Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 14 Another Run, Ready To Collect Dung!


Jingmei saw a strange scene.

All I saw was that the swarm of bugs had all landed on the quilt on the bed and were constantly gnawing on the quilt.

In a few breaths, the quilt was gnawed away, revealing a frightened young man.

"Go away! Don't come over..."

Chiba shouted at the top of his lungs, almost hoarse.

As a result, these bugs crawled on him one by one, and Chiba jumped up from the bed in fright.

Spin, jump, and keep your eyes closed!

It worked!

Feeling the bugs crawling on him disappear, Chiba opened his eyes.

He first looked at himself, and found that the bug had really disappeared, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he saw the girl with exaggerated expression standing at the door.

At this time, Aburame Jingmei was stunned, her mouth opened into an O shape, and she froze in place.

what did she see

All the worms he cultivated went into the opponent's body?

What makes Jingmei even more incomprehensible is that without the secret technique of the Aburame family, how could the other party be like a normal person?

This unscientific!

Not only was she stunned, but Chiba also found it incredible at this time.

next moment!

Chiba jumped directly in front of the girl with an excited face.

"Aren't you afraid of the smell on me?"


Facing Chiba's inquiry, Shizumi came back to her senses.


Sniffing her nose, Jingmei shook her head.

The sense of smell of the Aburame clan has been lost since the moment they cultivated the worms.

This is her family's secret.

Only bugs are the only support of her family.

But now, Jingmei's bugs are gone, and they all ran into Chiba's body.

Chiba was so excited.

He finally met someone who didn't care about his taste.

I thought I would be lonely for a lifetime, but now it is bright.

"Give me back my worm first."

Aburame Jingmei spoke aggrievedly, her face full of resentment.

"Your bug? Didn't the bug fly away?"

Chiba froze, quite puzzled.

How can there be bugs on him? What do you pay for?

"Your body!"


Startled by the girl's words, Chiba took two steps back.

With a face full of disbelief, he looked up and down the girl's appearance.

His facial features are okay, his figure is okay, his demeanor is pretty and pitiful, and he's okay too. Especially those ponytails are even more exciting.

Feeling relieved, Chiba felt that he should make an exception to accept the other party today.

However, he had to wash himself well first.

Thinking of this, Chiba's face became a little shy.

"That... I'll take a shower first..."

After speaking, Chiba ran towards the outside of the house.


Jingmei was a little confused and couldn't understand.

"Could it be possible for him to take a bath to wash out the bugs in his body?"

As soon as this doubt arose, Jingmei felt a little sticky on her mouth.

Not only is the mouth sticky, but even the nose seems to be covered with a sticky substance.

Involuntarily, she wiped it with her hands.

"This is..."

Looking at the viscous substance on her hand that was exactly the same as that of Ollie, Jingmei's eyes widened.

Then she wiped the underside of her nose again.

exactly the same!


The girl yelled in horror and ran out like crazy.

Chiba in the yard just brought up a bucket of water from the well, and before he could take a bath, he saw the girl run away.


Seeing the girl run away, Chiba was stunned, and the bucket he just brought up in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

Die before leaving the teacher!

A cavity of blood turned into dust!


After staring at the gate of the courtyard for a long time, Chiba came back to his senses, sighed, and looked lonely.

"Forget it, I am the majestic Ninja World Shi (shit) Emperor, women will only affect me, so let's find a way to become stronger..."

After tidying up his mood, he once again had high fighting spirit.

To become stronger, it is necessary to collect feces.

"My biggest obstacle now is how to cover up my own smell."

After thinking about it, Chiba paced slowly in the yard.

As long as he covers his own smell, he can sneak out at night and collect feces.

As for why it is night?

Because Chiba was afraid of being beaten during the day.

During the day, the streets were full of people. Even if he was lucky enough not to be recognized, when he activated his ability to collect feces, he would be seen by others.

Just imagine, he was quietly lingering outside the fence of someone else's house, and his ability was activated. As a result, a large amount of feces was lifted into the air.

At that time, he was afraid that people would beat him to death.

And the night would be so much better.

"Night is the best cover. I only need to walk around the street to collect Oli within a radius of 100 meters."

[Big brother, free tickets! After watching, vote for free, I'm going to cry! 】

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