"Of course I thought about that."

Nagato was confident, and said to Tobirama proudly, "Although you invented this technique, it is not perfect. So, I strengthened this technique with the power of Samsara Eye, and added some things of my own to it. How is it? You feel good, don't you think?"

"I underestimate you." Qianshou Tobirama spat softly and snorted coldly.

"You two, you already know the reason why Tsunade defected from Konoha. For a man, she did not hesitate to ruin the reputation of the Senju family and Konoha, and chose to stand with the most vicious people like the dried persimmon ghost in the whole ninja world. It can be said that you made a huge mistake and brought shame to your family. Now, Nagato has given you an opportunity to clean up the door yourself, so what are you still hesitating about?"

Yahiko also said.

"There is something wrong with Tsunade in this matter."

Qianshou Zhuma said in a deep voice, and glanced at Tsunade not far away, but then shook his head and spread his hands, "But she is my most beloved granddaughter after all, as my grandfather, no matter what time You have to support her. So, I refuse."

As soon as the voice fell, the first Hokage sat on the ground and began to rot.

"Give it up, young man, we won't work for you." Senju Tobirama said, and sat on the ground.

Tsunade was stunned when he saw this scene, and a warm current surged in his heart, which turned into emotion.

"Oh, there's really no way."

Nagato sighed helplessly. The reason why he was so busy for so long was to make the two of them willingly take action for him, so that they could exert all their strength before they were born and defeat Tsunade.

But now it seems that in the face of the two people who have chosen badly, he can only take the second place and let him manipulate them himself.

Thinking of this, Nagato raised his hands and made a seal.


For a moment, the eyes of Qianshou Zhuma and Qianshou Tobirama became dark, and their expressions also fell into sluggishness, like two marionettes.

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As Nagato activated the technique, the will of the two brothers Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobirama were temporarily suppressed, and their bodies were completely taken over by Nagato.

"Although you can't use all of your strengths in your lifetime, they are Konoha's two most powerful Hokage, especially Senju Hashima, who is known as the **** of ninjas, and is as famous as Uchiha Madara. So, let me see Do your best, I hope you don't let me down."

Nagato murmured, and as soon as he finished speaking, he manipulated the two of them and rushed towards Tsunade.

The battle begins.

Facing the two elders, Tsunade looked calm and had no fear.

When she was very young, they were indomitable existences, legendary ninjas who dominated an era, so she could only look up at the foot of the mountain. But now, she has also climbed to the top of the ninja's mountain, and can look up to them, even look down on them.

Even the two of them in their heyday, Tsunade has the confidence to defeat them, not to mention that they are just two manipulated puppets, and their strengths are quite limited.


At this time, Qianshou Tobirama took the lead, and when he opened his mouth after forming the seal, he spit out a stream of water that swirled and rose rapidly like a tornado in the air. A large river formed on the ground and swept towards Tsunade.

Water Escape · Water Rush.

Senju Tobirama is also a ninja with an extremely terrifying chakra volume. He can create large-scale water flows out of thin air in places where there is no water, so that he can occupy the land.

In an instant, half of the battlefield was submerged by water, and Tsunade was also impacted. After she stabilized her figure, the surrounding ground had completely turned into lake water.

And Tobirama's figure disappeared without knowing when.

under water.

Through perception, Tsunade saw a figure appear in his mind, moving at super-high speed under the water, like a flexible shark.

Water Escape · Wave Ride Strike.

After the second-generation water dungeon creates an environment for home battles, it can either glide quickly on the water surface or dive into the bottom of the water, using high-speed water currents or other ninjutsu to attack the enemy. In such an environment, he could keep attacking the enemy, but the other party couldn't do anything to him and would lose sooner or later.


Sure enough, a torrent suddenly shot out from under the water, heading straight for Tsunade.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed, and she had no intention of avoiding it at all. She saw that one of her arms swelled in an instant, and suddenly turned into a big tree extending forward, blocking the impact of the torrent of water.

Not only that, Tsunade's big tree arm also entered the water, splitting into a large number of vine branches, and under the water, he carried out a massive encirclement and suppression of Qianshou Tobirama, and soon forced him out of the water.

Senju Hashima came to support.


He rushed in front of Tsunade, punched out, and a powerful purple airflow erupted from his body, creating an extremely strong pressure.

Tsunade didn't show weakness, he didn't take a step back, and it was also a punch that collided with the fist of the column.

Weird vs. Weird.

The moment the two fists collided, there was a loud thunderous noise, and the air was backlogged, forming a shock wave that spread in all directions, setting off a turbulent wave on the lake.

Nagato originally thought that Senju Hakuma would have an overwhelming strength advantage against Tsunade, but it turned out that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake.

The ancient and modern Tsunade, before he became the living scorpion man Zhuli, had the strength close to the strength of his life. And after integrating the power of the living gnat, it is even more reborn, and it is so strong that it is unimaginable.

On the other hand, Senju Hashirama is a body reincarnated from dirty earth, and it is difficult to exert the power of the immortal body, let alone being manipulated by Nagato. He is very unskilled in performing various ninjutsu and abilities, and his strength is once again discounted.

So the result speaks for itself.


Qianshou Hashirama only lasted for less than three seconds before being overwhelmed by Tsunade's strength, flew upside down, rolled over a hundred meters on the water, and finally slammed into a big tree by the roadside.

And after Tsunade punched Hashima back, he didn't stop, and rushed towards Senshou Tobirama not far away.

Nagato frowned, and again manipulated Tobirama to perform his specialty ninjutsu, creating a high-speed rotating wall of water in front of him, forming an all-round defense without dead ends.

This is Senju Tobirama's improved water wall.

However, in front of Tsunade's Iron Fist, all moves are useless.


She threw a punch, instantly pierced the water wall, and then hit Tobirama's chest, causing the latter's chest to sag, and he flew out like a column.

Tsunade chased after him, intending to seal Senju Tobirama in one go.


Qianshou Tobirama seemed to be out of luck, and threw a kunai towards Tsunade. Although Kunai's speed was very fast, Tsunade easily dodged his hand.

The next second, she rushed in front of Tobirama and was about to cast the Seal of Wood Dun.

At this moment, Tobirama Senju suddenly disappeared from under Tsunade's eyelids, appeared behind her in an instant, picked up the kunai that passed by Tsunade, and moved towards her at lightning speed. Launch a sneak attack.

Flying Thunder God Slash.

This is Qianshou Tobirama's trump card, a lightning attack technique that cannot be avoided, especially when used when the enemy is taking it lightly, it can often achieve a great comeback.

Back then, he used this trick to kill Uchiha Madara's younger brother, Uchiha Quanna, causing the latter to die.

Tsunade also failed to prevent this move.


Her body was pierced from behind by Senju Tobirama holding Kunai.

However, just like when the second-generation Tukage sneaked up on Tsunade, Tsunade seemed to have suffered fatal wounds, but not a drop of blood was shed, and the reflex was a punch, which blew up Qianshou Tobirama on the spot.

Before he could recover his body, he was sealed by Tsunade, releasing the state of reincarnation from the dirty earth.

Nagato still didn't give up, manipulated Senju Hashirama to stand up from the ground, and charged towards Tsunade again. In the process, with the seal between the pillars, a huge wooden dragon rose from under his feet, accompanied by countless vines and wooden thorns, attacking Tsunade overwhelmingly.

"Stop insulting my grandfather. You control his body, you can't even activate the fairy mode, and you can't use one-tenth of his power. This boring battle should be over."

Tsunade sneered and said, using a countermeasure on the spot, the wooden vines and spikes that had attacked her were actually manipulated by her in turn, tying Qianshou Hashirama firmly.

Afterwards, Tsunade skillfully cast a seal, allowing Grandpa's soul to return to the underworld.

"I didn't expect that even the first and second generations were so easily defeated by Tsunade."

Jiraiya and others in the distance were shocked when they saw this scene.

Nagato summoned the two to fight against Tsunade. To describe it in one word, it was "big thunder and little rain."

Of course, Tsunade is still more grateful to Nagato. If it weren't for the other party's actions, she would not have the opportunity to reunite with her relatives.

In return, she decided to use all her strength to destroy Nagato.


Tsunade seems to never get tired. He just went through several battles, and he didn't stop for a moment, and rushed to Nagato like lightning again.

This loses?

Nagato didn't expect that the Senju Hasuma and Tobirama brothers were so useless, and in the face of Tsunade who was killed in front of him in a flash, he had to resort to Shinra Tianzheng for defense in a hurry.

Unfortunately, this time, even Shinra Tianzheng couldn't stop Tsunade.


She shouted loudly, her eyes were sharp, and she actually used her fist to pierce the repulsion barrier of Shen Luo Tianzheng, and then sent Nagato and the wheelchair - they flew together!

At this moment, under the horrified gazes of tens of thousands of people, Nagato's wheelchair fell apart in the air, and he himself fell to the ground after flying upside down for dozens of meters, rolling like a ball for more than ten laps.

Except for the dried persimmon ghost shark, no one has ever made him so embarrassed.

The angered Nagato, the killing intent in his heart suddenly surged, and he would never stop if he didn't kill Tsunade here today.

So, in the face of Tsunade, who was chasing after him, a powerful wave of child power erupted in his Samsara eyes, instantly covering the latter.

Reincarnation Eye · Coercion.

Nagato used the ability to press the bottom of the box again, holding Tsunade's body in place, making it impossible to move. Since Tsunade's strange body is immune to all physical attacks, he will use the spiritual power of Samsara Eye to completely destroy the latter's soul.

However, just when Nagato thought that he was fighting back and winning the game.


An incomparably powerful force also erupted in Tsunade's body, and there was a tendency to break free from the pressure of Samsara Eye.

That's the chakra of the live gnat.

At the beginning, with the power of Kun's blood, the ghost shark overcame the pressure of the Samsara Eye, thus cutting off Nagato's legs. Now, with the help of Slug Immortal, Tsunade has also untied the shackles of Samsara Eye.

how is this possible? !

Seeing this, Nagato was shocked. He was about to continue to improve his child power and fight Tsunade to the death, but suddenly he felt a violent energy fluctuation coming from the top of his head.


The two raised their heads at the same time, only to find that it was Oh Yemu, who had rushed back to the battlefield at some point, floating in the air.

At this time, Onogi's breath was weak, and it was obvious that he had not recovered from Tsunade's previous punch. But his eyes were full of anger and killing intent, not only at Tsunade, but at Tsunade and Nagato.

After he returned to the battlefield using the earth to escape, he has been hiding in the ground, waiting for the opportunity of revenge. Until Nagato and Tsunade were at a standoff, Ohnogi realized that his chance had finally come.


At this moment, a translucent white cube appeared again between Ohnogi's hands. However, the chakra fluctuations it produces are much stronger than the technique of stripping away the realm.

That's because this is a stronger dust escape ninjutsu - the technique of stripping boundaries.

It is an enhanced version of the original world stripping technique, which not only greatly increases the power and range, but also has a continuous effect, which can turn any object in the enchantment into an atomic state.


The cube flew downward rapidly, and its volume skyrocketed a thousand times during the flight, leaving Nagato and Tsunade nowhere to escape.

In the original book, Ohnogi used this technique to instantly kill twenty-five Suzunou avatars of Madara Uchiha in one go. Its power is powerful enough to be called earth-shattering.


Seeing the dust escape cube falling from the sky, Nagato couldn't help but change his face greatly. He couldn't care about fighting with Tsunade anymore.

He fled back to Longdi Cave, thousands of miles away.

But Tsunade couldn't escape. Because Onogi's dust escape not only enveloped her, but also threatened the lives of the misty ninjas behind her. If she escapes, none of the Kiriyin people will survive.

At this moment, Tsunade's eyes flashed, and he quickly made a few seals, and finally ended with no seals, and slapped the ground.

The art of psychic!


The next second, as the dust escape cube detonated, the dazzling white light drowned Tsunade and everything on the ground.

Under the stimulation of this strong light, everyone on the battlefield could only close their eyes, and could only hear the loud explosions in their ears, indicating how much damage Oh Yemu had caused by this blow.

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