The babies born on Kirigakin's side are indeed inferior to Konoha's "luxury lineup", but there are also rare geniuses such as Gaara and Guideng Suizuki.

It is worth mentioning that the snow girl once summoned the courage to ask the ghost shark, hoping to have a child for him.

The ghost shark had no opinion, and readily agreed, but the two of them had been busy for a whole year, and they were not able to conceive.

At first, Xue Nu thought it was her own problem, but after looking for Tsunade worriedly, the latter pointed out unceremoniously, "It's the dried persimmon ghost shark."

It turned out that the ghost shark has lost its fertility in the process of continuous evolution in recent years.

In other words, compared with ordinary people today, he can no longer be regarded as the same species, so the phenomenon of reproductive isolation has occurred.

After the ghost shark learned the news, he was not disappointed in his heart, because he had always regarded things like reproduction as a dispensable, and it was an indifferent attitude.

It's just that Xue Nu was disappointed, and the ghost shark felt very guilty about it, and didn't know how to make up for her.

Unexpectedly, Xue Nu quickly looked away, but instead smiled to comfort the ghost shark. She said, on the bright side, at least in the future, I can enjoy the life of the two to the fullest.

The ghost shark also felt that it made sense, so according to Xue Nu's intentions, she lived an increasingly shameless life with her.

While continuing to enjoy life, the ghost shark did not forget to do business.

Wetbone forest bottom.

The progress of Kun's absorption of natural energy is much faster than Gui Shi expected. It was originally expected to take three to five years. Now it seems that it can be completed in advance with only one year left.

In other words, after a year, the ghost shark can become the legendary six-level creature.

On this day, Tsunade, who had not seen each other for a long time, came to the Shuiying Building and knocked on the door of the Shuiying office.

"Come in." A ghost shark's voice came from inside.


Tsunade pushed the door and entered, frowning as soon as she entered, because she found that all the curtains in the office were drawn and it was pitch black.

It turned out that the ghost shark was leaning back on the sofa, turned on the projector, and watched a movie with relish.

"Oh? You came just in time."

Seeing Tsunade, Gui Sharma waved to her and said with great interest, "Remember the movie we made before, that "Shark on the Beach". Although the death of Mr. Fuji caused the movie The release time of the film is still far away, but Director Yamamoto still cut the film and sent me a copy. Don’t say it, it’s pretty good.”

Tsunade was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and a little curious in his heart. He walked to the ghost shark without saying a word, and sat down on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed.

As a result, as soon as she came, she saw that the plot just progressed to the arrogant villain played by Ghost Shark, who defeated the protagonist Fuji, and took her, the heroine, into his arms.

The ghost shark on the screen showed the iconic villain smile, while Tsunade in his arms, while struggling, blushed slightly and looked very shy.

"Tsk tsk, our acting skills are really indistinguishable, each has its own merits..."

The ghost shark saw this scene and commented from a professional point of view.

But Tsunade's face darkened, he got up and walked to the projector, turned off the power with a snap, then walked to the window again, and opened the curtains with a "swoosh".

The autumn afternoon sun shines in, filling the office floor with a golden hue.

"What's wrong?" Ghost Shark looked surprised.

Tsunade walked in front of the ghost, looked down at him sitting on the sofa, and said in a cold tone: "I have already established the Kirigakushi medical ninja system you requested. I will bring the mute system in the morning tomorrow. Leave Wuyin Village."


The ghost shark was a little surprised. I didn't expect Tsunade to work so efficiently. It seems that she has worked overtime for more than a year. It can be said that she has really put in her hard work.

"Are you in such a hurry to leave? Why don't you stay in Wuyin Village for a while? You know, you can stay here as long as you want." Ghost Shark pretended to be holding back.

"Hehe, who wants to see you guy all day long."

Tsunade smiled contemptuously, disgusting and disgusting ghost sharks as always.

"Okay, it's up to you. But let me take the liberty to ask, where do you plan to go in the future, will you return to Konoha to meet your old lover Zilai?"

The ghost shark lay back indifferently, leaning on the sofa and asked lazily.

"I repeat, I have nothing to do with that lascivious guy, stop your rumors quickly."

Tsunade glared at the ghost shark, looking very angry.

In fact, her heart was full of emptiness and confusion at this time. Because she didn't know where to go and what to do next.

Ever since she learned the truth about Konoha's high-level use of Hakuma cells for human experiments and the suppression of the Senju family, Tsunade has long been completely disappointed in Konoha, so she can't go back.

In contrast, Kiriyin has changed a lot in the past two years, and has developed very well, and the villagers and ninjas in the village respect her very much.

Perhaps even Tsunade herself didn't realize that, before she knew it, she had developed some feelings for this village and the people here.

Unfortunately, the only thing that made her feel uncomfortable was the ghost shark.

With the arrogant character in Tsunade's bones, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to say that he wants to stay in front of the ghost, not to mention that the ghost doesn't seem to have a strong will to keep her.

So, whether it was out of self-esteem or simply hating the ghost shark, she had to leave.

So Tsunade didn't say anything, and saw that she took off the medical minister's ID tag from her neck, took off her white coat, and put it on the desk together.

Then, he strode on high heels and walked out of the office.

"and many more."

At this moment, Ghost Shark's heart moved, and suddenly his figure flashed, blocking Tsunade in front of him.

"Is there anything else?" Tsunade frowned and stared at the ghost shark with a displeased expression.

"I just want to say, thank you for your dedication to Wuyin Village in the past two years. As Shuiying, I have to give you a parting gift no matter what. I can't let you leave empty-handed."

The ghost shark said with a smile.

"No need." Tsunade didn't intend to appreciate it, he replied coldly, and wanted to bypass the ghost shark and go out the door.

However, the ghost shark was very persistent, directly blocking the door with a strong body, and continued:

"Don't be too busy to refuse. The thing I want to give you is in the Wet Bone Forest, you might as well see it first. In addition, you haven't visited the live gnat for a long time. It has been talking about you recently and misses you very much. ah."

Tsunade heard Ghost Shark say this, and then she remembered that she hadn't been to Shigulin for a long time.

So, her brows finally eased, and she nodded reluctantly, reluctantly accepting the ghost shark's invitation.

Ten minutes later, the two came to the Shibone Forest.

"what is that?"

Tsunade was surprised when she came, because she saw a towering tree more than 100 meters high in the open space beside the hot spring lake.

The trunk of that big tree was thick enough to be hugged by dozens of people, and the branches and leaves were even more lush, covering most of the Shitbone Forest, making the once pale Shitbone Forest full of lush greenery.

Yes. Although it was late autumn at this time, the trees were yellow and everything withered, but the leaves of this big tree did not turn yellow or fall at all, but were evergreen throughout the year.

Just when Tsunade raised his head and looked at this magnificent tree, the ghost shark came up:

"I moved this big tree a year ago from Taki Ninja Village. Don't look at me with that kind of eyes. I didn't rob it. It's the ninjas in Taki Ninja Village who don't talk about Ninja first. They attacked me in the middle of the night and tried to kill me. After I was forced to fight back, I took this big tree."


Tsunade rolled his eyes, having heard enough of the ghost shark's nonsense.

"You may not believe it when you say it. I am afraid that this tree has a deep connection with the bloodline of your Qianshou clan and the boundary of Mu Dun's blood."

Seeing Tsunade's disapproval, the ghost shark said mysteriously,

She was stunned for a moment, her eyes were suspicious, and she was obviously aroused by ghost sharks.

"Come with me and show you something good." The ghost shark smiled and walked towards the big tree first.

Soon, the two came to the bottom of the big tree one after the other, and at such a close distance, they could more intuitively feel how spectacular it was.


I saw the ghost shark snapped its fingers, and a tree hole as tall as a person automatically appeared on the trunk of the big tree, extending all the way to the depths of the tree.

The ghost shark strode in, Tsunade frowned, and followed closely behind. She wanted to see what the good things the ghost shark said.

Passing through the long tree hole, the two finally came to the heart of the tree - here is a wooden house with wall lamps.

The wooden house is very empty, and there is almost nothing. The most noticeable thing is a fist-sized hole above the ceiling. Drops of translucent liquid continue to flow out, all of which are caught by a gourd hanging below.

The ghost shark took off the gourd, shook it in his hand, nodded and said, "Well, it's full so soon."

"What's in here?"

Tsunade was clearly curious, but he asked casually.

"The water of heroes. It is the essence of this big tree that only flows out every hundred years, but in the Shibone Forest, the natural energy is a hundred times more intense than the outside world, so it doesn't take that long, and one year is enough to install it. It's full."

While talking, the ghost shark handed the gourd to Tsunade, "It is said that after drinking the hero's water, the chakra in the human body can skyrocket more than ten times."

This bottle of hero water can help Tsunade's bloodline evolve into a real fairy body faster.

"There is such a good thing, don't you keep it?"

Tsunade narrowed his eyes, instead of picking up the gourd, he looked at the ghost shark suspiciously.

"The chakra in my body is too huge, and the effect of the hero's water on me is already minimal. After you drink it, it should not increase tenfold, but I estimate that doubling the chakra is not a problem. ."

The ghost shark said truthfully, and pretended a little invisibly.

Tsunade heard the words, and then took the gourd. After hesitating for a while, he raised his neck and drank it in front of the ghost shark.

"So hot…"

Soon, she felt hot and dry, and a surging energy rushed through the meridians in her body, flooding and flowing like a flood.

The blue steam escaped outside Tsunade, making her look as if she had opened the eight-door Dunjia.

"Why do I feel... dizzy..."

She staggered, barely standing still, grabbed the collar of the ghost shark, and questioned him.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that this heroic water also has side effects, and it is somewhat poisonous, but with your immortal body, it shouldn't be a problem to carry it."

The ghost shark just remembered this.

His voice just fell.

"You..." Tsunade's eyes widened, and she felt a whirlwind. The toxins of the Hero's Water attacked her nerves, causing her to faint on the spot.

Fortunately, the ghost shark was quick-witted and hugged Tsunade, not letting her face touch the ground.

Really soft, softer than Snow Maiden.

The ghost shark sighed in his heart.

As a gentleman, he didn't take the opportunity to take advantage of Tsunade, but hugged her with one hand, made a seal with the other, and a wooden bed rose from the ground. Then, the ghost shark put Tsunade on the bed, leaving her here to absorb the energy of the heroic water, and then walked out of the wooden house.

I do not know how long it has been.

In the wooden house, Tsunade Yoyo woke up.

"Well..." She let out a groan, stood up with her forehead, and got off the bed.

Although she was still dizzy, she could also feel that the Chakra in her body had indeed doubled as the ghost shark said.

What about that guy?

She frowned and walked out of the cabin.

However, just when Tsunade walked to the entrance of the tree hole, she suddenly heard the ghost shark and the live scorpion talking about something not far away.

With a move in her heart, she stopped, instead of showing up for the first time, she secretly sounded.

As a result, the content of the conversation between the two surprised Tsunade.

It sounds like the ghost shark has been looking for a suitable "human pillar force" candidate for the living scorpion this year, so that the latter can be possessed by the human ninja like a tailed beast.

The purpose of doing this is to help the live gnat leave the Shibone Forest and gain freedom.

What surprised Tsunade even more was that the candidate that Gui Shark and Huo Hao were discussing was her.

"No, Tsunade is not suitable. That woman is short-tempered and irritable, often yelling, and you are gentle and demure, and understanding, and she is two extremes. If you live chakra and consciousness to her In the body, I will definitely be bullied by her, I can't see such a thing happen."

The ghost shark said righteously to the living scorpion.

Over the past year, he has run to the Wet Bone Forest when he has nothing to do. On the one hand, it is to observe the situation of the main body "Kun", and the other purpose is to get close to the living scorpion and enhance the relationship between each other.

Ghost sharks are not busy.

The relationship between him and Huobi now is more than a friend and less than a lover. If you work harder, maybe you can achieve a positive result.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Oni Shark to allow Tsunade to ruin his good deeds.

It's a pity that ghost sharks also stumble. He didn't know that Tsunade had heard what he said just now.

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