Luo Sha hasn't slept yet. He is really a hardworking Fengying."

One person joked, and then calmly broke the outer barrier of Shayin Village. The three of them silently sneaked into the village and went straight to the Fengying Building.

ten minutes later.

In the room, Luo Sha with short brown hair was standing in front of the crib, watching the two sleeping children.

The one-year-old eldest daughter Temari, and the newly born eldest son Kankuro.

The newly-appointed fourth-generation Fengying has already established a high prestige in the village by virtue of his powerful strength and his ruthless methods.

He, who was usually unsmiling on weekdays, only showed his soft side at this time.

At this moment, a young woman with sand-brown hair came in from the door and put her hand on Luo Sha's shoulder.

"You've been busy all day, and you're exhausted. Go and rest early. Just leave the child to me to see."

She said softly, with a faint smile on her face and tenderness in her eyes.

This woman is Luo Sha's wife, Kaluru.

Hearing this, Luo Sha turned around to hold his wife's hand, and said thoughtfully, "I'm not tired, but you just gave birth, so you should rest well."

After he finished speaking, he embraced Kauri in his arms.

"Yo, what a loving couple."

Suddenly, a very discordant voice came from the door, interrupting the warmth of the two.

Luo Sha was suddenly startled, and hurriedly put Kagura behind him and looked towards the door. Three figures walked in, took off their hoods, revealing three unfamiliar faces.

"Who are you? Guards!"

Luo Sha questioned and called the guards of the Fengying Building.

"Don't shout, they've all fallen. Rosa, I want you to work for me."

Obito took a step forward, staring at Luo Sha with a burning gaze, and the three-goose jade writing round eyes instantly transformed into a kaleidoscope shape, releasing a strong wave of pupil power.

"Want my allegiance to you? What a joke!"

Luo Sha sneered, and even if the seal was formed quickly, he wanted to use the magnetic escape of the blood to take down the three uninvited guests in one fell swoop.

But when he was halfway through the seal, the movement of his hands stopped, and his eyes turned into the shape of a writing wheel, and he froze in place.


Kaura was shocked when he saw this scene. She was about to make a move, but she accidentally fell into an illusion and stood still.

The husband and wife, in just a few seconds, became Obito's puppets.

"Luo Sha, what are you going to do next?"

Obito looked at the four generations of Kazekage in front of him, and asked slowly.

"Start a war and invade Yu Nin Village." Luo Sha smiled and said ambitiously.

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru and Danzo couldn't help but look at each other.

They witnessed the whole process of Obito swaggering into the sandy hidden village, subduing all enemies with illusions along the way, and easily manipulated the four generations of Kazekage.

Is this the power of the Kaleidoscope Shaker?


If you let them know that the two generations of water shadows in Wuyin Village have been controlled by Sharinyan successively, they may not be so surprised.

Of course, not any pair of kaleidoscopes have such strong pupil power.

Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito, the former uses a transplanted second-hand writing wheel eye, the latter only has a kaleidoscope, but their pupil power is actually much stronger than Uchiha Fuyue who has a pair of kaleidoscopes.

That's because both of them have mastered the power of Senju and Uchiha at the same time, and combining these two abilities will produce incredible power.

Obito's pupil power is strong enough to manipulate the Nine Tails, not to mention the mere Fengying Luosha.

Unfortunately, his illusions were useless against almost inhuman monsters like the dried persimmon ghost shark. To defeat the ghost shark, you can only use more powerful force to crush it head-on.

After controlling Luosha, Obito turned around and showed off to Orochimaru and Danzo:

"Now, should you understand my plan?"

When he was talking, the kaleidoscope emitted a strange light, so that neither of them dared to look directly, so they avoided his gaze.

Seeing this, Obito sneered in his heart and comforted the two of them: "Don't worry, you are my allies, and I will not use illusion to control you."

In fact, his pupil strength also has a limit, and he is not allowed to control several shadow-level powerhouses at the same time. Otherwise, he would have taken both of them long ago.

Danzo didn't speak, but in his eyes, there was a strong desire for Obito's kaleidoscope writing wheel.

He couldn't help imagining that if he could get this eye earlier, he would definitely cast an illusion on Sarutobi Hizen without hesitation, ordering the other party to give him the position of Hokage.

Orochimaru, like Danzo, also covets the power of Sharinyan, but combined with Obito's previous words and deeds, he came to a conclusion: Samsara's pupil power is stronger than Kaleidoscope Sharinyan.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru couldn't wait to get Nagato's body and eyes.

"Next, let's wait and see a good show."

After Obito gave Luo Sha the order to attack Yuren Village, he said expectantly.

For Obito now, war is just a game, and he doesn't care no matter how many people die. The big deal is to resurrect those people in the world of Infinite Monthly Reading.

Without his moral burden, he can do any bad things with peace of mind, and he is completely blackened.

152、Fourth Hokage Jiraiya

In the Land of Rain, Akatsuki's secret stronghold.

Yahiko's cold body lay in the coffin. On the bed next to him, Nagato also fell into a coma due to overdrawn chakra, and the whole person was as thin as a skeleton.

Countless pieces of paper flew from the outside and finally gathered together to form Xiao Nan's body.

She had been on guard outside the base just now, and after confirming that no enemy had found it, she returned to the room and took good care of Nagato.

Although the two were temporarily out of danger, Xiao Nan knew that they were not safe.

As Yahiko said before his death, Nagato was targeted, and at least three groups of people:

Five generations of water shadow dried persimmon ghost, Konoha rebel ninja group and Orochimaru, and a mysterious guy named Uchiha Obito.

If you continue to stay in the country of rain, it will undoubtedly be very unsafe. After Nagato wakes up, it is best to leave as soon as possible.

But then again, without strong enough strength, how can the huge ninja world be considered a truly safe place?

Thinking of this, Xiao Nan looked outside with a worried expression, and the rain outside the window was getting heavier.

Fire Country, Konoha Village.

Konoha has experienced the biggest storm since the village was built more than 40 years ago.

In the battle with Kiriyin Village, Konoha lost nearly 5,000 ninjas, and the native land was also destroyed by the dried persimmon ghost shark, which can be said to be a major defeat.

Known as the "strongest Hokage in history", the third generation of Sarutobi Hiizan, after signing a humiliating defeat treaty with Kirigakura, faced the angry condemnation of the Konoha crowd, and could only sadly announce his abdication, making the village enter the weakest period in history. period.

However, Konoha cannot live without Hokage.

So in the next period of time, around the four generations of Hokage, fierce competition was launched in the village.

Many families have sent representatives to campaign, and the number of candidates once reached more than 30 - this is a "grand event" that has never occurred in previous Naruto elections.

The reason why it has become like this is because the major families are very dissatisfied with the high-level Konoha.

Second, it was because some of the original strong candidates had an accident.

Orochimaru was originally a popular candidate for the fourth Hokage, but he defected with Danzo after he was exposed to the use of villagers and orphans to conduct human experiments;

Uchiha Fuyue and Hyuga Hizu also have a chance, but due to the failure of the attack on Kirigakushi, they became prisoners and have not been released yet;

Of all the candidates, Namikaze Minato is the most promising.

Before encountering the dried persimmon ghost shark, Minato was a yellow flash that traversed the major battlefields and never failed, shaking the entire ninja world. Coupled with the advantages of his appearance and character, he was once supported by many people.

But after losing to Oni, Minato's invincibility myth was shattered. And because he is a close associate of the "sinner" Sarutobi Hizan, it is inevitable that many people will suspect that he is the latter's puppet.

Therefore, as soon as Namikaze Minato participated in the election, he was boycotted by everyone. In desperation, he became the first candidate to withdraw.

And the rest, only a bunch of stinky fish and rotten shrimps, the various candidates basically refused to accept the other, and froze for a while.

It dragged on for a few days.

In the end, the fourth Hokage was selected, a person who was not on the candidate list, but was reasonable—

Come also.

Jiraiya was also a prodigal son and was not interested in the position of Hokage, so he never ran for election at first.

But now, in the autumn of life and death in Konoha Village, he is the only one left in the former Sannin, and he is the only one who can carry this banner.

Under Hiruzen Sarutobi's secret advice, the family of Koharu, Mito Kazuo, and Ishika Butterfly all fully supported Jiraiya. In addition, Miao Mushan also expressed his strong support for Jiraiya, and let Fukasaku and Zhihong and his wife assist him throughout the process.

The most important thing is Jiraiya's strength.

On that day, when the dried persimmon ghost shark attacked the Konoha mainland and no one could stop it, Jiraiya also stood up and used the immortal mode to repel the ghost shark, making the latter fearful.

The demeanor of Immortal Jiraiya was seen by many Konoha ninjas with their own eyes, and was recognized by everyone.

As Hokage, you must have enough power to protect the villagers.

So, despite some resistance, Jiraiya successfully became the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village.

On the day he took office, with the eloquence of the best-selling novelist, he delivered an exciting speech, which greatly boosted the morale of the villagers.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Jiraiya, Konoha began the difficult reconstruction work.

The good news is that Konoha suffered very few casualties to ordinary villagers in this war, almost negligible. Moreover, there is no direct economic loss, and the treasury has a lot of surplus.

In addition, Miao Mushan also sent a large number of toads to come, not only to help Konoha rebuild, but also to serve as an escort.

With the support of Miaomu Mountain Holy Land, Shayin, Yanyin, and Yunyin, who originally wanted to take advantage of Konoha's robbery, could only die, dispelling the idea of ​​launching a war against Konoha again.

Konoha was able to get through this most difficult period smoothly.

During this process, after the Great Toad Immortal Toad Maru spoke in person, Miao Mushan officially extended an olive branch to Konoha, and logically formed an alliance with the latter.

On the uniform of the Konoha Ninja, the original red swirl clan emblem has also been changed to the word "oil" of Miaomushan.

Just a few days.

The Konoha Village, which was devastated beyond recognition, was rebuilt. Although it is not as prosperous as before, it has managed to restore a little of the style of the first of the five great ninja villages.

The only thing that made Konoha people feel uncomfortable is Hokage Yanyan.

After the reconstruction of Hokage Rock, the statues of Hokage of all dynasties have disappeared, replaced by a huge head sculpture of a dried persimmon ghost shark.

That statue has neat short hair, a face cut with a knife and axe, three gills full of personality on each side of the cheek, slightly wrinkled brows, and sharp eyes.

Handsome and stylish.

Standing in front of this statue will make people feel small and have a strong sense of oppression.

The statue, standing on the former Hokage Rock like this, looked down on the Konoha Village below with a victorious attitude.

For Konoha, this is undoubtedly a huge shame, but it is the existence of this statue that allows Konoha to have the current peace.

Therefore, no matter how upset Konoha is, he can only endure it.

Another night.

Muye Village is brightly lit, and with the reopening of the night market, many shops have reopened, creating a lively scene. People seem to have forgotten the pain caused by the war.

"Yo, as expected of Konoha, the recovery ability is still quite strong."

The ghost shark flapped its wings and floated in the night sky. After he saw the statue on Hokage Rock from a distance, he was very satisfied. It seemed that Uchiha and the Hinata clan did not perfunctory and did what he ordered.

If so, let it go.

Thinking of this, the ghost shark took out Fuyue and Sunzu from the box of bliss, tied them with chakra strings, threw them down at a constant speed, and landed at the entrance of the village.

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