Naruto was breathing heavily, with horror flashing in his eyes. This move was too terrifying. Flying Thunder God and his nerve reaction speed almost got him hit. It was normal for Obito to be hit at the critical moment, but looking at Obito whose half body was eliminated, he flashed with sorrow. There was no way to survive in this state.

That half of the body had turned into nothingness. Even if he used Yang escape, he could not save it. After all, his Yang escape had not reached the level of the Six Paths Sage.

"I lost just like that?" Obito fell to the ground, and his only remaining consciousness was thinking about this.

Several people came to Obito, speechless, looking at the dying Obito expressionlessly.

"Teacher, am I wrong?" Adult Obito spoke reluctantly, but his voice was extremely weak.

"I don't know!" Minato shook his head.

Outsiders cannot judge whether he is right or wrong. Different positions lead to different judgments. From Minato's perspective, Obito is wrong for doing all kinds of evil, but from Obito's perspective, he works hard for world peace and strives to create a world where Rin exists. He will not regret it even if he dies.

He will not think that he is wrong, nor will he regret it. When he fought with Naruto, he was no longer confused, but now lying on the ground, he recalled the past again.

"Rin, I'm here to find you!" At the end of his life, he seemed to have found his original intention.

"Obito..." Kakashi's cry came from a distance. Several people looked back and saw Kakashi lying on Kai's back with a sad face.

Kai moved forward with all his strength, even opening seven gates. The speed was so fast that it made people dazzled, and then he stood steadily in front of several people.

Kakashi squatted on the ground, not knowing what to say.

"Kakashi, you are here after all." Obito laughed, and then fell silent. As usual, the two of them didn't talk much, and could only rely on simple eye contact.

"After I die, I will give you this Samsara Eye. Although I am very unhappy with you, this eye was opened with great effort. It would be a waste to bury it underground like this. You don't have to... refuse."

He slowly closed his eyes and said weakly: "Hey, Kakashi, do you know? In fact, I have always... hated you..."

Kakashi pursed his lips and was about to speak.

But Obito's voice paused, and his originally chaotic breathing also stopped.

"But I don't hate you at all," Kakashi muttered to himself, his eyes were dull, and he died. His friend died in front of him again.

The young boy Obito came to Kakashi, patted his shoulder and said: "This is his own fault. He has his own way of dying. You don't need to be sad!"

Kakashi smiled bitterly. It was not that easy. He originally thought that his friend had died tragically and had been depressed. Later, the system appeared and he learned that his friend was still alive. But later he learned that it was his friend who killed his master and his mistress. He tried every means to find the other party's trace to find out the truth, but it was not as he wished. He died in front of him.

"You say, you die, but you have to say some nonsense before you die. How can I feel good!"

He sat on the ground, looking sad, and his mood was indescribable.

Minato Namikaze gave a look, and several people stepped back and moved Might Guy, who was limp after using the seven gates.

After a while, Kakashi stood up from the ground and looked at Naruto with a firm face.

"Naruto, use your Yang escape technique to transplant Obito's Samsara Eye to me."

Naruto nodded. He naturally did not object. It was better to leave Obito's Samsara Eye to Kakashi so that he could strengthen his strength and protect Konoha.

After a while, several people buried Obito and stood in front of his grave to mourn silently.

"By the way, Kakashi teacher, try not to use your Samsara Eye too much. You don't have enough chakra. If you use it too much, you will soon become like Nagato."

Kakashi's chakra is much different from Nagato's, but even so, Nagato was sucked dry several times when he used a Samsara Eye that was not his original one, not to mention Kakashi who had less chakra.

Kakashi nodded silently. A few minutes later, Namikaze Minato whispered, "Kakashi, I understand your feelings, but we are leaving!"

Kakashi nodded. He knew that Minato teacher didn't have much time to stay in this era, and he had to return to his own era.

Several figures flashed and came to Konoha Village again. Then Minato took Kushina and the young Obito away from this era. Before leaving, Minato specifically reminded them that they might have to come back after a while, because Namikaze Minato was about to succeed the Fourth Hokage, and there were many things to do in the village.Deal with it.

In this regard, Naruto expressed his understanding, and at the same time asked the young Obito to practice hard and adapt to his own strength.

Of course, the young Obito said with shame that it was no problem. After all, the battle between him and the adult Obito was really unbearable to watch, and he was defeated by him in a few moves.

After several people left, Naruto looked at the distraught Kakashi.

"Kakashi, teacher, are you okay?"

Kakashi shook his head and walked towards his home with shaky steps.

"I'm sorry, Naruto, let me calm down!" Kakashi's voice came from a distance, a little empty.

Naruto was silent, and then looked at the half-dead Might Guy.

"Teacher Guy, are you okay?" When Kakashi's chakra was about to run out, he directly opened the seven gates and carried Kakashi on his back, otherwise they would not have rushed to the battlefield in another forty or fifty minutes.

Might Guy shook his head weakly: "It's okay, just a little blood deficiency, just replenish it!"

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Then I'll leave Kakashi-sensei to you!"

He knew that Might Guy and Kakashi had a special relationship, and Might Guy was a very funny character. With him by Kakashi's side, Naruto could rest assured.

"Of course, I'm his only opponent!" Might Guy gave a thumbs up and smiled, and then grinned for a while.

Naruto shook his head helplessly, and then took Toneri and Sasuke.

"Sure enough, Ichiraku Ramen is still the most delicious, especially after the battle!" After eating and drinking, Naruto touched his stomach and smiled.

Toneri also looked satisfied.

"How is it, life in Konoha Village is much better than on the moon?" Naruto asked with a smile.

"Of course, there are no such delicacies on the empty moon!" Toneri affirmed, but in a blink of an eye his face became extremely serious.

Not only them, but all the ninjas in Konoha Village who had some strength felt the strong pressure.

"Who is it?" They rushed to the front of the village gate quickly.

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