So from this day onwards, Tsunade and Huo Hao officially began to share the same body of life.

time flies.

The sun rises and the moon sets, day after day, and before you know it, more than a year has passed like this.

According to the original plan of the ghost shark, he will wake up within a year, but it turns out that the ghost shark's estimate of the future may be a little optimistic. During this period, Tsunade went to the Shizuku Forest several times, but Kun was always in a deep sleep state, without any movement.

Shouldn't this guy really be playing off?

Tsunade couldn't help thinking like this, but for the situation of the ghost shark, neither she nor the live scorpion had any good solutions, so they could only continue to wait.

During this period, another thing happened in the fog.

Shortly after the end of the Fourth Ninja World War, Snake Hime secretly held a ritual of reincarnation in the dirt, reviving the first and second Hokage.

The art of reincarnation is a very heaven-defying ninjutsu. As long as the caster does not die, the reincarnated person can always live, and also has an inextinguishable body with infinite chakra.

She Ji's wishful thinking is very simple, she just wants to use the two Hokage as bargaining chips to save her life and position in Wuyin Village. After all, these two people not only want to be a powerful fighting force, but also Tsunade's relatives, and their importance to her is self-evident.

However, what Snake Ji didn't expect was that Qianshou Hasuma and Qianshou Tobirama did not approve of such an approach.

They believe that after death, people should go to the underworld, and the living and the dead should not live together. If this taboo is violated at will, sooner or later it will lead to a huge disaster.

Therefore, after accompanying the granddaughter of Tsunade for a period of time, Hasuma and Tobirama chose to return to the underworld. Before leaving, Senju Tobirama found the perfect way to release the reincarnation of the filthy earth, and taught that art to Tsunade.

After all, he was the one who invented the reincarnation of the dirty earth, and he knew nothing about this technique.

In short, in this way, there is no need to worry about the enemy's reincarnation technique.

Although Snake Ji's wishful thinking failed, but fortunately Tsunade was a benevolent person who did not kill the donkey, and promised to let him stay in Wuyin and engage in scientific research.

Apart from that, nothing major happened in Wuyin, and the villagers gradually came out of the pain and shadow of the war, and lived a peaceful and happy life.

Leaf Village.

More than a year ago, the fourth Hokage Jirai also stepped down, and went to Kirigak alone to plead guilty, and was soon killed by Tsunade, telling the Ninja world. After that, the fire country daimyo was assassinated again, and the daimyo mansion was also burned down. This power vacuum can only be filled by Konoha Village.

Under such circumstances, around the position of the five generations of Hokage, the various forces inside and outside Konoha Village launched an unprecedented fierce competition.

Whoever becomes Hokage can not only get Konoha, but also rule the entire Fire Country and have the power to dominate the fate of hundreds of millions of people.

The temptation is crazy.

Conspiracy, conspiracy, killing, death.

In the end, after a **** infighting and paying the price of a lot of casualties, the candidate for the fifth Hokage was born, and he is Namifeng Minato.

Minato can become Hokage, in addition to his own strong strength, super popularity and popularity in the village, there is another most important reason - he is the father of Naruto Uzumaki.

As we all know, Naruto Uzumaki will become the son of prophecy when he grows up, the savior who will bring peace to the entire ninja world. Therefore, the wave of Namikaze Minato is more or less "father and son are more expensive".

It is worth mentioning that Jiraiya, whose arm was cut off by Tsunade, also quietly returned to Konoha. He cut off a long white hair, and like Sarutobi Hizen, he also hid in Anbu, silently assisting his disciple Minato and guarding the village.

Cloud Shadow Village. Due to the death of the fourth Raikage and the disappearance of Renzhuli, the village has once again fallen into a state without a leader, and has been in the midst of civil strife, and no new Raikage has been born so far.

In contrast, the situation in Yanyin Village is better.

Although Oh Yemu died, his son Huang Tu took up the banner, successfully succeeded the position of Tuying, and integrated the power resources of the land of the land, allowing Yanyin Village to recover.

Rainy Village.

For more than a year, Nagato has exhausted all kinds of methods in order to defeat Tsunade, trying to seek new breakthroughs in his own strength. However, he soon found sadly that he had reached a bottleneck and it was difficult to go further.

Under such circumstances, Nagato had dangerous thoughts, and several times wanted to use the dirt to reincarnate and resurrect Madara Uchiha. After all, Madara is the real owner of the Samsara Eye, and only he knows how to maximize the potential of these eyes.

But Nagato is also very afraid of Uchiha Madara, so he has been hesitating and has not made up his mind.

Maybe, sooner or later, he will take that step...

Outside the world of ninjas, somewhere silent on the bottom of the sea.

Kun, which is more than 500 meters long, floats quietly in the deep sea. It was dark all around, there was no light, and even the sea seemed to freeze, full of dead silence.

a moment of a day.

Without warning, Kun suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of huge lantern-like eyes emitting a dazzling white light in the darkness, like a pair of searchlights, shooting straight towards the sea.

The ghost shark finally woke up.

In the middle of the wet bone forest, a loud whale song came from the water of the hot spring. Immediately afterwards, the surrounding ground shook violently, making a rumbling sound, as if an underwater volcano had erupted.

next second.

A behemoth broke through the water and jumped into the air. It has a whale body with shark fins and an eagle-winged dragon tail. Its stalwart body casts a huge shadow on the ground, and its body exudes an aura that makes all creatures in the world tremble.

Its body stretches across the sky, and it seems that even the nearby space has been distorted.

The ghost shark, or Kun, after nearly two years of deep sleep and digesting all the energy in the body, finally completed the final evolution and became a six-level creature.

At this time, the shark in the air shrank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and after a while, it shrank to the height of one person, and turned back to the appearance of a dried persimmon ghost shark.

He landed slowly from the sky.

"Wetbone Forest, why is it so desolate? The live gnats are also gone. What happened while I was sleeping?"

The ghost shark looked around, no more slugs could be seen in the huge wet bone forest, only pale, bare trees, the ground covered with thick dust, looked dead and desolate.

He frowned, and with a bang, it turned into a cloud of white smoke and disappeared from the spot.

After a few minutes.

"Is this... Wuyin Village?"

The ghost shark stood at the entrance of the village where the fog was hidden. As far as the eye could see, there were hundreds of exquisite wooden villas, surrounded by a towering tree in the center of the village like the stars and the moon. The big tree ghost shark is very familiar, and he got it back from Taki Ninja Village.

He looked curious, walked into Wuyin Village, walked through the crowded and noisy street, and walked towards the big tree.

Strangely, none of the misty ninjas or villagers recognized the ghost shark along the way. In their eyes, he seemed to be just a stranger. That's because the ghost shark distorted his appearance with Chakra, and no one could even realize his existence as long as he wanted to.

During this process, the ghost shark heard the chatter of many villagers, and took the initiative to inquire about some news, and finally got a relatively complete understanding of what happened after his death.

"Looks like I have to thank that woman Tsunade very well."

He thought to himself, looking up at the top of the tree. According to the villagers, the dwelling place of the **** of ninjas is above the sacred tree, deep in the lush foliage.

So, the ghost shark floated off the ground and flew up along the tree trunk. During this process, the Kirigakushi ninja standing guard and patrolling near the sacred tree was useless, turning a blind eye to it, as if he was just a mass of air.

Soon, the ghost shark came to the middle of the sacred tree and walked along a vine-woven path towards the depths of the leaves until he saw a beautiful log cabin.


The ghost shark pushed the door and entered, and as soon as he entered the house, he smelled a faint feminine fragrance. I saw a plump figure with his back turned to him, leaning against the window, resting his chin on his hand, humming a song softly while admiring the scenery outside.

"Long time no see, it looks like you are in a good mood." The ghost shark said hello.


Tsunade was startled, his muscles tightened, and he turned around abruptly. It is simply impossible for someone to approach this wooden house and appear behind her without her noticing.

Therefore, Tsunade instantly entered a state of battle as if he were facing a formidable enemy.

"It's me." The ghost shark smiled slightly, lifted the chakra disguise, and spread out his hands to Tsunade, signaling her to relax and not be so nervous.

"Master Ghost Shark? It's really you, you're awake!"

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, then revealed a surprise look, and then made a move that the ghost shark didn't expect.


She rushed straight towards the ghost shark, threw herself into his arms, rubbed her head against his chest, and was as happy as a child.

The ghost shark felt the fragrance of the woman close at hand, as well as the amazing softness, and was stunned for a moment, and quickly responded: "Are you... a living scorpion?"

Tsunade won't call him "Master Ghost Shark", but the live scorpion will. In addition, the other party's demeanor, tone, and voice were very different from the Tsunade in the ghost shark's impression, which made him realize that this woman was not Tsunade.

"Well, it's me."

Tsunade, or the live gnat, said softly. She also realized her gaffe at this time, and she couldn't help blushing, and let go of the arm that hugged the ghost shark, "I'm sorry, I was too excited just now. If I offended the ghost shark, please forgive me..."

"I don't mind. But after Tsunade finds out, I guess he will mind more." Ghost Shark laughed and teased, recalling the intimate contact just now in his mind, feeling... quite comfortable.

Hearing the words, the cheeks turned even redder. In order to ease her embarrassment, she hurriedly said to the ghost shark: "Master Ghost shark, please wait a moment, I will wake up Master Tsunade immediately and return the control of the body to her."


The ghost shark held down the shoulder of the living scorpion, stopped her from this thought, and explained, "It's better to wait for me to leave, and then you can hand over to her. Otherwise, if the woman knew that she had hugged me just now, she would probably have Crazy on the spot, and I was desperate."

"Okay, listen to the ghost shark."

The live gnat thought for a while, and agreed. The only conflict between her and Tsunade is the ghost, one likes him and the other hates him. This problem is destined to trouble the two of them, oh no, and the ghost shark, and the relationship between the three may become complicated from now on until a solution that everyone can accept is found.

"By the way, do you want me to notify everyone in the village now about the news of your return? If the villagers know that the ghost shark is still alive, they will be ecstatic." After the living cockroach came back to his senses, he asked again.

"No, just keep the status quo. After all, I put a lot of effort into creating this suspended animation."

The ghost shark sat down on the sofa and said with a smile.

Today, the entire ninja world, except Tsunade and Huo Hao, thinks he has already died. The ghost shark used to be in the light, but now it hides in the dark, making it more convenient to do things.

As a villain, it's better to be cautious, and it's good to be a mastermind behind the scenes.

From now on, the ghost shark will hide in the shadow of the ninja world, turning his mighty power into a big hand and manipulating everything at will.

247 , the live scorpion, the snow girl and the leaf warehouse

In the wooden house, Ghost Shark leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes.

His perception was centered here, and quickly spread to the entire Wuyin Village, "seeing" clearly the movements of everyone in the village and what happened in every corner.

Well, this tree house is very good, not only has good air and beautiful scenery, but most importantly, it is very hidden, which is very suitable as a hiding place for him, the mastermind behind the scenes.

The only problem is that this is Tsunade's boudoir, and she probably won't let the ghost shark live in it, or even allow him to build another tree house next door. In this case, he can only come and meet the live scorpion when Tsunade is not around.

"Master Ghost Shark..."

At this moment, the live scorpion gently shook the shoulder of the ghost shark, and after he opened his eyes, he said worriedly, "Well, the time I agreed with Tsunade-sama is coming, and she will wake up from her deep sleep soon. Come, take over this body."

"Oh, looks like I should get away."

Hearing the words, the ghost shark stood up a little reluctantly. Seeing the nervousness of the live gnat, he patted her on the shoulder and said to her, "Don't worry, if Tsunade makes things difficult for you, be sure to tell me. I will teach her a good lesson for you and make sure she will obey. post."

"Yeah." The live gnat blushed and nodded.

Seeing this, the ghost shark laughed. After all, the woman in front of her, although the soul is a living gnat, but her appearance and body are like a fake Tsunade deity. Tsunade, who has always been irritable and irritable, and has been fighting against him time and time again, showed such a shy expression at this time, which made the ghost shark have a very strange feeling.

What can I say, it's interesting.


The ghost shark said goodbye to the living scorpion, pushed open the door of the tree house, and left here under the watchful eye of the latter with a smile on his face.

As soon as he left his forefoot, the smile on the live gnat's face disappeared. He seemed a little dizzy, took a few steps back staggeringly, and sat down on the sofa. He closed his eyes slowly and fell into a deep sleep.

After a while, the woman opened her eyes again, stretched a big lazy waist, and stood up again.

Tsunade rubbed his forehead, digesting the memory of the living gnat taking charge of her body while she was sleeping. It was normal at first, nothing special, but soon Tsunade shrank his pupils and froze in place.

The man is back.

Yes, the guy that Tsunade hated so much had woken up from a two-year hibernation. Moreover, as soon as he came back, he had intimate contact with her, and the two turned out to be... hugging.


Tsunade's teeth clenched, and blue veins burst out on his forehead, and he roared angrily: "Living scorpion, what the **** did you do?"

"Sir Tsunade, I'm sorry, I was too excited after seeing the ghost shark, I didn't consider your feelings..." The weak voice came from the depths of Tsunade's heart, and he kept apologizing to her.

"...Forget it, it's not a big deal. I can understand who made you like him."

Tsunade suppressed his anger and didn't want to be too embarrassed, but he couldn't help but say, "You said who you liked is bad, but it's that guy, what's so good about him?"

"Master Ghost Shark, isn't it good enough?" Huo Yao said quietly.

"Hmph, just keep being so obsessed." Tsunade snorted coldly, not bothering to argue with the live cockroach, picked up an apple, sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, and nibbled it.

"Tsunade-sama, you are actually very happy about the awakening of the ghost-sama-sama. Why do you pretend to not care." Huoya suddenly asked, sharing the same body with Tsunade, You can often sense the other person's emotions.

"Happy? Where am I?"

Tsunade frowned, his hands subconsciously exerted force, and with a click, he crushed the unfinished apple. While throwing the apple residue into the trash, she explained, "If I have to say that I am happy, that guy is back, so I don't have to worry about the affairs of Wuyin Village anymore, can I be unhappy?"

"However, you haven't been too concerned about the village's affairs. Isn't it all left to Master Yuan and Terumi Mei to deal with?" Huobi whispered.

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