Ninja World Live: The Ninja Rabbit I Picked Up Was Actually Kaguya Hime

Chapter 089 Black Zetsu exposes the Great Toad Sage as a liar and makes the family laugh!

millennia ago.

When the Great Toad Sage was young, he wore a tag with the word [Oil] on it, and then had his own name, Toad Maru.

So he took on the mission of saving the earth and tried his best to get in touch with the two sons of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Among them, Yui is not very easy to get along with, but Ōtsutsuki Hamura trusts it very much.

So it exposed Kaguya's [atrocities] to these two sons of Kaguya, and then pulled Yui and Hamura to the same direction as it, and said to seal Ōtsutsuki Kaguya in order to protect the earth.

And this kind of action for Haji and Hamura is... against their own mother.

Then it is an act of disrespect.

It was just for the sake of the common people, so Sage of Six Paths and his younger brother finally sealed their mother, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Then time flies, Yui went to the moon, and Hamura stayed behind, and distributed Chakra to other humans, and finally established Ninja Sect.

And this is the origin of the ninja world.

However, Hamura's life is not happy, because his two sons are at odds, Ashura is very filial, and Indra is not filial.

Even against them at one point.

Therefore, Indra inherited the gene of unfilial piety, formed its own faction, and eventually evolved into the Uchiha family.

And now, Uchiha Madara of the Uchiha clan asks it for a magic spell with an irresistible momentum.

This made Great Toad Sage feel the anger of vomiting blood when Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was about to be sealed by two unfilial children.

Because, now Uchiha Madara, do you know that?

Who is it!

It is the Great Toad Sage and Sage of Six Paths brotherhood, and Sage of Six Paths befriends, and... is your ancestor Indra's elder!


But he was bullied to the door, and then threatened to hand over Mount Myōboku's treasure by splitting Mount Myōboku!

"You kind of bastard..."

Great Toad Sage spoke quickly.

Uchiha Madara gave it a strong sense of oppression, as if they were dreaming back a thousand years ago, and then they found the appearance of the big boss Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, which made them feel desperately powerful.

But fortunately, it can fool Hamura and Yui who have inherited Kaguya's power, so now... % Yes, it admits that Uchiha Madara's 200-meter Susanoo brought it an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

Then it also knew that Uchiha Madara could definitely slash Mount Myōboku with one knife.


It's ok.

Since it has experience in convincing Sage of Six Paths, now it's just to convince Uchiha Madara...

The current Uchiha Madara is not as strong as Sage of Six Paths...


It's still time to pull...

"Do you know..." Great Toad Sage said directly.

"shut up!""

"Don't try to fool me!"

"If you say something else, I'll split Mount Myōboku right away! 35

But Uchiha Madara's voice directly hit the Great Toad Sage.

"You just have to give an answer of yes or no," Uchiha Madara said.

"My time is very tight, I don't have time to have a BB with you, and I don't need to have a BB with you."

"..." Great Toad Sage.

Great Toad Sage.

Its strongest is not the thousands of years of cultivation, but its mouth, and in the end it does not let it speak, so how can it pull back the situation?

"..." Great Toad Sage.

"Give him! 35

Great Toad Sage immediately said to Shima Toad.


Immortal Zhima was stunned for a moment.

"I said, give him the treasure and let him go! Great Toad Sage said.


Immortal Zhima went numb directly.

Because just now, the ancestors didn't think the sky would fall, so just grab Uchiha Madara and buy time to talk, and then it will be alright?

The result is the treasure?!

"Didn't you hear what I said""?" The Great Toad Sage looked at Immortal Zhima.

"..." Immortal Zhima.

Shima toad is really numb.

Is it because the ancestors put all their qi out of it?

But it had no choice but to go to the treasure box that was carefully enshrined in the temple and took out the magic spell that Uchiha needed.

So, half an hour later.

Uchiha Madara, who got the filthy earth with the magic spell, left.

At the same time, his 200-meter oversized crow tengu Susanoo disappeared.

After Shima Toad, Fukasaku Toad, and Mount Myōboku reacted, they all surrounded the temple without a roof.

"Ancestor, is the magic spell we gave to Uchiha Madara real or fake?" Fukasaku Toad asked quickly.

"The speculation may be false, otherwise you wouldn't let Shima meet so fast." Fukasaku Toad said.

"It's just that Uchiha Madara is so strong now, and sure enough, we have to send little Jiraiya to see if we can find Konoha for help. 99

The toads began to communicate, and even felt a little scared.

And Fukasaku Toad considered that the ancestors may have given Uchiha Madara a fake fairy spell, then Mount Myōboku may be revenge.

So you have to find someone to deal with it.

They... I'm afraid they won't work.

And little Jiraiya is a Sage Mode taught by Fukasaku Toad, although it is stronger than ordinary ninjas, but unfortunately, Dabaa.


The current Mount Myōboku is doomed.

must be dealt with quickly.


"He's got his stuff and shouldn't be coming back," Great Toad Sage said.


"The celestial charm was the treasure of Mount Myōboku, and it was indeed given to Uchiha Madara," said the 35 Great Toad Sage.

‧" Deep toad.

66....99 Chi Ma toad.

A bunch of toads.


Is the grandfather so cowardly?

It's just that they are not so cowardly, because the Uchiha Madara just now gave them too much pressure.

Some of the toads of Mount Myōboku signed a contract with Jiraiya as a Summoning beast, so they were often summoned by Jiraiya Summoning, and then experienced and experienced various things outside the ninja world.


Like Uchiha Madara's terrifying 200-meter Susanoo's pressure...not at all.

Therefore, in the face of such a powerful enemy, it is really not ashamed to be a little cowardly.


"I'm furious!

"This time..."

"It doesn't work...I don't even have a chance to let the old man speak...

Great Toad Sage swears.

Because, if Uchiha Madara told him to speak, he could definitely start flickering, but Uchiha Madara just told him to shut up!



And the other side.

"..." Jiraiya.

Although it doesn't seem to have much to do with Jiraiya, because Uchiha Madara was born in Konoha, but this is the powerhouse of the First Generation era.

He certainly can't.


Jiraiya felt the need to escalate one-off.


[Jiraiya is online]

[Children and grandchildren? (^_−) chat group]

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Hmm...

【Big Pillar Hanhan】: Ōtsutsuki, ah...

【Big Pillar Hanhan】:......??

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Oh, Jiraiya is online.

【Senju Tobirama】: Hmm... the name.

Senju Hashirama in the small group--suddenly noticed that Jiraiya was online.


He was suddenly silent.

The atmosphere in the group also stagnated for a moment.

But Jiraiya hasn't reacted yet.

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】: Shodai, Nidaime, it's not good!

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】: I am in Mount Myōboku.

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】: Then Uchiha Madara appeared in Mount Myōboku!

【Mount Myōboku's Loyal Dog】: He threatened the Great Toad Sage, and then took Mount Myōboku's Arcana spell!

【The big pillar is silly】:

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Namikaze Minato】: Wait a minute, Mr. Jiraiya, you mean Uchiha Madara went to Mount Myōboku?

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】: Right Minato.

【Mount Myōboku's loyal dog】: Just 30 minutes ago, he came to Mount Myōboku, and then drove the 200-meter Susanoo to threaten the Great Toad Sage.

【Mount Myōboku's Loyal Dog】: And now Mount Myōboku's treasure is taken away.

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】: The situation is critical.

【The big pillar is silly】:

【Senju Tobirama】: So, Jiraiya, do you want to - do you want us to arrange someone to rescue the scene?

【Mount Myōboku's loyal dog】: Uchiha Madara's current strength is too strong, and the 200-meter Susanoo, I am afraid that only Shodai's strength can resist.

【The big pillar is silly】:

[Da Zhuzi Hanhan]: First of all, my body is on Orochimaru's side, and I can't be unearthed - come here.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Then...

Hashirama suddenly fell silent.

【The big pillar is silly】:

【Senju Tobirama】: Jiraiya, you are a disciple of Sarutobi, although I am very dissatisfied with Sarutobi, but...for now, you should take a look at yourself first.

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】: Huh?!

See how you look like?

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】:

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】:

Jiraiya finally realized that something seemed to be wrong.

That's my name... eh?


It was a good-looking fairy before, but now it's... Mount Myōboku's loyal dog!?

【Namikaze Minato】: Is that true?

【Namikaze Minato】:...... Jiraiya-sensei, how do you say it?

【Namikaze Minato】: Uchiha Madara is very strong, we have seen this in the small group.

【Namikaze Minato】: But he has already been defeated by Kitahara-kun.

【Namikaze Minato】: So don't worry.

【Namikaze Minato】: He can't threaten Konoha yet.

【Namikaze Minato】: And... the treasure you mentioned, even if he gets it, then he will increase his power again, so don't worry.

【Namikaze Minato】: Look...

【Namikaze Minato】: Kitahara -kun's strength has increased again, and it is stronger than when he faced Uchiha Madara before.

【Namikaze Minato】: But...

【Namikaze Minato】: position do you stand on now?

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】:

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】: What is my position...?!?

Jiraiya was suddenly silent when asked by his own disciple.

【Namikaze Minato】: I don't want to say anything about my affairs. I am very grateful to Mr. Jiraiya.

【Namikaze Minato】: But.

【Namikaze Minato】: Teacher Jiraiya.

【Namikaze Minato】: Uchiha Madara has appeared before, and then you didn't go online, so you didn't get any information.

【Namikaze Minato】: And just now, Konoha and Ninja world almost encountered a devastating blow.

【Namikaze Minato】: Sage of Six Paths' younger brother Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's descendant Ōtsutsuki Shiren came to Konoha.

【Namikaze Minato】: Threatened to destroy Konoha.

【Namikaze Minato】: Fortunately, Kitahara-kun beat him away.

【Namikaze Minato】: But...

【Namikaze Minato】: Important moment, Mr. Jiraiya, you...

Minato didn't finish his sentence.

【Senju Tobirama】: Minato, you are still too gentle. (Zhao's) I'll do it.

Tobirama, who had already hand-delivered - an idiot - the egg disciple on the road, stood up - came out.

【Senju Tobirama】: Jiraiya. Your teacher is Sarutobi, this can't be helped, that guy is the one I didn't teach well.

【Senju Tobirama】: are from Konoha.

【Senju Tobirama】: Minato they are proud of you.

【Senju Tobirama】: But don't you think that what you're standing now- has always been the so-called Mount Myōboku stand?

【Senju Tobirama】: I know you will be sad because of Nagato, and you will be sad because of Minato.

【Senju Tobirama】: But didn't you find it?

【Senju Tobirama】: You keep missing it.

【Senju Tobirama】: When Konoha needs you, when people who believe in you need you, you are always at Mount Myōboku.

【Senju Tobirama】: Then...what have you been doing with your life!

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】: This...

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】: I...

【Mount Myōboku's loyal dog】: I originally wanted to become stronger, and then let Tsunade see me, but later I thought, is it really okay to become stronger like this?

【The Loyal Dog of Mount Myōboku】: So he was told by the Great Toad Sage that he would become the master of the Child of Destiny in the future, and then traveled all over the world of ninja, hoping to cultivate the Child of Destiny well.

【Big Dutiful Son Black Zetsu】: Hehehe...

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Oh, Mr. Black Zetsu, you are here too.

【Otakako Black Zetsu】: Hmm...

【Otakako Black Zetsu】: I just wanted to laugh a little.

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】:

【The loyal dog of Mount Myōboku】:!??

【Big Dutiful Son Black Zetsu】: There is really a reason to delay other people's life.

【Big Dutiful Son Black Zetsu】: Let me tell you, this Great Toad Sage is a liar! Fool!.

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