In the distance, the ghost shark saw a little ghost with long blond hair rolling up his sleeves and tinkering with something in the open space in front of the temple. His face and body were covered with mud and black ashes, and there was a large hole beside him, with sparks remaining in the hole, and a puff of white smoke came out.

Obviously, an explosion has just happened here, and from the embarrassed appearance of the kid, it may be that he has just experienced a failed artistic experiment.

However, he looked very optimistic. He hummed a little tune and danced with his hands, and soon he made a big lifelike spider out of white clay.

"Yeah, it worked!"

Deidara raised the spider above his head with both hands, shouted excitedly, then suddenly turned around and threw the spider in his hand in one direction.

call out.

The spider made an arc in the air and landed behind a small dirt bag. Immediately afterwards, Deidara showed a sly smile, and made a burst seal, and said to himself: "Send someone to monitor me again, and see that I will make you look good, drink!"

As he drank lightly, there was a sudden bang behind the small earthbag, and a dazzling fire and smoke burst out.


In the thick smoke, there was a scream of a girl and a cough of a teenager. Obviously, the person hiding there was caught off guard by Deidara's sudden attack.


Deidara succeeded in the sneak attack, but frowned, because he felt that the victim's voice seemed familiar.


In the next second, two figures emerged from the thick smoke and rushed straight to Deidara.

One is a girl with short black hair, Heitu, and the other is a simple and honest-looking little fat red earth. They are Deidara's junior sister and junior brother.

"Big Brother Di-Da-La! We managed to hide from my father and sneak out to see you, but you welcomed us in this way?"

Hei Tu walked up to Deidara with a sullen face, put his hands on his hips, and questioned the senior brother angrily.

"Oh, it's black soil. You are sneaking behind the stone, can you still blame me? I thought that the four generations of soil shadows sent people to monitor me and restrict my personal freedom."

Deidara spread his hands and said with a rogue face.

Surprisingly, there is a mouth on each of his palms, and when he speaks, the tongue in his mouth also keeps moving. He chewed the clay with his mouth and shaped it into various shapes.

This is a special talent belonging to Deidara.

"Brother Deidara, you think too badly of Lord Tuying. He just asked you to calm down here. As long as you promise not to destroy the village in the future, you can go back at any time."

The red soil on the side said naively.


Hearing this, Deidara snorted unhappily, turned his head to one side, and said impatiently, "If you have anything to do, just say it, don't disturb my art research, and I will lose my inspiration. "

"Art? Shape these ugly spiders out of clay, and then throw them out to explode. Is that the art of Big Brother Deidara? Who would approve of such art?" Heitu frowned and questioned.

"Hahaha, you don't understand this, black soil."

Deidara laughed, put his hands on his hips, and said arrogantly, "Real art is not understood by the ignorant world. How can you two brats understand my art?"

Heitu was still unconvinced, rolled his eyes, and continued to ask: "Then I will ask you again, can your art be eaten as a meal? You live in this temple alone, and what do you rely on to support your life, relying on these explosive spiders? ?"

She thought this question would be Deidara, but she didn't expect him to answer without hesitation:

"Of course. Don't forget, your senior brother is a genius ninja. I can take some missions outside, such as assassination, destruction of buildings, etc., which can be easily accomplished using the art of explosion. At that time, it is very difficult to support yourself. Easy things."

As a result, just after he finished saying these words with confidence, his stomach growled in disappointment and made a grunting sound.

"So hungry."

Only then did Deidara remember that he had entered a state of flow due to his overindulgence in art research, causing him to completely forget the passage of time. Looking back now, I haven't eaten for almost a whole day, so I feel dizzy for a while.

With a thud, he fell to the ground, and he was about to faint from hunger.

"I'm starving to death and still stubborn."

Heitu shook his head, although his mouth was not forgiving, he felt sorry for his senior brother. She glanced at the red clay, and the latter put down the food box in her hand and took out a steaming bibimbap and ball soup.

"Eat, we brought it to you on purpose, who made you our eldest brother." Heitu said with his arms crossed, looking down at Deidara, who was downcast.

Smelling the aroma of the food, Deidara's eyes lit up at first. At this time, he didn't care about his face. When he swallowed a saliva, he could not wait to jump on the food box and eat it all.

But the next second, after he saw the food brought by the two, he suddenly frowned and complained to the black soil:

"What is bibimbap? I hate bibimbap the most. It's the worst food in the world. Did you do it on purpose?"

"It's good to have some food, but you are still picky. You know, Hongtu and I are both hungry, and we used the pocket money we saved to buy these foods for you. You really fail to say these words. All of our kindness."

Black Earth rolled his eyes, becoming more and more dissatisfied with Deidara.

"Then take it, I don't want it."

Deidara resisted hunger, sat down again, and said firmly, "I, Deidara, starved to death today, and I will never eat a bite of bibimbap!"

"Don't eat and pull down!"

The black soil finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted. However, she didn't really take the food, but left the food box in place, and then pulled away with a simple and honest red earth.


Deidara watched the backs of the two go away, and after they disappeared completely, her stomach screamed again.

He stared straight at the bibimbap, and finally hunger conquered everything. When he picked it up, he devoured it and wiped it out.

"It's delicious."

Deidara finished eating the bibimbap, and there was not a grain of rice left. He drank the meatball soup again, and said a word without a word.

He touched his still shriveled belly, and guessed that he had only eaten half full, which was far from enough.

"Oh, there's no way."

Deidara sighed, stood up helplessly, and was about to go to the surrounding towns to find out if he could receive any entrusted tasks or the like. First, get some money to fill his stomach.

Great artists often have a period of life experience, and more or less have to compromise with life.

No way, I want to have a meal.

However, just when Deidara packed up all his belongings (actually just a cloth bag) and was about to leave, he suddenly found that a person appeared on the side of the road at some point.

The man crossed his chest with his arms, leaned against a big tree, looked towards this side, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Who are you?"

Deidara asked alertly, hiding his hands behind his back, chewing the clay in the palm of his mouth and starting to make bombs.

The stranger in front of him could quietly appear nearby, making him unaware.

"Don't be nervous, kid, I have no ill will towards you. You should understand that if I attacked you just now, you wouldn't be able to stand and talk to me now."

While talking, the ghost shark walked towards Deidara and joked, "By the way, I have heard everything you said just now. You said that you would rather starve to death than eat a bite of bibimbap, but I It looks like you're eating deliciously."

Hearing this, Deidara realized that his embarrassment was in the eyes of the other party, and he couldn't help blushing, and it took a long time to say: "...I want you to take care of it."

"Haha. Don't talk nonsense, I came to Yanyin Village this time for you, a talented artist. I have a task to entrust to you, and the remuneration will definitely satisfy you. And you can still perform the task. Show off your explosive art. How about it, interested?"

The ghost shark is straight to the point, tempting Deidara with words, like a child trafficker.


Deidara heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he jumped up from the ground, looking very excited. As soon as he was about to go out to accept the entrustment, the client came to the door himself, which was too smooth.

Moreover, the other party also called him a "genius artist", which made Deidara, who has always been questioned by the villagers, feel the warmth of the spring sunshine, and he was about to float on the spot.

When he was young, he was completely immersed in his own art world all day long, and he lacked awareness and understanding of the world of intrigue.

What a simple guy.

"of course it's true."

The ghost shark's eyes flashed, and there is no psychological burden for abducting ignorant young people. He glanced at the environment around the temple, and then said to Deidara, "As for the specific task content, let's talk about it in another place."

"Well, listen to you." Deidara responded quickly.

Half an hour later, in a nearby town.

Ghost Shark and Deidara walked into a small shop, and the proprietress immediately greeted them with a smile and asked them, "Good noon, two, what are you going to eat?"

"Give me tender chicken and soju."

The ghost shark snapped his fingers, then glanced at Deidara beside him, and before the latter spoke, he smiled and said to the proprietress, "As for this little artist, I think he likes Oden-style fried eggs, right? ?"

"How do you know? I like eating this the most!" Deidara's eyes widened, she was very surprised, and she had a little more affection for the man in front of her.

The ghost shark smiled without saying a word.

Soon, the steaming hot food was served.

"Let's eat open, I'll treat guests. Artists also need to fill their stomachs in order to burst out enough inspiration." Gui Sha said generously.

"Then I'm welcome. I'll start!" Deidara folded his hands together, and then he ate a lot. He ate several bowls of Ottoman fried eggs in one go, and finally his stomach was full and he was bulging high.

After resting in the shop for a while, after digesting the food in my stomach.

The two came to the outside of the street, not far from the glade.

"Before I officially issue a mission commission to you, I need to test your abilities to ensure that you are qualified to accept this commission. Do you have any questions?" The ghost shark looked at Deidara and asked.

"Although let the horse come over. Let's say it first, I won't be merciful."

Deidara raised both hands and licked the tongue in the palm of his hand, looking eager to try.

boom! boom! boom!

In the woods, the sound of explosions continued to be heard, accompanied by flashes of fire, and the fall of trees. Deidara kept making explosive clay from his body, and then manipulated them to approach the ghost shark, which exploded again and again.

The ghost shark dodged left and right, calmly dodging every attack from Deidara, and mockingly said: "Do you only have this ability? The so-called art of explosion seems to be nothing more than that."

"Don't underestimate me, bastard!"

Deidara was really outraged, and he couldn't allow others to despise his art. So, he did not hesitate to use the strongest move, creating a one-person-high clay bird, which flew towards the ghost shark with a bang.


The flying bird exploded in front of the ghost shark, producing a violent fire that devoured him in an instant.


Deidara's expression changed when he saw this scene. He didn't expect to kill his employer on impulse.

259, digging the foot of the wall

Art, created at the moment of explosion, is a fleeting beauty.

Although Deidara doesn't look serious, he tends to be calm and thoughtful when fighting, and there's only one situation where he can lose his mind - and that's when he feels that his art is despised by his opponents.

as it is now.

The ghost shark made a mockery of Deidara's explosive art, which made the "young artist" furious. On impulse, he resorted to the strongest killing move and used a violent explosion to destroy the ghost shark. bury.

However, just when Deidara thought angrily that he accidentally killed his employer and lost his job—

In his incredible gaze, the ghost shark, who was at the center of the explosion, just raised his hand slightly, and a strange devouring force was emitted from his palm, instantly absorbing the flames and shock waves generated by the explosion.

"What did you do? How did you do it?"

Deidara came back to his senses, and when he saw the unharmed ghost shark, he hurried to him and asked with a look of surprise.

"It's just a little trick of carving insects." The ghost shark said lightly, and took it over.

"Then... did I pass your test?" Deidara felt that the man in front of him was unfathomable, and his tone unknowingly brought a bit of awe, and asked nervously.

"Well, you're barely qualified." The ghost shark thought for a while, nodded, and recognized Deidara's ability.

Deidara heard the words, with a happy expression on his face, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"However, before the official release of the task delegation, I have one more question for you."

The ghost shark walked to a large stone, sat down with a big horse, then stared at Deidara, and asked, "What do you think of the death of your master, the three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi?"

Why do you suddenly ask such a question?

Deidara was stunned for a moment, then folded his arms and snorted lightly: "You mean that annoying old man? He died so well, no one can control me anymore, I'm very happy, eh."

"Really, it's not duplicity, right?" Ghost shark narrowed his eyes.

"Not at all!"

Deidara firmly denied it, but everyone could see that he still had deep feelings for the dead Ohnogi. Perhaps because he was a little impatient to be asked by the ghost shark, he frowned and asked, "What the **** are you selling?"

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