Is he stealing my moves?

Seeing the ghost shark's actions, Kaguya finally understood the other party's intention, but the next second, she saw a black fist break through the blockade of the Eighty Gods Air Strike and hit her on the body.

The injured Kaguya fell from the sky.

She became more and more angry, so that she gradually lost her mind. The body under the white robe swelled rapidly, and the whole person soon turned into a huge red-eyed rabbit.

Kaguya Otsutsuki, a tailed beast turned into a beast.


Kaguya in the form of a tailed beast opened his mouth without saying a word. After a few seconds of brewing, he spat out a huge black sphere from the mouth of the blood basin and went straight to the ghost shark.

Expansion seeking jade.

It is not an ordinary seeking jade, but a black ball summoned from chaos by Kaguya to seal the power of all things.

This black ball can devour all the properties including the five elements and yin and yang, annihilate everything, and make the world return to nothingness.


The goal of Swelling Qiudaoyu is not only the ghost shark, but also the moon behind him. Once it hits the moon surface, the entire moon will probably be annihilated into the invisible, completely disappearing from the earth's night sky.

"It got out of control so quickly. Kaguya, you really are a dangerous woman."

The ghost shark sighed with emotion. In order to continue to look up and admire the moon in the future, he jumped into the air, and a tailed beast came on the spot.

Kaguya turned into a red-eyed rabbit, and the ghost shark turned into something that was not so cute. It was a big kun with a body length of several hundred meters.


The half-empty big Kun opened his mouth and took a breath, and suddenly it was like a long whale absorbing water, and he actually swallowed the mountain-like expansion of the Taoist jade into his stomach.

At this moment, the blood of the ghost shark followed the net, that is, the ability of the shark was activated.


He can even swallow the energy of the sun, not to mention a mere jade, which is easily digested and absorbed by Kun's black hole-like stomach.

"What kind of monster are you?"

Seeing this scene, Kaguya turned back into a human form and muttered. When she came back to her senses, she realized that she had no chance of winning, so she stretched out her hand on the spot and opened a dark space door in front of her.

Yellow Springs Hirazaka.

It is another kind of blood snares that can make Kaguya travel through space and escape to the ends of the earth in an instant.

Of course, the ghost shark would not let Kaguya escape so easily.


He crossed the space again, appeared behind Kaguya, and grabbed her.

"Go away!"

Kaguya suddenly turned her head and roared at the ghost shark. An inconspicuous gray bone protruded from her palm and stabbed at the latter.

Kill the ashes.

This inconspicuous bone is Kaguya's true killer, as long as it touches anyone, his whole body will collapse and disappear into ashes.

In the original book, Kaguya used this trick for the first time, and he eliminated countless Naruto's six-path immortal mode clones, instantly killing the complete body Xu Zuo Nenghu, and instantly killing Liudao Obito.


The ghost shark, however, stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the co-killing ashes, as if he didn't know the danger at all.

Sure enough, his palm and arm suddenly collapsed and vanished at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it seemed to spread to his whole body.

But Kaguya didn't have time to be happy, and was surprised to see that a ripple-like fluctuation suddenly appeared on the arm of the ghost shark, like a river, and countless historical pictures flashed away.

Time is running backwards.

So, in Hui Ye's incredible eyes, the ghost shark's arm, which was destroyed by the co-killing ashes, was restored to its original state.

Then Kacha made a sound, and it was crushed by the ghost shark and turned into a little powder.

At the same time, Ghost Shark's other big hand grabbed the clothes behind Kaguya's neck and lifted her up like a kitten.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

He said with a smile, and he didn't look angry at all. After all, in just a few minutes, he had already stole Kaguya's blood stalking move.

"let me go!"

Kaguya shouted, shaking hands and feet in the air, trying to frighten the ghost shark with a fierce and ruthless attitude. But she forgot that she was only twelve years old at this time, and it was really difficult to look fierce with a young face, but instead she looked like a daughter who was coquettish to her father.

"Hui Ye, Hui Ye, haven't you realized it yet? You were resurrected by me, even the chakra in your body is mine, and your body has already been manipulated by me. If I were you, We will cooperate obediently so that we don’t have to suffer.”

Ghost Shark let Kaguya struggle, and seeing that she still didn't give up, he smiled and said, "Don't believe? Then I'll lock you up until you figure it out."

As soon as he finished speaking, he released his hand.

Kaguya, who was free from the claws of the ghost shark, did not fall to the ground, but disappeared strangely, and just evaporated out of thin air.


In a dark space, Kaguya emerged and fell to the ground.

This is where?

She looked around and saw nothing but darkness.

Even though she has three eyes, she is still blind when she gets here, she can only see the endless darkness and feel the eternal nothingness.

There is no light, no air, or even time in this place, which also means that Kaguya's thoughts gradually stagnate, like the insects in amber, frozen.

She was sealed in the moon by her two sons for a thousand years, but even the death and loneliness of those thousand years was not so desperate.

"Let me go out and beg you."

Before Kaguya's consciousness completely solidified, she finally gave in, raised her head and murmured to the endless dark sky.

It seems like only a second has passed, and it seems like thousands of years have passed.


A big hand ripped apart the darkness and brought light at the same time, like catching a chicken, and took Kaguya out of here.


On the surface of the moon, Kaguya sat on the ground with panic and fear written all over her face. She didn't want to go to that **** place anyway.

After so much tossing, Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was arrogant at first, finally calmed down in front of the ghost shark, and became a lot more at ease.

"Okay, now you can tell me everything you know about the Otsutsugi clan."

The ghost shark crouched down in front of Kaguya and grinned, like a big bad wolf staring at the little white rabbit.

Kaguya shrank back and looked at the ghost shark fearfully, not daring to hide anything, and told everything she knew.

after one day.

After resting at the Otsutsugi Castle on the moon for one night, the ghost shark brought Kaguya and returned to the village of Wuyin together.

In the empty Shuiying office, as a door of space opened, Ghost Shark and Kaguya came out one after the other.

Kaguya was a little dazed, and looked at the ghost shark nervously, not knowing where her next destiny would go.

Unexpectedly, the ghost shark waved to her and ordered casually:

"Okay, I don't need your help from now on. The Otsutsugi clan will be handled by me. You, just stay honest in this village and don't make trouble."

Hearing this, Hui Ye glanced around, then walked to the window, the three eyes reflected the bustling scenery of Wuyin Village outside the window, which made her eyes a little more curious.

She turned around, her wide robe dragged on the ground, and walked towards the door step by step.

"and many more."

The ghost shark suddenly remembered something and waved to Kaguya. With a blank expression on her face, she walked towards the ghost shark again.

"I almost forgot, the reincarnation writing wheel eye between your eyebrows is too conspicuous. I'm afraid it's not good to go out and flaunt the market. If you don't want to be watched, you'd better hide it temporarily."

While talking, the ghost shark thought for a while, and then took out a fog hidden forehead from the drawer, and then put it on Kaguya himself.

Her reincarnation writing wheel eye was covered by her forehead.

"From today onwards, your name will be Kaguya, and you are the Shinobi of Wuyin Village."

While talking, the ghost shark took out a few banknotes and handed them to Kaguya, "Go for a walk outside, familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment, and buy something to eat when you are hungry. If something happens, I will notify you directly with my mind. of."

After speaking, he sat back on the chair, closed his eyes, quickly spread his perception to the entire ninja world, and investigated the situation of the twelve disciples who were out on the mission.

"Nin Kaguya under the Hidden Mist Village."

Kaguya frowned slightly, muttered to himself his new identity, and then raised his head.

She stood there and waited for a while, seeing that the ghost shark ignored her, then slowly turned around and walked out the door.


As Hui Ye pushed out the door, the footsteps gradually faded away, and the ghost shark in the office suddenly opened his eyes again.

Maybe it's because of nature, or maybe it's only twelve years old after being resurrected. Ghost shark found that Kaguya's personality was a little cute?

After thinking about it, he was still a little worried, so he pressed a button on the table.

After a minute.

The ghost shark and Ye Cang stood side by side by the window, looking at the back of Kaguya who had walked out of the Shuiying Building and was standing on the street with a blank face.

"Master Gui Sha, is this girl the genius you found from outside?"

Ye Cang asked curiously. Whether it was the pair of small horns on Kaguya's head or the waterfall-like white hair, she felt that this girl was not an ordinary person.

"That's it."

The ghost shark nodded with a smile, and instructed Ye Cang, "Leave all other things at hand for now and keep an eye on her. If she tries to hurt the villagers or makes other dangerous actions, don't interfere and let me know as soon as possible. I understand. Yet?"


Although Ye Cang felt a little puzzled about the ghost shark's order, he agreed immediately.

When she was about to walk out of the office, she suddenly turned around and asked, "By the way, Lord Gui Sha, what's her name?"

"Otsutsuki Kaguya."

309, the night under the fog hidden forbearance Kaguya (two)

It's not the first time the ghost shark has done this kind of thing.

Ye Cang knew that one of the hobbies that ghost sharks have always had is to look for young geniuses from all over the ninja world like gold diggers, and then bring them back to Wuyin Village to cultivate.

From the earliest Shiro and Yamato, to the three Temari brothers and sisters later, as well as Xiangrin, Hinata, Shigego and others, this is the case without exception.

Even, ghost sharks often bring back not only young geniuses, but also their mothers...

Therefore, when Ye Cang learned from Gui Sha that he had found a talented girl again, he was not surprised or surprised, just curious about her appearance.

With two horns on her head, pale skin, long blue and white hair over one meter long, and the gorgeous jade robe, this girl exudes a noble and mysterious temperament all over her body.

Then, Ye Cang heard the other party's name.

"Otsutsuki Kaguya..."

She murmured the name, first stunned, then Tong Kong shrank, and her expression gradually became surprised.

Is this Otsutsuki, the Otsutsuki she knew?

Thinking of this, Ye Cang couldn't help but ask curiously, "Master Ghost Shark, isn't this Kaguya a descendant of the Six Paths Immortal Otsutsuki Yui?"


The ghost shark shook his head with a smile, and no longer sold off, he said directly, "She is the mother of the Six Path Immortals."

What? !

Ye Cang heard the words, and for a moment thought he had heard it wrong, but when he regained his senses, his eyes widened.

She had indeed heard Kaguya's story from the ghost shark.

At that time, the six immortal brothers joined forces to deal with their mother Kaguya, and sealed her body - an outsider golem on the moon, and was taken care of by her younger brother Yumura and his descendants; her chakra was divided into nine and transformed into nine. The nine-tailed beasts are scattered all over the Ninja world and are guarded by Yui and his Ninja disciples for generations.

Ye Cang also knew that Madara Uchiha, Obito and Nagato used the Eye of Reincarnation to steal the outsider golems on the moon, and tried to collect all the tailed beasts, planning to implement the Eye of the Moon plan, which seemed to be related to the resurrection. Kaguya is vaguely related.

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