Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 21 Sand Shinobi Vomits, And The Luosha Rushes Down!

Moo! ! !

At this moment, a loud cow cry came from not far away.

Hearing the cry of the cow, Luo Sha was slightly taken aback, and turned his head to look.

I saw an old cow pulling a cart with red eyes, a few grasses stuck in its nose, and its four hooves scratching fast, rushing towards here. On the bullock cart, a young man was jolted left and right, obviously unable to control it.

at the same time.

A strong Ollie smell wafted along with it, causing Luo Sha's complexion to change slightly.

"This smell!"


Being driven all the way by the crazy old cow, Chiba almost spewed out the food from being bumped.

In particular, he saw two more people in front of him.

In desperation, Chiba had no choice but to activate his ability.

However, he didn't have time.


The violent shaking threw Chiba out of the bullock cart, causing him to fall into a dog and eat shit.

"Why do I feel that this scene is a bit familiar?"

With his face on the ground, Chiba felt that he had experienced this posture once.

"You are the trash who killed the Sand Eagle team?"

Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded, it was Luo Sha.

Luo Sha remembered this smell.

This disgusting Ollie smell came from the body of the Sand Eagle team.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Sand Shinobi ninjas appeared one after another, standing behind Luo Sha.

However, as soon as these Sand Shinobi appeared, they all frowned.

"Why does it smell like Ollie?"

"Did this fall from the bullock cart?"

"I think so!"

A dozen Sand Shinobi covered their mouths and noses one after another, and finally felt a little better.

Rosa frowned.

He couldn't believe it.

Such a waste that can fall from a bullock cart can actually destroy the Sand Eagle Squad?

At this time!

The youth on the ground moved.

Chiba got up and glanced at the group of Sand Shinobi in front of him.

"It turned out to be the enemy."

He grinned.

Activate the imitation ability!

Mist Shinobi Technique!


The surrounding environment changed suddenly, and a yellow mist filled the air.

"This is... vomit!"

"Mom! This taste, yue..."

"What kind of ninjutsu is this? Shiyin Technique?"

"My head is dizzy, vomit..."

As soon as the yellow mist appeared, the smell ten times stronger than before drifted out, immediately making the group of Sand Shinobi vomit.

Even Luo Sha was overwhelmed by the strong taste of Oli, and his stomach kept churning.

"Everyone hold your breath!"

Luo Sha spoke, thinking of a countermeasure.

As his voice fell, a group of Sand Shinobi were all out of breath.

"Just relying on this disgusting little trick?"

Suppressing the feeling of vomiting, his eyes scanned the surroundings, trying to find the location of the other party.

But the next moment!

"Earth Style—— Huangquan Swamp!"

Hidden in the mist, Chiba activated his imitation ability again, imitating Jiraiya's ninjutsu.

The ground changed abruptly.

In an instant, it turned into a huge steaming cesspool.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

"Fuck! What is this? A cesspit? Ugh..."

"Why is it still steaming? Yue"

"Why can't my feet come out?"

"Dung escape ninja! He is dung escape ninja, yue..."

This change was so fast that a group of Sand Shinobi had no time to react, and they all fell into the cesspit.

The excrement in the cesspit was extremely viscous, it seemed to be like super glue, and it exuded an unbearable strong Ollie smell.

Even Luo Sha was tricked.

Struggling to free himself, Luo Sha found that his feet were difficult to pull out?

"Everyone, don't break free with your feet, lean your body forward, and climb out!"

As expected of being a disciple of Third Kazekage, Luo Sha quickly thought of a way.

So, instead of struggling, a group of Sand Shinobi leaned forward one by one, increasing the contact area.

As a result, they had to face the viscous feces and endure bursts of unspeakable stench.

But compared to being able to climb out, they obviously wanted to climb out.

"Want to crawl out? You guys are so naive!"

Chiba opened his mouth quietly, and snapped his fingers towards the void.

Ability activation - five grain reincarnation!

"Gululu... Gululu..."

"Damn it! My stomach! Damn it!"

"It's so strong... Puff..."

"I can't hold it in anymore! Haha!"

These Sand Shinobi are all crawling, but with a strong desire to defecate, more than half of the Sand Shinobi are covering their stomachs.


Haw! Haw! Haw!

Their faces fell on the dung.

To be decisive, it has to be Luo Sha.

"Everyone, don't hold back, just pull it out, and crawl out first."

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