
The two guards in charge of standing guard immediately shouted sharply, and took out their weapons to block the man.

Konoha Ninja?

The eyes under Nagato's hood noticed the Konoha ninja guard on the other's forehead, and couldn't help but feel a moment of surprise.

But he soon realized that it was Konoha who controlled the current Yuren Village.


It seems that the weak country really has no dignity at all. Whether it is Obito, Orochimaru and others, or Shayin Village and Konoha Village, Yuren Village is regarded as a soft persimmon, and they are divided and kneaded at will.

However, from this moment on, this phenomenon will change.

Because he is back.

Thinking of this, Nagato's eyes turned cold. Facing the sharp questioning from the two guards, he didn't say a word, just stretched out his hands.

Vientiane God!


The strong gravitational force caused the two to leave their feet on the ground in a look of horror, and their bodies flew uncontrollably to Nagato's side, and he grabbed their necks with one hand each.

"Ten years ago, my parents were killed by the Konoha Village ninjas on this land. I have never forgotten this hatred. Now you are here again, but unfortunately I am no longer the weak me back then, I can only watch Watching you gang slaughter recklessly. I want you to go back and forth and pay the most painful price."

Nagato said word by word, his tone getting colder and colder, as indifferent and harsh as a god, and sentenced the death of the two.

"Wait, stop!"

Suddenly, a clear drink came from not far away, and Kakashi with white hair rushed to the scene.

But it's too late.

In other words, Nagato heard Kakashi's warning, but he chose to ignore it.

Click. Click.

Two crisp sounds of broken bones sounded one after another. Nagato strangled the two Konoha ninjas expressionlessly, then threw their bodies aside, splashing the water on the ground.

Then, he looked at Kakashi with a look of anger.

Kakashi looked very nervous, and his eyes were fixed on Nagato. Although he couldn't see the appearance of the other party hidden under the hood, judging from his clothes and the ability to display, this person is likely to be the disciple of Lord Jiraiya. .

Thinking of this, Kakashi took a deep breath and quickly said to Nagato:

"You are Nagato, right? Please don't get me wrong, Konoha is not your enemy. Yahiko and Konan have been rescued by us from Obito and are waiting for you to come back in the village. Lord Hokage Jiraiya also came to Yu in person. Shinobu Village. If you have any questions, you can ask him in person."


Hearing Kakashi's words, Nagato froze for a moment, feeling very surprised.

Yahiko and Konan, who were kidnapped by Obito, were saved? Teacher Jiraiya came to Yuren Village?

These two news caused violent fluctuations in his heart.

Nagato originally planned to kill Kakashi together, and then go to Rainin Village to destroy all the invaders. But now, he changed his mind and temporarily put away the killing intent in his heart.

"Yes, I am Nagato."

He replied calmly, and under Kakashi's gaze, he finally took off the hood that shrouded his head.


The moment Kakashi saw Nagato's true face, his pupils shrank.

The other party had two horns on his head, long red hair, and dark purple eyeshadow on his unusually pale face. But the most striking thing is the pair of eyes, which, like the rings of a tree, imply reincarnation.

"Lead the way."

It wasn't until Nagato's faint voice sounded again that Kakashi came back to his senses and hurriedly made a gesture of invitation to the former.

"plz follow me."

After he said this, he took Nagato, and the two walked into Yuren Village one after the other.

at the same time.

Jiraiya and others in the office also learned that Nagato had returned to Yuren Village.

"Nagato, you really came back."

Jiraiya muttered to himself and stood up from his chair, looking forward to seeing his disciple again after many years.

He instructed the Anbu ninja on the side, "Go and inform Yahiko and Konan", then walked out of the office first and went straight to the street.

Fengying Luosha's eyes flickered on the side, and she also got up and followed.

in a few minutes.

The two sides meet on the street.

Nagato saw from a distance a group of Konoha ninjas led by Jiraiya, and sandy ninjas led by Kazekage Luosha, but he did not find Yahiko and Konan in the crowd.

In his perception, there are still many Konoha and Sandyin ninjas lurking in the dark, slowly approaching him, forming a circle.

Nagato's eyes suddenly turned cold, he was vigilant, and stopped.

Zilai was also immersed in the joy of seeing his disciple. With a smile on his face, he walked towards the latter and extended his arms to express a warm welcome.

"Nagato, our master and apprentice finally meet again. It seems that you have learned the magic of Longdidong? Congratulations."

Jirai also noticed Nagato's appearance, and a certain degree of "snake transformation" occurred, very similar to the "frog transformation" when he practiced immortality.

"Teacher Jiraiya, please don't come over, just stand there."

Nagato said suddenly, looking a little indifferent, "I have a few questions to ask you before reminiscing."

"Uh, just ask."

Jiraiya suddenly became a little embarrassed, and he had to restrain the smile on his face and take Nagato's inquiry seriously as Hokage.

"Where's Yahiko and Xiaonan? That white-haired guy told me that they were saved by Konoha, wouldn't they lie to me?"

Nagato pointed at Kakashi beside him, looked at Jiraiya, and asked the first question.

"Of course he didn't lie to you. Three days ago, Konoha's yellow flashing wave Feng Minato entered Obito's pupil space by accident, found Yahiko and Konan there, and rescued them. I have sent people Go call them, the three of you will be reunited soon. Nagato, don't you even believe me?"

Jiraiya's eyes were sincere, and he told Nagato the whole story.

"Of course I believe you, teacher Jiraiya."

When Nagato heard the words, his expression softened a little, and he believed more than half of the news that Yahiko and Konan had been rescued.

However, in his opinion, Jirai didn't bring Yahiko and Xiaonan to see him for the first time. Most likely, he delayed deliberately and wanted to use the two as "hostages".


After realizing this, Nagato narrowed his eyes and continued to ask Jiraiya a second question:

"What is the purpose of Konoha coming to Yuren Village this time?"

Hearing this, Jiraiya was stunned for a moment, and then quickly replied: "Nagato, don't misunderstand. This action of our Konoha is only to arrest the rebel gang, that is, Uchiha Obito, Danzo also There are the three of Orochimaru. After the matter is over, all Konoha ninjas will withdraw from Yu Ninja Village, which I can promise you."

He knew that Nagato had never had a good impression of Konoha due to his childhood experiences. The latter, together with Yahiko and Xiaonan, founded the Akatsuki organization, also to guard their inner peace concept starting from the Land of Rain.

As a Konoha ninja, Jiraiya has always felt guilty for orphans like Nagato and three, which is why he stayed and taught the three in the first place.

to atone for sin.

Now, as Hokage, it is even more impossible for him to trample on the ideal of peace in Nagato's heart with the idea of ​​annexing Yunin Village.

In response to Jiraiya's answer, Nagato chuckled noncommittally before saying:

"The three people you want to arrest, Danzo has been eaten by the white snake in Longdi Cave due to his failure to cultivate immortality. As for Orochimaru and Obito, these two guys are my defeats, as long as I am in Yuren Village. , they wouldn't dare to appear around here. So, Teacher Jiraiya, if you want to arrest Renren, you shouldn't arrest them in the Land of Rain, you can leave now. What do you think?"

"Nagato, you mean..."

Zilai also frowned.

After reuniting with Nagato, during the conversation with this former disciple, Jirai gradually felt the strangeness and hostility emanating from the other party.

Nagato seems to be no longer the gentle, shy, innocent and kind boy he remembered.

"I mean very simply."

Nagato stared at Jiraiya, raising his voice so that everyone present could hear what he said next, "From now on, Yuren Village will be ruled by Akatsuki. And I will be the leader of this village."

When the words fell, everyone was obviously startled by Nagato's words. After the ninjas of Konoha and Sandyin came back to their senses, they whispered.

"Hmph, where did the kid come from, he really speaks wildly."

Without waiting for Jirai to respond, Fengying Luosha stood up, folded her arms across her chest, and announced with a strong attitude, "The current Yuren Village has been fully governed by Shayin, and it has become a de facto part of Shayin Village. Hidden territory. Regardless of whether Konoha withdraws or not, it is impossible for us Sand Hidden to leave here."

From Luo Sha's point of view, Nagato was Jiraiya's disciple, and when the two said these words in front of him, it was obvious that they were acting as a double reed, and they wanted to take Sha Yin away.

Once Sandyin leaves, Konoha can indirectly control Yuren Village through the so-called Akatsuki organization and gain maximum benefits.

Too bad he found out.

As an ambitious conspirator, how could Luo Sha give up the fat meat of Yuren Village. If he can win Yuren Village, he can further consolidate his position in Shayin Village and sit firmly on the throne of the four generations of Fengying.

"Then there's no way."

After hearing Luo Sha's words, Nagato shook his head, his eyes fell on the latter.

"Nagato, what are you doing?"

Zilai also realized that something was wrong, and was startled in his heart, and quickly said to stop, "Don't be impulsive, if there is anything you can sit down and talk about slowly..."

However, before he finished speaking, Nagato had already shot at Luo Sha.

Vientiane God!

Nagato stretched out a hand, sending out an irresistible strong gravitational force, which acted on Kazekage Luosha who was ten meters away.

He's ready to kill!

182. The Battle of Rainin Village

What kind of ninjutsu is this?

Luo Sha only felt an inexplicable suction acting on his whole body. It wasn't as simple as sucking him towards Nagato, but it made him lose control over his body, and even the seal could not be completed.

Ordinary people can only let Nagato be slaughtered by this trick.

Fortunately, when Luo Sha's Magnetic Escape Gold Gold Technique is activated, it does not completely rely on the seal, and these gold dusts also have the ability to automatically protect their masters.


Seeing that Luo Sha was about to fall into Nagato's hands, a large amount of gold dust appeared around his body, forming a sphere as tall as one person, protecting him.

Absolutely defensive.

However, Nagato just sneered, sucked the whole gold dust ball over, and then a black stick appeared in the other palm, and stabbed it towards the ball.

This black stick comes from the outsider golem, which is the sharpest weapon, not to mention, Nagato also attached a layer of fairy chakra to it to further strengthen its attack power.

Absolute defense? Just a joke.


Under everyone's shocked gaze, the black stick in Nagato's hand effortlessly penetrated the sand ball and stretched out from the ball at the other end.

The tip of the black stick, covered with thick blood, dropped drop by drop.

In the next second, the gold dust **** automatically disintegrated, losing the support of Luosha Chakra, and turning into a pile of ordinary sand, mixed with blood and falling to the ground.

As for Luo Sha himself, his entire abdomen was penetrated by a black stick, and the situation was very bad. He looked at Nagato with horror on his face, unable to believe that the other party had cracked his bloodline limit so easily.

You must know that he is the fourth generation of Kazekage. Looking at the entire ninja world, he is considered a top powerhouse, and he will be killed by an unknown junior.

The power of Nagato is beyond Luo Sha's cognition.

"Master Fengying!"

Seeing this scene, a group of sandy ninjas not far away exclaimed that they wanted to rush over to save the car, but one person was faster than them and killed Nagato first.

It is Jiraiya.

"Nagato, stop it!"

Jiraiya looked shocked and angry, and a long white hair shot out, wrapping around Nagato's arm, trying to stop the latter. If Nagato killed Luo Sha here, there would be absolutely no room for recovery.

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