Hatake Kakashi didn't understand why his Sharingan suddenly evolved, because it was the only relic left to him by Obito.

Thinking of the reward he had just sent, an idea suddenly flashed through his mind. Could it be that the masked man was Uchiha Obito?

"No, it's impossible. Obito died a long time ago. That man definitely couldn't be Obito!" Kakashi's face turned pale, and he couldn't believe his speculation at all.

"Teacher Kakashi, what's wrong with you?" Naruto was a little dumbfounded, and didn't quite understand why Kakashi suddenly trembled all over.

Kakashi hurriedly came back to his senses and shook his head.

"I'm fine!" But he was panicking inside. He wanted to find the masked man and must find out his true face.

"How strange!" Naruto pouted.

In the forty-seventh year of Konoha, Minato Namikaze counted his rewards, points, teleportation techniques, Sage Mode, and the Gate of Space and Time.

He has figured out the teleportation technique now. Only by storing the opponent's chakra in his own body, he can reach the target in an instant no matter how far away he is.

This is definitely a good ninjutsu. It is much more convenient than Flying Thunder God, and Flying Thunder God cannot be transferred over long distances.

It does not have such a powerful transfer ability as the teleportation technique, and the chakra used is much less than that of Flying Thunder God. If you have to say it, it is more like an upgraded version of Flying Thunder God.

It is this time and space gate that makes Minato confused. The name sounds like a time and space treasure. He had no choice but to open the mall and found that the time and space gate was actually sold for 500,000 points, which means that his current points can only buy one time and space gate.

At the same time, he also figured out the function of the time and space gate. Put this door in a place at random, and silently recite the era in your heart, and the time and space gate can take you to that era.

At most five people can enter each time, and the time to stay in another era cannot exceed three days. It takes seven days to restore energy after going back and forth.

"Good baby, it's really a good baby!" Even Minato, who was calm, was overjoyed after knowing the function of this door.

With this thing, he can go to the future to see his son with his own eyes, and he can also bring Kushina with him. After watching the video, Kushina has not recovered yet.

Kushina, whose eyes were red from crying, noticed Minato's excitement and asked curiously: "What happened? You are laughing so happily"

"We can see our son!" Kushina stared at him closely and asked carefully: "Really?"

Kakashi and others were also full of disbelief. How can you see Naruto? You don't have a child yet. It's impossible to conjure a person out of thin air, right?

Minato smiled and replied: "Among my rewards, there is a thing called the Gate of Time and Space, which can travel through any time and space. We can use this door to go to another time and space now!"

Kushina's eyes suddenly widened, and her heart was full of excitement.

"What are you waiting for? Use it now. I can't wait to see our son!"

Minato smiled bitterly: "Don't worry. Passing through the time-space gate can allow us to stay in another time and space for up to three days. After returning, the time-space gate needs to be charged for seven days. We suddenly disappeared for three days. The third generation will definitely be anxious, so we have to report to the third generation!"

Then he looked at Kakashi and others: "Are you going?"

Several people nodded hurriedly. Kakashi and Nohara Rin wanted to see what they would look like when they grew up. As for Uchiha Obito, he just wanted to find the mysterious masked man. He must teach him a lesson.

"Very good, gather at my house on time at two o'clock this afternoon!" Minato clapped his hands and decided immediately.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Minato and others were fully prepared, carrying large and small bags.

"Minato, will Naruto recognize us?" Kushina was depressed. The child lost both his parents when he was just born. I don't know how much suffering he has suffered when he grew up.

"Don't worry, I believe in our child!" Minato smiled faintly.

"Ready!" He took out the Gate of Time and Space and placed it in the middle of his living room.

"Let's go in!"

After crossing the Gate of Time and Space, they felt countless white lines flowing in front of their eyes, which made them dizzy.

But soon, they were standing on a huge plain.

Minato looked around and was happy: "This is it! This is the Konoha Village in the 63rd year of Konoha!"

The general layout of the Konoha Village in the 63rd year of Konoha is not much different from that in the 47th year of Konoha, but there are many more people, and there is also Minato's Hokage Rock on the Hokage Rock.

"It's the teacher's Hokage Rock, so handsome" Obito shouted excitedly.

"Let's go first, firstGo find the Sandaime, he should be in the Hokage's office at this time." He folded the time-space door and brought the four people to the Hokage's office.

Along the way, countless people's eyes flashed with surprise, they even felt that they were dazzled, the Fourth Hokage they saw in the video just now seemed to appear in the village.

Dong Dong Dong

There was a knock on the door, and before Sarutobi Hiruzen came back to his senses, he saw Namikaze Minato coming in from outside.

He was immediately dumbfounded and tremblingly said: "Is it Minato?"

Minato nodded: "Of course it's me?"

"Aren't you dead? Could it be that Naruto resurrected you? But that's not right, Kushina is here too." Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't understand. Naruto only had one million points now, and could only buy one resurrection coin. How could he revive both Kushina and Minato?

Then he noticed Obito and Nohara Rin, and was even more dumbfounded. How could these dead people suddenly appear here?

Namikaze Minato Sword Sarutobi Hiruzen was so anxious, so he told him the matter.

After a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen exclaimed: "I didn't expect that there would be such a magical thing in the world."

"By the way, where is Naruto now?" After hesitating for a moment, Namikaze Minato still asked.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and said: "If nothing unexpected happens, Naruto should be practicing with Jiraiya at this time!"


"Yes, although Naruto's strength has greatly improved, there are still many things about the basics of ninja that he doesn't understand. He should be practicing the nature change of chakra now!"

Then Sarutobi Hiruzen pointed to little Kakashi: "Is this Kakashi?"

"Yes! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled in his heart, wondering what would happen when Big Kakashi met Little Kakashi.

Then Sarutobi Hiruzen told the others where Naruto was training, and they hurried to find Naruto.

In the back hills of Konoha Village, countless Naruto clones were working hard to practice the changes in the nature of chakra. So far, he has been able to skillfully master the changes in the nature of wind-attributed chakra. If it is applied to the Rasengan, it is the Wind Style Rasenshuriken. However, Naruto does not intend to improve his ninjutsu now. He wants to strike while the iron is hot and master the remaining changes in attributes.

"It's boring, so dull!" Toneri was extremely bored on the side, and Sasuke said, "Practice is like this, boring and dull"

Toneri said, "Then why do you still want to practice? Isn't it better to lie down like me? "

He no longer bears the fate of Hamura, and he feels relaxed. He just wants to eat and wait for death.

Sasuke said calmly: "Because without power, you can't protect everything, and you can't protect the things you care about."

He thought of that night again, when his parents and relatives were slaughtered, and he fell from a happy family to hell overnight. He will never forget the heart-wrenching pain and hatred.

Sheren chuckled: "It seems that you have a story. How about it, do you want to tell it, maybe you will feel much more relaxed! "

Sasuke glanced at him indifferently, and ignored him, continuing to practice the change of chakra properties.

Since he had dozens of times more chakra out of thin air, he could also create shadow clones like Naruto to help him practice. Although the number of clones was not as many as Naruto, they were definitely the best for practice.

"Fortunately, with Naruto's huge chakra suppression, the Nine-Tailed Fox didn't come out to make trouble, otherwise the consequences would be hard to imagine," Jiraiya said secretly on the side.

If so many Narutos were transformed into tailed beasts, it would definitely be enough to make Konoha Village suffer.

Jiraiya completely forgot that the Nine-Tailed Fox was no longer Naruto's opponent, and since the Nine-Tailed Fox saw the journey to the moon, some unpredictable changes had occurred in his heart.

It's hard to say whether this change is good or bad, but at least it won't stop Naruto from practicing.

"Minato? "

Just as Jiraiya was admiring Naruto's powerful chakra and amazing strength, he suddenly saw Minato Namikaze, Kushina and the three little ones from a distance.

He rubbed his eyes. He saw it right. It was not an illusion, but the real Minato.

But why was Minato here? He protected Naruto's body behind him with a serious expression.

Naruto was speechless. My current strength is much stronger than yours. What are you doing now? You are practicing well...

"Dad..." Naruto's body trembled. He rubbed his eyes with his hands, and mom.

"It's not an illusion, it's the real dad and mom." Naruto flashed and then hugged Minato Namikaze tightly.

"Ah!" What greeted Minato Namikaze was not a smile, but a cry of surprise.

It turned out that Naruto's strength was too strong. This bear hug directly broke Minato's ribs.

The people presentEveryone was dumbfounded. Fortunately, there was a medical ninja named Nohara Rin who was present and treated Minato immediately.

Naruto was stunned and lowered his head. He kept complaining in his heart that his father was too fragile.

Namikaze Minato said with a cold sweat on his face: "It's not a big problem. It's good to have vitality!"

Several people around laughed. Kushina looked at Naruto and tears flowed down her face. Then she pressed Naruto's head tightly against her chest.

"I'm sorry, Naruto! But it's great that you can grow up."

Naruto was silent and hugged Kushina tightly, while others looked at this touching scene of mother and son reuniting with bright faces.

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