"Don't be afraid, little guy, you're all right now." Ghost Shark said, this time he learned his lesson and didn't smile at her again.

"You, you are the uncle Yunyin messenger who saved me before."

After Hinata recognized the ghost shark, he was at a loss and said in a voice like a mosquito, "Thank you, thank you."

As the eldest lady of the Hyuga family, she is a well-educated child, but when she escaped from the woods, she was really frightened, so she forgot to say thank you to the ghost shark.

"Little Hinata, you must be very curious now, why are you here, right?"

The ghost shark stared at Hinata and told her the truth directly, "The patriarch of the Uchiha clan kidnapped you, hoping to exchange you with me to redeem his son Uchiha Itachi."

When Hinata heard the words, her eyes opened wider. Under the reminder of the ghost shark, she also remembered that when she was attacked by the enemy at the training ground, she had seen the appearance of the enemy.

That person is indeed the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

"Uncle, I, I want to go home." Hinata came back to her senses, she was very scared, and whispered to the ghost shark.

Hearing this, the ghost shark did not agree to Hinata's request, but suddenly asked her:

"Xiao Tian, ​​do you know why I agreed to the request of the Fuyue Patriarch?"

"I don't know."

As Hinata spoke, he lowered his head in inferiority. She had heard her father mention the name Uchiha Itachi, and she knew that he was a genius she could only look up to.

"Because, you are the white-eyed princess."

The ghost shark stretched out a hand, raised Hinata's chin, looked into her eyes, and praised, "Well, it is indeed the bloodline of the Hyuga clan, these white eyes are of high purity, no wonder they were caught by the big tube on the moon. The Mu clan coveted it."

"Uncle, what are you talking about?" Hinata looked at the ghost shark, unable to understand what he said.

"I said, your eyes are beautiful, and you are definitely not a waste, but a genius."

The ghost shark put his hands on Hinata's shoulders and said to the little girl with a burning gaze, "Hinda, do you want to become a real strong man, and from now on you will never be bullied again, and you will never be bullied by your father and clan again? People are left out, and those who once looked down on you look down on you with admiration? I'm different from others. The first time I saw you, I knew you were a real genius. So, leave Konoha with me and set foot on Follow the path of cultivation, only in this way can you become stronger."

He whispered a devilish temptation, bewitching the innocent little girl in front of him.

This remark was originally just a whim of the ghost shark, and he casually said a few words. If Hinata didn't agree, he would knock her out and take her away, and talk about it later.

However, what he didn't expect was that Xiao Hinata listened to his words carefully.

"But what about my father's side?"

She seemed a little moved and asked hesitantly.

"If you go home now, you will definitely be scolded by that fellow Sunzu. He was very angry when he saw that you were bullied by those little devils but didn't fight back. I'm afraid that his anger has not subsided by now."

The ghost shark was alarmist at first, and then told Hinata, "Don't worry, your father and I are friends. I will tell him later that you are practicing by my side, so that he and his family don't have to worry about you."

After some flickering, Hinata agreed to go with the ghost shark.

On the one hand, in the naive Hinata's heart, the uncle of the Yunyin messenger in front of him is a good person, and he is also a friend of his father, who is trustworthy.

On the other hand, the more important reason is because she was under too much pressure at a young age, and she was unhappy.

She was left out in the family, and she couldn't make a friend when she went out to play. She was always alone, bullied and laughed at.

Therefore, Hinata instinctively wanted to escape from the Hinata family and from Konoha Village.

The ghost shark took advantage of the emptiness to enter, and just said a few words like this, and easily fooled Hinata. Maybe she will regret it soon and want to go home, but at that time, the ghost shark had other means.

After all, one of the things he is best at is recruiting all kinds of talents. Even Tsunade was brought back to Wuyin Village by him, so Hinata Hinata is naturally no problem.

"Hinata, do you want to fly to the sky and see the moon? If you want, come with me."

The ghost shark had no intention of staying in Konoha for a long time, so he invited Hinata to come to the top of the building with him, and then summoned a golden thundercloud.

so amazing.

Hinata had never seen such ninjutsu before, it was like seeing a fun toy, and soon stood on the thundercloud, and took off together with the ghost shark.


The ghost shark used chakra to create an invisible barrier around the thundercloud, blocking the cold wind from high altitude for Hinata.

"Uncle, look!"

Hinata carefully lay on the thundercloud and looked towards Konoha Village below. It was the first time she looked down at Konoha from this angle, which made her feel very novel and interesting.

"Sit down." The ghost shark smiled slightly, then rode the thundercloud and flew away.

Before leaving Konoha, he glanced back at the Hokage building, only to see that the Hokage office was brightly lit, and a gaze came out from inside, peeping at him.

The other party seems to have discovered that he wants to take Hinata Hinata.

But what is surprising is that the other party did not stop it, but chose to remain silent.

275、The overall situation is the most important

In fact, from the end of the peace talks during the day.

Since the ghost shark left the Hokage building, he has always felt that someone is watching him.

Telescope technique.

This is a kind of ninjutsu that Sarutobi Hizan is good at. Just using a crystal ball as the medium of the display screen, you can gain insight into all the happenings in every corner of Konoha Village, so as to monitor all the villagers in Konoha and master everyone's information. trend.

The Big Toad Immortal's telescope skills are even better. For hundreds of years, it has been dormant in a temple deep in Miaomu Mountain, and can monitor the entire ninja world without leaving home, just like a chess player looking down on all the pieces on the chessboard.

After discovering that he was being spied on, with the ability of the ghost shark, he could easily use Chakra to isolate the other side's peeping, and even launch a counterattack from the air to punish the other side.

But he didn't do it.

Instead, he kept calm, what to do, and even the entire process of meeting with Uchiha Fuyue, deliberately let the other party see.

It was exactly as he expected.

The high-level Konoha was as weak as always, and they watched the ghost shark take Hinata Hinata away, but did not choose to stop it.

As for why, they have to ask themselves.

Naruto Office.

Minato Namikaze, Jiraiya and Hiizan Sarutobi were surrounded by three people, staring solemnly at a crystal ball on the desk, watching the messenger of Yunyin inside lead Hinata to ride the clouds away.

"Sure enough, Kakashi reported that there is something tricky, but I didn't expect it to be like this." Hizan Sarutobi sighed and released the telescope technique.

"No, you can't let the other party take Hinata Hinata."

Namikaze Minato said in a deep voice, stood up from his seat, and was about to use the Flying Thunder God technique to stop the Yunyin messenger.

"Watergate, don't be impulsive."

Zilai's eyes narrowed, he stretched out his hand to hold the disciple's shoulder, and said four words earnestly, "The overall situation is the most important."

"Minato, don't forget, you are Hokage now. As Hokage, you must put the village's interests first at all times to maximize your interests, rather than acting out of anger."

Sarutobi Hizan also put his hand on Minato's other shoulder, and said to the latter with a serious look, "My teacher, the second Hokage Senju Tobirama, once said something: As Hokage, we must carry out the ruthless. manner."

"I see."

Hearing this, Minato Namikaze sat back down in his seat.

Since the end of the meeting, the three of them have been using the telescope technique to monitor the Yunyin messenger remotely. During this period, they were also surprised to discover that Uchiha Fugaku kidnapped Hinata.

At that time, because they were not clear about Fuyue's purpose, the three decided to wait and see temporarily. As a result, they saw the astonishing scene of Fuyue secretly sneaking into the hotel and exchanging hostages with Yunyin's messenger.

"Watergate, there is another reason why I disapprove of you blocking Yunyin's messenger. I think he has found out that we are monitoring him."

Seeing that the disciple was in a low mood, Zilai also took the initiative to raise this point.

"I also have this feeling."

Sarutobi Hiizan agreed and analyzed the psychology of Yunyin's messenger, "The other party knew that we were watching, and he took Hinata away without fear, but he decided that we did not dare to take risks. This is indeed the case, for a Hinata Hinata. , destroying the peace treaty just signed with Yun Yin, such an approach is too unwise."

Therefore, for the sake of hard-won peace, patience is even more necessary at this time.

"However, why is the Yunyin messenger so interested in Hinata Hinata, and even willing to exchange it with Uchiha Itachi, in order to get the bloodline of the Hyuga clan?"

Minato calmed down, frowning in thought.

"Baiyan is not as good as Shunyan, and Hinata Hinata is far worse than Itachi Uchiha. If Konoha has to lose one of them, giving up Hinata is actually the best result."

From Konoha's standpoint, Jiraiya conducted an analysis.

Although Hinata and Uchiha have always been called the two giants of Konoha, in fact, the one who can really be compared with Uchiha is the former Qianshou family.

Although everyone in the Hyuga clan has a blank eye, and the fighting power of the clan is generally stronger than that of ordinary ninjas, the biggest disadvantage is that the upper limit is low, and it is difficult for shadow-level powerhouses to appear.

At least as far as we know, Uchiha's writing wheel eye can be awakened to a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and even further awakened to a reincarnation eye, becoming the same existence as the six-path immortal.

Hyuga's white eyes, on the other hand, seem to have no such potential.

In the past few years, the Uchiha clan has successively produced geniuses such as Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, and their status in the village has become more and more important, while the Hyuga clan has withered talents and is no longer able to compete with Uchiha.

Therefore, in the hearts of the three of Minato, for Konoha, Uchiha is more important than Hinata.

"In addition, on the bright side, Uchiha Fuyue kidnapped Hinata in order to rescue his son, and we have already caught the handle. We can use this to control him in the future, and then control the entire Uchiha family. This is a good thing."

Sarutobi Hiizan narrowed his eyes, and his words revealed shrewdness.

"Then, what about the Hyuga clan? Hyuga Hizu should soon find out that his daughter is gone."

Watergate hesitated.

"There is no other way, I can only feel wronged for the Hyuga clan." Sarutobi Hiizhan shook his head.

"Looks like that's all it takes."

Namikaze Minato finally convinced himself. Then, he pressed a button on the desk, and after a few minutes, Uchiha Shisui came to the office.

"Lord Hokage."

After Shishui entered the door, he knelt down on one knee and waited for Minato's instructions.

"Zhishui, please go and ask Fuyue Patriarch to come to the office." Shuimen said with a smile.


Zhishui heard the words and asked hesitantly. After all, it was very late, and the patriarch should have rested.

"That's right, I'm in a hurry to find him." Minato emphasized again.

"Yes." Zhi Shui came back to his senses, responded quickly, and left in a hurry.


Shishui shuttled on the roof of Konoha's building, and soon returned to the clan of the Uchiha family.

Seeing that the lights in the patriarch's house had been turned off, he wandered back outside the yard for a while, and was about to bite the bullet and wake up Fugaku Uchiha when the other party's voice suddenly came out.

"Is it Shishui? Come in."

As soon as the voice fell, the lights in the room turned on, and the door slowly opened. Fuyue turned his back to the direction of the door and stood with his hands behind his back.


After Shishui entered the room, he knelt down on one knee and said straight to the point, "Lord Hokage is looking for you, something urgent."

When Fuyue heard the words, he was shocked and murmured, "Have you been discovered so soon?"

When he decided to kidnap Hinata, he knew that things would be revealed sooner or later, but he didn't expect it so soon.

"I see."

He turned around, replied sternly, and strode out of the door, heading towards the Hokage Building.

the next day.

The Hyuga clan's land was brightly lit all night, and it didn't stop until the early morning. Many clansmen entered and exited through the gate in a hurry, as if they were looking for something anxiously.

"Still haven't found Hinata?"

In the conference hall, Hyuga Hizu paced back and forth, frowning and questioning an elder.

He just came home last night and was about to go to bed when he was suddenly told that Hinata was gone.

Hizu didn't care too much at first, thinking that Hinata didn't want to go home and hid in a corner of the village, so he sent some clansmen out to look for it.

But after a whole night of searching, I searched almost every place in Konoha, and still couldn't see the figure of Miss Hyuga.

As Hinata's biological father, Hyuga Hizu finally panicked.


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