"Uchiha Obito, long time no see."

When this unfamiliar voice sounded behind Obito, his Tong Kong shrank, his whole body tensed in an instant, and he rushed out for a long distance, and turned around when he landed.

"Building the God of Thunder"

After seeing the other party's appearance clearly, Obito's face suddenly became extremely difficult to see, and at the same time, his eyes were horrified, and he subconsciously said, "You can actually appear in my divine power space, this is impossible"

"Nothing is impossible. For a long time, you have been hiding in the shadow of the ninja world, claiming to be the mastermind behind everything, but in fact, you are just a pitiful and pathetic pawn."

Thor said slowly, approaching Obito step by step.

"what are you saying?!"

Obito shouted sternly, astonished, and at the same time quickly thought of a way to escape in his mind.


"Do you want to run away?"

Thor saw through Obito's inner thoughts at a glance, shook his head regretfully, and asked the latter, "Obito, don't you think this is the most suitable burial place for you?"

"Who are you?"

Obito asked with a horrified expression on his face, and he noticed from Thor's words that the other party seemed to know him very well, just like an old friend of his.

Facing the terrified Obito, Thor's response was


In a flash, she teleported to Obito, and a spear formed of golden lightning appeared in her hand, stabbing towards the latter's chest.

not good.

Obito panicked, subconsciously unleashed divine power, tried to dodge the enemy's attack as usual, and escaped calmly.

But it was only in the next moment that he realized that his body was now in the Shenwei space and exposed to the enemy.


When Obito came back to his senses, his body had been penetrated by the lightning spear, and a strong current spread from his body to his whole body, making him paralyzed and unable to move.

At this moment, his life is passing fast, but he can't do anything but wait to die.

"You want to know why I can enter your Shenwei space. The answer is actually very simple."

While watching Obito go to death, Raijin suddenly spoke up.

Then, her left eye became blood red, and Tong Kong gradually turned into a kaleidoscope, exactly the same as Obito's right eye.

"Is that my eye? However, it was obviously taken away by the dried persimmon ghost shark, and destroyed along with his suicide. Wait, I know."

Obito stared at Thor's left eye, and finally realized, "So, my left eye did not disappear, but fell into your hands. When did it happen?"

"You're only half right."

Thor said slowly, during this period, her appearance has gradually changed, her skin has changed from red to blue, and her facial features have also changed into another appearance, a more familiar appearance with Obito.

The only constant is that explosive muscle.


Obito watched Thor's changes in horror, his eyes gradually becoming extremely frightened. Because, the man who finally appeared in front of him was like a nightmare for the former him.

Dried persimmon ghost shark.

"No, it's impossible. The dried persimmon ghost shark is dead, why do you want to be like him?!" he yelled.

Thor, also known as the dried persimmon ghost shark, grinned when he heard the words:

"Poor fellow, don't you understand, there is no Jianyu Thor at all, only the dried persimmon ghost shark. I, the dried persimmon ghost shark, have never died."

"You lied, I saw you summon a shark and eat yourself! The whole ninja world knows that you are dead, and the toad fairy in Miaomu Mountain even predicted your death."

Obito continued to roar, still reluctant to believe what he saw before him, because his memory of the death of the enemy, the ghost shark, was too deep.

In the past few years, whenever he recalled the tragic death of the ghost shark devoured by a group of sharks, he couldn't help but smile knowingly and tasted the taste of victory repeatedly.

But now, when he learned that the ghost shark never died, the blow to Obito was stronger than the lightning spear stuck in his chest.

"It's up to you, believe it or not, poor fellow."

The ghost shark spread his hands, not wanting to continue entanglement with Obito on this issue. Seeing that the other party's breath was getting weaker and weaker, and his eyes were about to close, he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. At the beginning, Madara Uchiha implanted three tails in Nohara Rin's body and drove her to Konoha, hoping to use Rin's death to stimulate you and awaken you to the kaleidoscope writing wheel. During this process , I also made some efforts and left a hole card. I planned to keep that hole card and use it to threaten you one day in the future, but I didn't expect that I would become so strong that I no longer need to plunder your strength"

In Obito's frightened eyes, the ghost shark smiled and explained everything.

"You are really a dried persimmon ghost shark"

Obito muttered, because of what happened at that time, other than him, only the ghost shark who stepped in knew about many details.

He took his last breath, stared at the ghost shark and asked, "What is your hole card?"

Hearing the words, the ghost shark did not answer immediately, but smiled with his hand on his forehead.

That laughter made Obito feel very uneasy.

"Say it! Answer me, dried persimmon shark!" He let out a final roar.

"Nohara Rin."

The ghost shark finally stopped laughing, stared at Obito with burning eyes, and told the truth that had been hidden for a long time, "The Nohara Rin you saw that day, the Rin who was killed by Kakashi with Chidori, is my shadow. I pretended to be a clone. The real Lin was rescued by me long ago and lived in Wuyin Village incognito."

These words, to Obito, were like a real bolt from the blue, exploding in his mind.

For a time, he was completely sluggish, even forgetting the pain in his body and the infinite approach of death.

Lynn, are you still alive?

"No, you lied to me, if Lin is really alive, she will definitely come to me."

Obito lowered his head, as if he was questioning the ghost shark, and he seemed to be muttering to himself.

"Obito, this is your sadness."

The ghost shark shook his head, killing and killing his heart, "Nohara Lin is a kind and loving person, she is not only good to you, but also to others, but you are wishful thinking that it is love. You should know , From the beginning to the end, Rin likes Kakashi, right?"

"Stop talking." Obito suddenly interrupted the ghost shark and clenched his fists.

The ghost shark turned a deaf ear and continued: "It's a pity, after you have done so many bad things and killed so many innocent people, Nohara Lin has been completely disappointed in you. Even if you stand in front of her now, she will only Said that the Uchiha Obito she once knew was already dead."

As a villain, Ghost Shark believes that he has never killed innocent people indiscriminately. Unlike people like Obito, he has created countless killings and deaths for a woman, trying to turn the entire ninja world upside down.

In the original book, such a guy was finally cleaned up as he should.

Therefore, the ghost shark despised Obito, and despised this hypocritical, selfish and cowardly guy. The other party completely insulted the word "villain" and did not have the style that a villain should have.

Now, he made Obito suffer both physical and mental torment, making the other party feel the deepest despair and pain, and then it was time to end.

Thinking of this, the ghost shark stretched out his hand, and in the scream of Obito, took away the latter's right eye.

In front of Obito, he absorbed the power of a pair of kaleidoscopes and completely melted them into his body, thus fully taking over this divine space.


Obito made a final cry from his throat, then fell backwards with a thud, and died.

The ghost shark glanced at Obito's corpse, showing a meaningful expression, then turned around, and his figure slowly disappeared from the Shenwei space.

shortly after he left.

Obito was lying on the ground, with only a **** hole left in his right eye. And in his left eye socket, there was a transplanted three-hooked jade writing wheel eye, and suddenly a mysterious change occurred.

The child hole of that eye quickly faded, and the pattern of Sangouyu gradually became dull, until finally, it turned into a gray-white eye.

It looks like a blind man's eyes that have lost their light.

285、The Country of Snow

Obito, who should have died, the only writing wheel eye left in his eye socket, has quietly undergone some kind of change.

Unbelievably, in the process, the wound on his chest that was penetrated by the lightning spear healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it recovered to its original state.

Then, Uchiha Obito stood up again, as if he had never been injured, as if the terrible things he had experienced before were all a dream, his hallucination.

But Obito knew that it was not a dream.

"Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark is still alive. But what shocked me more than this is that Lin is not dead. I have to go to Wuyin Village to confirm whether what Dry Persimmon Ghost Shark said is true, but before that , I have to figure out a way to get out of here first."

Obito muttered to himself.

Now, both of his kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes have been taken away by the ghost shark, which means that he can no longer freely enter and exit the Shenwei space as before.

But Obito believes that he will find a way.

"Dried persimmon ghost shark, when I find Lin, take her to a safe place. After that, I will definitely take revenge on you, destroy Wuyin Village and Yunying Village, torture and kill everyone you care about. , let you experience true despair!"

Obito swore to himself, clenched his fists, his fingernails were deeply embedded in his flesh, and blood flowed out without knowing it.

He once wanted to destroy the entire ninja world, but now, he just wants to destroy the dried persimmon ghost shark by all means.

Unfortunately, it is destined to be delusional.


Just as Obito made a vow, he cheered up with his longing for Nohara Rin and his hatred for the ghost shark, and he couldn't stop laughing.

"Yin Xanaqi, as I expected."

The voice of the ghost shark resounded in the Shenwei space again, which also stopped Obito's wild laughter abruptly.

The ghost shark has noticed Obito's other writing wheel eye from the beginning, and also knows the principle of Yin Xanaqi's technique. That is, the illusion that the Uchiha clan uses at the cost of permanent blindness of their eyes can make everything unfavorable to them. reality into a dream, such as death.


Obito heard the voice of the ghost shark, and his heart sank to the bottom, especially the words "Yin Xanaqi" uttered by the ghost shark, which finally made him realize that the other party had already anticipated all his actions.


Frightened, Obito fell to the ground, losing his eyes, he could only rely on perception to vaguely "see" the tall figure appearing in front of him.

"Obito, do you know what real despair is? That is, when a person is desperate, give him hope, and then take that last hope away. Just like you are now."

The ghost shark looked down at Obito, Tandan said.

"No!" Obito let out a heart-piercing roar, but in the next second, his body was submerged by the golden lightning, completely annihilated and turned invisible.

The ghost shark flashed and disappeared from the Shenwei space.


On the roof of the Raikage Building, the ghost shark appeared again and played the role of the God of Thunder.

"Lord Thor!"

Sam Yin and Mabuyi were both delighted and apprehensive when they saw the appearance of the ghost shark. They knew that they did not perform well in the battle just now and failed to protect the village and the villagers from the enemy's invasion.

The ghost shark saw the nervousness and self-blame of the two, so he stepped forward, put his right arm around their shoulders, and encouraged:

"You have done what you can, you don't have to blame yourself."

When the two heard the words, their hearts warmed, and their faces turned red from shyness.

The three returned to the office.

"What happened in the village in the past few days when I was away, is everything okay?" The ghost shark sat on the chair, picked up the documents and files on the desk, and asked casually while flipping through it.

Sam Yin and Ma Buyi looked at each other, nodded at each other, and then Ma Buyi stepped forward and reported the important affairs facing the village to the ghost shark.

"Any more?"

The ghost shark took some time to simply deal with the accumulated affairs, and saw Mabuyi hesitated to speak, so he took the initiative to ask.

"That's right, Lord Thor. News came from the intelligence ninja ahead that there seems to be a coup d'etat in the Snow Country to the north, and the monarch Fenghua Zaoxue has been imprisoned and is about to be overthrown. You told Yunying Village and Lei No country will take the initiative to interfere in the affairs of other countries, but I am a little worried that this turmoil in the country of snow may produce many refugees and exiled ninjas, and eventually have some impact on our borders."

Azabuyi said with a serious face, while Sam Yin fetched information and maps for the ghosts to see.

Snow country?

Hearing this, the ghost shark became interested, and with the help of the two secretaries, he had a deep understanding of it.

The Land of Snow, located in the north of the Land of Thunder, is an extremely cold land of ice and snow.

People say that it is a place without spring, a country where tears turn into ice and hearts are frozen.

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