What a terrible man.

Just when the nine tails were trembling with fear, the phantom behind the ghost shark quietly disappeared again, as if it had never appeared.

"Kiuwei, wait to witness a brand new era, an era that belongs to my dried persimmon ghost shark. You should be lucky to have a place for you in that era."

After the ghost shark successfully frightened the nine tails, he finally said his true purpose this time, "Your best destiny is to stay in Junmalu's body honestly and help him become a perfect human pillar. At that time, he will also help you defeat Konoha's nine-tailed man Zhuri and get back your other half's chakra. If you don't want to do that..."

Having said this, the ghost shark paused for a while, showing a stern smile, and the two rows of fangs glowed with a cold light: "The only fate waiting for you is to be swallowed by my body and become the nourishment for my evolution."

When the voice fell, Jiuwei turned around and walked away with a look of horror on his face.

After the ghost shark left.

Nine tails slowly released the claws that grabbed the iron fence, and sat on the ground with a "bang", and did not recover for a long time.

a few days later.

After placing the five-tailed beasts in his hands, the ghost shark's eyes focused on the remaining four, which were the fourth and fifth tails of Yanyin Village and the second and eight tails of Yunying Village.

Therefore, he ordered people to collect information on Zhuli, the two major ninja villagers, and was ready to dispatch at any time.

However, at this time, a sudden situation occurred, causing the Ninja world, which had been quiet for almost two years, to cause huge waves again.

Water Shadow Office.

"Lord Mizuying, this is a letter sent from Yuyin Village and written by Yuying Nagato himself." Ye Cang held a letter in both hands and handed it to the ghost shark.


The ghost shark raised his eyebrows, and Nagato wrote him a letter at this time, which he did not expect. What is the other party's purpose?

He opened the letter and read it with great interest. In the process, his expression quickly became surprised, and he said to himself: "Interesting, really funny."


After the ghost shark read it, he threw the letter on the table. Seeing Ye Cang's curious expression, but he didn't dare to ask, he smiled and said:

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that Nagato invited me, the water shadow, to participate in the Five Shadows Conference."

"Five Shadows... Conference?"

When Ye Cang heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered.

The Five Shadows Conference is a discussion mechanism between the highest levels of the five ninja villages in the ninja world. Its role is to convene when there are major conflicts between the major Ninja villages, or when important decisions are to be made. Usually, it will be accompanied by a series of open and secret fights and intrigues.

Its origins can be traced back to the early days of the Shinobi Village era. At the call of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, the first Five Shadows Conference was held.

At that meeting, Senju Hasramama distributed the nine-tailed beasts he caught according to the remuneration paid by the villages. Due to the existence of the tailed beast, the major ninja villages were jealous of each other, and finally stopped the war and ushered in a period of peace.

In the original time and space, the second Five Shadow Conference was held.

It can be seen that every Five Shadows Conference is held for peace, and in the end, it has a profound impact on the ninja world.

"If you have anything to say, feel free to say it."

Seeing that Ye Cang was thinking, the ghost shark asked.

"I don't understand, what is the reason for Yuyin Nagato to hold the Five Shadows Conference?"

Ye Cang frowned slightly, and expressed his doubts, "Although the current ninja world is not so peaceful, there are no major wars and conflicts, and it is not enough to hold this meeting at all."

"You are right. However, Nagato posed himself as the son of prophecy in this letter, claiming that he had found a way to make the ninja world no longer have any disputes and achieve permanent peace. As for the specific details, he It will be announced in person at the conference table of the Five Shadows Conference."

The ghost shark tapped the table with his fingers, and while saying to Ye Cang, he also guessed in his mind what the method Nagato said was.

Speaking of which, the last time he fought Nagato, he had already told him that the real son of prophecy was Naruto Uzumaki. Now, Nagato still doesn't want to believe this fact.

"Then... Mistress Shuiying, what is your response, are you going to participate?" Ye Cang asked.

"Hehe, don't worry."

The ghost shark smiled and explained, "The initiator of the Five Shadows Conference must have strong strength, profound qualifications, and high prestige at the same time. Only if these conditions are met, the Five Shadows can be summoned. Although Nagato's strength is no problem , but as the newly appointed Yuying, he is still too young. And... he asked the shadows of the major Ninja villages to go to the place where they will participate in the Five Shadows Conference, which is Yuyin Village."

Generally speaking, in order to reflect fairness and justice, the venue of the Five Shadows Conference will not choose any of the five Ninja Villages, but a neutral country.

Nagato used Yuyin Village as the meeting place, and made it clear that it was telling the shadows of the villages that you did not come to have a meeting with me, but to listen to my meeting for you.

Who can accept such an arrogant attitude?

As expected, the ghost shark.

In addition to him, Hokage Jiraiya, Tsuchikage Onogi and Raikage Ai all received Nagato's letters at about the same time.

But none of the filmmakers wanted to go.

The ghost shark directly chose to ignore it and didn't even reply to a letter. Jiraiya replied to Nagato, expressing a tactful refusal.

The old-fashioned Onogi and the grumpy Ai each replied to Nagato to lecture and ridicule Nagato.

A few more days passed.

"It seems that the Five Shadows Conference cannot be held this time."

After Ye Cang reported the information collected to the ghost shark, he sighed with emotion.

As Ghost Shark's secretary, she did not recommend him to participate in this kind of meeting. Because the current Wuyin Village is still blocked by the major Ninja villages, the ghost shark himself is also wanted by the damingfu of various countries. If he goes to the meeting, he will definitely be boycotted and targeted by others.

"It's the same sentence, don't rush to a conclusion, the good show might just start now."

The ghost shark smiled meaningfully, with a look of anticipation on his face.

Rainy Village.

In the gloomy and dark sky, countless fine raindrops fell, forming a hazy rain curtain that shrouded the village all year round.

In the center of the village, on the tallest tower, Nagato stands here. While drenched in the rain, he looked down at the entire Yuyin Village, his reincarnation eyes were quiet and deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, Xiao Nan came over.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally said to Nagato truthfully: "The four shadows have rejected your invitation. Nagato, are we in a little hurry, or...let's wait a few more years."

"As early as I expected."

Nagato looked back, not seeming to be surprised at all, but said calmly, "In this case, in order to show enough sincerity, then I will visit them one by one."

After speaking, a sneer slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Xiao Nan, you and Yahiko are going to prepare the venue, I will be back soon."

Nagato gave Xiao Nan a command, and then his feet lifted off the ground. He looked left and right, and finally flew towards the north, Yanyin Village, which was the closest to Yuyin.

Xiao Nan looked at Nagato's disappearing figure, and there was not only a little worry in his eyebrows.

"Xiao Nan, trust Nagato."

Yahiko appeared from the side, put his arms around Xiaonan's shoulders, and said with burning eyes, "His power has reached the strongest in history, even surpassing that of the **** of ninjas. From today, under the leadership of Nagato. , the era of Akatsuki has come. Peace has come."


Xiaonan muttered in his mouth, his eyes became firm again, and he was full of confidence in Nagato and the future.

after one day.

Nagato visited Iwagakura in his own way.

The final result was that Tsuchikage Onogi was defeated in the process of fighting Nagato, and two people in the village, Zhuli, Lao Zi and Han, were also taken away by Nagato and became hostages.

Just two days later, Nagato visited Yunying Village again in the same way, defeated Raikage Ai, and knocked out the two-tailed man Zhuli Yumu and the eight-tailed man Zhuli Riki, and took them away.

When the news came out, the world of ninja was shaken up.

The remaining Konoha and Kiriyin villages in the Four Great Ninja Villages created a huge panic.

223. Trends of all parties

The legendary "son of prophecy" Nagato.

In just a few days, he went through the two Ninja villages of Yanyin and Yunyin alone, and with absolute force, kidnapped the four famous people of the two major Ninja villages.

After that, Tsuchikage Onoki and Raikage Ai changed their previous attitudes and were completely overwhelmed. The two announced that they would go to Yuyin Village to participate in the Five Shadows Conference initiated by Nagato.

When the news reached Konoha, the entire village was in chaos from top to bottom, and panic spread throughout the village. After all, Nagato was the man who wiped out Sandyin Village with his own hands.

His next target is undoubtedly Konoha, and Konoha's nine-tailed man Zhuli.

Under such circumstances, the Fourth Hokage Jiraiya immediately announced that the village had entered a wartime state, and held a high-level meeting of Konoha overnight.

Early the next morning, Konoha announced to the public that he would unconditionally support the Five Shadows Conference proposed by Nagato, and would do his best to cooperate with all the demands of the Son of Prophecy.

Konoha begged for mercy.

Although it was very humiliating, luckily, the village and Jiuwei were saved without the footsteps of Bu Yanyin and Yunyin.

As a result, among the major Shinobi villages, only the Hidden Kirishima on the other side of the sea did not make a statement.

At this time, the eyes of the entire ninja world turned to Kiriyin, waiting for the response from the Mizukage dried persimmon shark.

During the Third Ninja World War, before Nagato was born, Oni Shark was the most dazzling existence on the battlefield of the Ninja World. He rose like a comet, killed Hanzo, defeated Konoha, and unified the country of water, and was known as the new demigod in the ninja world.

Although the ghost shark has since kept a low profile and the limelight has been overshadowed by Nagato, no one has ever questioned his strength.

Ghost shark and Nagato, the two are similar in age and strength, so they are called "Double God of Ninja World" by many people, and there are countless people looking forward to it. Real God.

Now, the time seems to have come.

Many people believe that with the domineering character and behavior of the dry persimmon ghost shark, he will definitely not submit to Nagato like other Shinobi villages, but will choose to be tough to the end.

In other words, Nagato and Oni Shark will soon have a world-shattering battle.

However, what is disappointing is that just one day after Konoha's statement, Kirigakushi also made a statement, welcoming the holding of the Five Shadows Conference.

The water shadow ghost shark will answer the call of the Son of Prophecy.

However, I don’t know if it’s to save some face. While agreeing to participate in the Five Shadows Conference, Ghost Shark also put forward a request, that is:

The rules of the Five Shadows Conference cannot be broken. The venue of the conference must leave Yuyin Village and change to a neutral country.

If Nagato did not agree to this request, Kirigakura would refuse to attend.

When the news came out, the eyes of the entire ninja world turned to Yuyin again, waiting for Nagato to respond.

Will he agree to the ghost shark's request, or will he choose to continue to be tough and kill the Wuyin Village to force the ghost shark to submit?

Wet Bone Forest.

The ghost shark's body "Kun" stopped sleeping and surfaced, exuding an unimaginably huge chakra from its body, enough to make anyone close to it tremble.

He is ready, if Nagato does not agree with his terms, there is nothing to talk about, and the final battle between the two will be staged ahead of schedule.

For Gui Shark, he never worried that he would lose.

Nagato seems to have the upper hand and the initiative, but he is actually trying to die - once he forces the ghost shark's body to be exposed in advance, he will not be far from death.

The next two days were the most tense moments, and the air permeating the Shinobi world seemed to freeze. Everyone held their breaths, paying attention to Nagato's every move.

Until Nagato announced that he agreed to the request made by Kiriyin Village because he was willing to give the ghost shark a face.

As for the location of the Five Shadows Conference, it was the same as the last conference 40 years ago, but it was changed to the Iron Country.

When the news came out, some were excited and some were disappointed.

On the side of Kiriyin Village, the ninjas and civilians in the village believed that this was a diplomatic victory. Under the leadership of the water shadow ghost shark, Wuyin did not bow to the son of prophecy, but maintained his independence and the qualification to negotiate with the other party on an equal basis.

In the place outside the fog hidden, many people shook their heads and sighed, because they were eager to fight Nagato and the ghost shark, it is best to lose both, or even die together.

In any case, it now seems that the holding of the Five Shadows Conference is a foregone conclusion. This major event that affects the fate of the ninja world, the news that it will be officially held, like a bird with wings, quickly spread to every corner of the ninja world.

The time is set in a week.

Location, country of iron.

The country of soil, Yanyin Village.

Looking down from the sky, a dark crowd gathered at the entrance of the village to see off the three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi who were about to leave.

During this period of time, the atmosphere inside Yanyin Village was very heavy and depressed thanks to Nagato. He not only defeated Onogi, who is highly respected and invincible in the hearts of Iwagakushi ninjas, and kidnapped the four-tailed and five-tailed people Zhuri, but also destroyed a small half of the buildings in Iwagakura Village, leaving a huge Tiankeng.

Under such a shameful and humiliating situation, the aged Ohnogi still had to drag his injured body to participate in the Five Shadows Conference.

Beside him, his son loess accompanies him, and will act as the **** of Ohyegi on this trip.

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