"A crisis has been successfully resolved. This is the result of the cooperation between Konoha and Kirikin. Long live peace!"

The ghost shark raised his arms and shouted a slogan, and in the stunned look of Konoha Ninja, he hugged Tsunade again.

In the next second, a pair of black wings spread out from behind him, lifted the two of them off the ground, and flew into the sky.


The ghost shark took Tsunade and slipped away, leaving behind the messy Konoha and the complicated Konoha crowd.

After a minute.

Ghost shark and Tsunade landed in a wood on the outskirts of Konoha Village.

Tsunade folded his arms around his chest and turned his head away without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

The ghost shark was very sensible and didn't bother her anymore, but walked to a large rock next to her and sat down.

After waiting for a while.

There was a sound of "Xixi Suo Suo" in the woods, and then, Snake Princess appeared. Along with her, there was a yellow-haired woman in a nun's uniform, and a white-haired boy.

It's the person the ghost shark wants. It's just that the two of them looked reluctant, because they were both **** with ropes, and their eyes were full of hostility.

"You are... Five generations of Mizukage? And Tsunade-sama, why are you here? Could it be that you are in a group with this woman?"

Ye Naiyu was shocked and surprised when he saw the ghost shark and Tsunade.

Not to mention the dried persimmon ghost shark, the famous demigod of the ninja world, everyone in the whole ninja world knows it. Especially the Konoha ninja, there is no one who does not know the ghost shark. After all, his statue stands on the Hokage Rock and can be seen every day when you look up.

And Tsunade, as the medical saint of the ninja world, is the object of worship for medical ninjas like No Naiyu.

Ye Naiyu never expected that the mysterious woman who kidnapped her and Dou was actually sent by Shuiying. What was the purpose of the other party?

Tou didn't speak, and his face showed a calmness that didn't match his age. Although he was tied with a rope and had no fighting ability, he still moved quietly in front of No Naiyu and used his body as a meat shield to protect her.

"I know you have a lot of doubts in your hearts. However, I'll explain it to you slowly after returning to Wuyin Village."

The ghost shark showed a smile, walked to Ye Naiyu and Dou's side, and put them in the box of bliss under the suspicious eyes of the two.

Then, the ghost shark looked at the snake princess on the side and praised her: "You have worked hard this time. After you go back, I will teach you the red beans and pockets of the hand wash, and add two more talents to the fog. As for the pharmacist Ye Naiyu. , let her follow Tsunade."

Saying that, he glanced at Tsunade again.

"Excuse me…"

Snake Ji hesitated for a moment, but asked curiously, "Lord Mizukage, Lord Tsunade, are you two really together?"

She was also surprised by this.

As a close friend of Tsunade for many years, with Snake Princess (Orochimaru)'s understanding of the former, it is hard to believe that Tsunade would like this type of man.

"none of your business?"

Tsunade finally spoke, staring at Snake Princess, his eyes flashed, "Instead of caring about this kind of thing, let's talk about it, who are you?"

As soon as these words came out, She Ji's face changed suddenly, she smiled embarrassingly, and then she stepped aside and remained silent.

It seemed that Tsunade had already guessed her true identity, and the reason why she didn't reveal it was because she didn't want to embarrass each other.

"Just take it for real!"

The ghost shark interjected at the right time and let out a haha.

In his opinion, Tsunade is almost forty years old anyway, and it is estimated that his life will be the same as in the original book.

Besides, if she really doesn't want to be "Mrs. Shuiying", or if she really has someone she likes, she can "divorce" the ghost shark at that time.


Tsunade let out a characteristic cold snort, and didn't want to care about the ghost shark at all, and walked forward first, embarking on a journey back to the fog.

Behind her, Ghost Shark and Snake Ji looked at each other and followed.

A few days later, the three returned to Wuyin.

During this period, the news that Tsunade had become "Mrs. Mizukage" had already been passed back to Kiriyin Village and spread throughout the Ninja World.

The ninjas and villagers in Kirigakushi were very excited about this, because in the eyes of everyone, Tsunade-sama and Oni-sama were such a good match.

Therefore, as soon as the three of them returned to the village, many villagers greeted them, surrounded the street, and sent various gifts and blessings to the ghost shark and Tsunade.

"Did you arrange this too?"

Tsunade glared at the ghost shark with sharp eyes, then pushed away the crowd with a sullen face, and left under the puzzled eyes of others.

"what happened?"

"Did Tsunade-sama and Oni-sama quarrel? It's normal for couples to have conflicts."

There was a lot of discussion.

"It's all gone, let's go back to our own homes, what are you going to do?"

The ghost shark waved his hand and signaled the crowd to stop booing and let the crowd disperse. Then, he separated from Snake Ji and went home to rest.

A few more days passed.

In the past few days, thanks to the efforts of the ghost shark and the snake princess, the ideological work of Mitarai Red Bean, Tou and Ye Naiyu has been completed relatively smoothly.

Red Bean is still the same as before, and continues to be Orochimaru's favorite disciple. It's just that she has more pockets for this little junior brother.

The pharmacist Ye Naiyu was forced into the medical department by the ghost shark and gave it to Tsunade as his subordinate.

Although Tsunade hated ghost sharks, he did not take anger at Ye Naiyu and slapped his face. Because when she was still in Konoha, she heard about the deeds of the orphanage director.

And Ye Naiyu, out of admiration for Tsunade, quickly accepted his situation and this new job.

As for Dou, he was originally an orphan, and he always followed Ye Naiyu, not Konoha. Therefore, he did not have any troubles about changing his identity to become a member of Mist.

Then the next step is to deal with the nine tails.

To be more precise, the number of tailed beasts in the hands of the ghost shark now has reached five, more than the sum of the tailed beasts owned by the other major ninja villages.

In addition to the Miyoshi Fusushi and the six-tailed rhinoceros originally owned by Kirigakura, the ghost shark captured Shigeaki Nanao in Taki Ninja Village, and obtained the tea kettle that sealed the one-tailed Morizuru from Kagura, plus the newly acquired Half nine tails.

Since the energy required by the ghost shark's body "Kun" to evolve to the sixth level is already enough, the tailed beast is just icing on the cake for him, and it is not so critical.

So he decided to let these tailed beasts in his hand play a greater role.

Soon, the ghost shark had an idea.

He intends to use these tailed beasts to cultivate a human column force, and use them to replace the "Seven Ninja Swordsmen" that Kirigak once used to be.

In fact, the five tailed beasts that Kirigakura already owns are not enough for the ghost shark. Since he wants to play, he will play a bigger game. His ambition is to get the remaining four-tailed beasts and transplant them all into the body of the Kirigakushi ninja. .

This plan was named the "Nine Pillar Force" plan by the ghost shark.

No, not right.

And live gnats.

The power of the living gnat is still higher than that of the nine tailed beasts. If its human pillar strength is also included, the full name of this plan should be called the "Ten Pillar Force" plan.

A village with ten tailed orcs pillar power at the same time, how powerful that would be, it is exciting to think about it.

As for the candidates for the one to nine tails and the living scorpion Zhuli, after some consideration, the ghost shark also has an initial plan.

First of all, Ichiao Morizuru must be transplanted into Gaara's body. Its ability and the latter's sand are a perfect match. Combined, the two can exert a very powerful fighting power.

Next is Isofuke Mio.

The one that best matches the attributes of this big tortoise is undoubtedly the Bai of the Xue clan. If the latter's Ice Escape Bloodline Boundary can be boosted by Jifu Chakra, its power will be extremely terrifying.

The tricky thing is that the current three-tailed man is Rin Nohara. How to transfer Isofu in her body to Shiro's body without killing Lin is a problem that the ghost shark needs to solve.

Then there's the six-tailed rhino.

Needless to say, this tailed beast, as a slug, its acid solution and Terumi Mei's dissolution are the strongest combination. You just need to prepare Terumi Mei for the transplant.


The next seven-tailed Shigeaki, and the nine-tailed demon fox's Zhuli candidate, made the ghost shark frown and thought about it for a long time.

221. Ceremony

Nanao Shigeaki.

This tailed beast is a combination of a beetle and a dragonfly. The hard shell provided by the former makes it super defensive, and the wings of the latter make it capable of flying.

Moreover, relying on the scale powder released from the body, Chongming can also confuse the enemy's sight, thereby making himself invisible.

In addition, among the nine tailed beasts, Chongming ranked third after the nine tails and the eight tails in terms of chakra volume.

In the ghost shark's view, although the presence of Nanao Shigeaki in the original work is close to zero, far from being as dazzling as Yawei and Jiuwei, its overall strength is not much worse than those two.


As long as there is a suitable candidate, he can harness the power of Zhongming and become the perfect person. Then, Kiriyin can have a powerful combat power of the same level as Kirabi and Naruto Uzumaki in the original time and space.

Who is that person?

Shige Ming's person in the original book, Zhu Li, is Fu, the daughter of Mikiko, who is in Kiriyin Village at this time.

However, frankly speaking, Fu's talent and potential may be second to none in a small ninja village like Taki Ninja Village, but in the entire ninja world, it is still a little mediocre.

Moreover, the ghost shark also had an in-depth discussion with Mikiko. As a mother, she does not want Fu to become a human pillar, but only wants her daughter to grow up safely and live happily like an ordinary person.

So, after thinking about it, the ghost shark found Kagura again, and had a frank and in-depth conversation with her all night, and finally succeeded in persuading Kagura.

He not only persuaded Kagura to make his youngest son Gaara a one-tailed person, but also planned to make his eldest daughter Temari a Nano-ren Zhuri.

Temari, as Gaara's older sister, has a first-class talent for wind escape ninjutsu. If she can get the power of Chongming, she can ride the wind and become a wind spirit soaring in the sky.

The ghost shark promises Kagura that Kirikin will never monitor or even imprison Ren Zhuli like other Shinobi villages, but will take care of Gaara and Temari and give them the greatest degree of freedom.

As Mizukage, he will also personally train Gaara and Temari, and help the two coordinate their relationship with the tailed beast in the body, so that when the siblings grow up, they have the hope of becoming the perfect human Zhuli.

Finally, there are the nine tails.

Although there are only half of the nine tails in the hands of the ghost shark, its chakra amount is close to infinite in the perception of human ninjas, so there is not much difference between a half and a whole.

The nine tails in the original book were split into two by Minato Minato, half of which was sealed with a corpse and sealed in the belly of the **** of death, and the other half was implanted into his son Naruto's body with a seal of four elephants.

In other words, Naruto relied on the half nine tails in his body to fight the world from beginning to end, and he never lacked chakra.

The ghost shark met the seventh class from the future in Loulan not long ago. At that time, Naruto had become the nine-tailed man Zhuli.

Therefore, according to Ghost Shark's analysis, Uzumaki Kushina should not live for a few years. After she dies, the nine tails in her body will be implanted in her son Naruto's body, just like in the original book.

The difference is that the other half of the nine-tails are no longer in the belly of Death, but can create another nine-tailed human pillar force.

Double Nine-Tailed Human Pillar Power.

Among the nine big-tailed beasts, only the nine-tailed with the largest amount of chakra can do such a toss.

The ghost shark couldn't help but imagine, what kind of scene would it be if Konoha and Kiriyin's two nine-tailed people Zhuli met on the battlefield and fought?

That scene is bound to be beautiful.

However, Ghost Shark realized that he had to make sure one thing: Kiriyuki's Nine-Tailed Man Zhuri would not lose to Uzumaki Naruto. Because no matter who the two nine-tailed people Zhuli are defeated, half of the nine-tails in their body may take the opportunity to defect and run into another person's body.

At that time, the most powerful Nine-Tails Pillar Force in history may be born.

Now the question is, who is the candidate for Kirikin to compete with Naruto Uzumaki, the son of prophecy?

"Are you interested in becoming the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli?"

The ghost shark found Tsunade directly and asked straight to the point.

In his opinion, no one is more suitable than Tsunade.

The nine-tailed people Zhuli of all dynasties are all ninjas of the Uzumaki clan with a huge amount of chakra, and the Qianshou clan and the Uzumaki clan to which Tsunade belongs are distant relatives, both descendants of Asura, the second son of the Six Path Immortals.

Now Tsunade's bloodline has returned to his ancestors, and he has an immortal body that is close to his ancestor Ashura.

Not to mention, Tsunade has also mastered the wooden scorpion, and he can control the nine tails through various sealing ninjutsu, making them obedient.

Therefore, the ghost shark couldn't be more relieved to transplant these half nine tails into Tsunade's body.

"Why did you choose me?"

In the face of the ghost shark's proposal, Tsunade folded his arms and asked back with a wary expression. She didn't believe that the ghost shark would give her half of the nine tails for nothing.

"It's very simple, your immortal body and wooden scorpion ability determine that you are the most perfect nine-tailed person."

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