"Boruto, from now on you are no longer a ninja! I hereby declare that Uzumaki Boruto cheated, and the winner is Nara Shikadai!"

Naruto took off the forehead protector on Boruto's forehead and put it in his arms.

Everyone was stunned. They couldn't believe that the child of the Hokage would cheat in front of the Hokage. Isn't this a naked slap in the face?

Naruto looked guilty and distressed, pulling the distraught Boruto.

"Let's go, Boruto, there is still a game to come!"

Boruto suddenly threw Naruto's hand away, and cried with a little cry: "If you had told me the rules of the game earlier, if you could look at me more, how could I do such a thing!"

Naruto was stunned, looking at his hysterical son, he didn't say anything, he knew that Boruto did this because wanting to be the winner was only part of the reason, and more importantly, he wanted to get his recognition.

This is his son!

Outside the video, everyone watched nervously. The relationship between Naruto and Boruto might have reached the most tense point. If Naruto didn't handle it well, Boruto might change his temperament from now on and become a rebellious ninja.

Naruto was also worried. Although he was very powerful, he was still a little ignorant when it came to family matters. He certainly hoped that his future self would handle it well to avoid Boruto from going astray. He knew the feeling of being ignored, especially by someone important to him.

Eighty-three years of Konoha.

On the playground of the Ninja School, Boruto watched this scene expressionlessly. After knowing that he cheated in the video, he thought of this possibility. He knew that the person in the video knew it naturally.

His father was known as the strongest man in the ninja world today. His eyes were not so easily deceived, but he didn't expect his father to be so heartless.

Of course, he would not resent his father for such a small matter. He only wanted Naruto's love and care.

However, after learning that he had worshipped Sasuke as his teacher, a smile appeared on his face again. His father's lifelong opponent was as powerful as his father.

He is definitely a good teacher. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Sasuke is really handsome!

Sarada was excited. Father, that is a living father, and it seems that he will be back after a while. It is really great. Sarada has never seen her father since she can remember.

Even if she asked her mother, her mother would only vaguely say that her father went to perform a secret mission, which was a mission that only he could complete.

Sarada also got angry several times, but her mother did not compromise with her at all, which means that no matter what she did, she would not tell her father's whereabouts. Sometimes she would wonder if she was Sasuke's biological child.

After all, other people's children are reunited with their parents and accompanied by their families, only she...

But now after seeing the video of herself and her father getting along well, Sarada is so happy in her heart.

Hokage office

Shikamaru smoked a cigarette and said, "Naruto, you went a little too far this time. No matter what, you shouldn't have embarrassed Boruto in public."

Naruto nodded. If this video hadn't appeared, he might not have realized this problem. According to future developments, he would definitely do the same thing and hurt Boruto again.

"Naruto, although you are the Hokage, I still have something to say!" Nara Shikamaru said.

"I wanted to say these words a long time ago, but I have been holding back. Since you became the Hokage, you have split a large number of shadow clones every day to help the people in the village and maintain the village's security. All their accumulated fatigue has gathered in your body, so you are so tired. Otherwise, your work efficiency will be higher and you will have more time to accompany your family."

When Shikamaru said this, Naruto already understood what he meant.

He was like a child who had done something wrong, and whispered: "But I just want the people in the village to live happily."

Shikamaru smiled and said: "Think about it, the ninja world is so peaceful now, and technology is so advanced. The only things that really need to be dealt with are the affairs of the Otsutsuki and the development and construction of the village. But to be honest, these alone will not make you so busy and make you feel weak all day long. In addition, you said you want to make the people in the village happy

Have you ever thought about one thing, why do you want to help them? Many things are just normal life affairs, which should not be done by you, but you take them all on yourself, otherwise you will be like the sixth generation, doing nothing."

Shikamaru's words directly silenced Naruto. He admitted that Shikamaru was right. With the development of technology, it was originally his turn to become Hokage, and the handling of thingsThe efficiency should be higher, but he is more tired than any other Hokage. It seems that there are endless things to do every day.

"Yes, you are right. It seems that I have to handle such things properly in the future!" Naruto nodded and said solemnly.

Shikamaru smiled: "That's good!"

Apart from Sasuke, Naruto has the best relationship with him. The two grew up together. Together with Choji, they are called the three truants. They are not in vain. Before Naruto became Hokage, he expected such a thing to happen, so he was so determined to become the assistant of the Sixth Hokage, hoping to help Naruto in the future.

But the development of things is more outrageous than he expected. Naruto's shadow clones are sometimes hundreds at least, and sometimes thousands at most. They help in the village, from helping to move goods to building houses. Naruto's figure can be seen everywhere. This is also the reason why Naruto is listless every day. He was reluctant to say it in the past. After all, it was Naruto's own choice.

But seeing the confrontation between Naruto and Boruto in the video, he felt very uncomfortable. After all, he also had a son, and he really didn't want them to be like this, so he could only persuade them.

In the video, a jaw-dropping scene appeared.

Naruto's face suddenly changed, and he looked up at the sky, only to see two abnormal people with white hair and beards flying in the sky.

"Who are those two people? They can actually fly in the air"

"Incredible, are there still people who can fly in the ninja world now?"

There were discussions in the venue, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Naruto's face showed surprise, and suddenly he remembered the information that Sasuke brought at that time.

Could it be Otsutsuki?

Finally here! He looked serious and solemnly faced the two people.

"Finally found it!" The two slowly landed from the air with a disdainful smile on their faces

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