Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 26 Fujiki's Identity, Chiba's Face Change!

After all, there is nothing on the road, so I can only pass the time by sleeping.

However, Fujiki obviously didn't give him a chance.

"Senior Chiba, how did you save me? That Sand Shinobi is so powerful that even the captain of Elite Chunin was instantly killed..."

Fujiki was very curious, how did Chiba save himself?

He witnessed that Sand Shinobi's strong Yamato was cruel, and according to Fujiki's estimation, the other party was definitely a powerful Jōnin!

"How did I save you? I didn't even ask your name, but you asked how I saved you?"


Fujiki was stunned by what Chiba said.

Immediately, he suddenly realized.


The ninja's abilities and methods are kept secret, and he saved himself without even knowing his name, but he inquired about his secret methods?

"I was reckless, sorry!"

Bowing to Chiba, Fujiki's tone was sincere.

"By the way, senior, my name is Mito Fujiki."

Listening to the other party's self-introduction, Chiba was indifferent and drowsy.

"My father's name is Mitokado Homura!"


Now, Chiba reacted.

He turned his head and looked at Fujiki carefully.

Mitokado Homura?

Village advisor? high level?

Is it your father?

You fucking said it earlier!

"Fujiki, do you know that there is a ninjutsu called 'face changing'?"

"Face changing? I don't know! I know Transformation Technique!"

Fujiki shook his head thoughtfully.

"Then do you want to watch the face change?"

Chiba is persuasive.

"Okay! Senior, please teach me."

Fujiki looked forward.

next moment!

Chiba's expression changed.

The original arrogance and indifference disappeared, replaced by that familiar smile.

"Fujiki, right? Good brother!"

Holding the other's palm, Chiba was full of enthusiasm, as if the other was his long-lost brother.

At the same time as he opened his mouth, a large stream of Oli was sprayed out by the smell, and all of it was sprayed on Fujiki's face.

Fujiki was stunned!

Not only was the change in the other party's attitude confusing him, but what made him even more puzzled was that he suddenly felt sticky on his face and mouth.

Ever since, he wiped his mouth with his hand, and wiped his face by the way.

At this time, Chiba had already let go of his hand, leaned against the side of the car, and turned his body to the other side by the way.


Shouts of terror resounded through the sky.


As Fujiki fell off the bullock cart, Chiba couldn't bear to look directly.

He swears, he really didn't mean to.

Said he sprayed Ollie whenever he spoke? He wouldn't admit it even if he was killed.

"It must be that he hasn't come out of the panic yet, which caused the meridians to become disordered, and the feces flowed up and onto his face. This has nothing to do with me."

Chiba found the reason for the scene just now, and praised his wit.

"Good brother! Come up!"

Looking at Fujiki who fell to the ground, Chiba extended a caring hand with love.


The slumped Fujiki shook his head vigorously, seemingly reluctant.

"Good brother! Didn't you just fall off the bullock cart? What's the matter? I've already fallen twice, nothing happened."

Chiba persuaded with kind words and sincerely.

"Come on! Take my hand!"

After speaking, he jumped out of the car directly.


Fujiki didn't know what to do, so he could only bite the bullet and went back to the bullock cart.

As soon as he got into the car, Fujiki immediately took out a thick mask from his ninja bag and put it on his face.


Chiba looked surprised, thinking that the other party was too weird.

Take the mask out of the ninja bag?

What is this operation?

Is the ninja bag a place to put masks?

For Chiba's doubts, Fujiki scratched his head in embarrassment.

He couldn't say that this was originally prepared by him to teach Chiba a lesson, right?

"Senior, will the smell on your body be with you for the rest of your life?"

In order to hide his guilty conscience, Fujiki changed the subject.

life companion?

Also TM forever!

In fact, even Chiba himself doesn't know the answer to this question.

From the moment he ate the dung fruit, he seemed to be like this.

However, he was still stubborn.

"Actually, this smell is just a side effect of my ability awakening. When my ability is fully awakened, this smell will disappear..."

With an inscrutable tone, Chiba casually made up a reason.

But immediately, Chiba was taken aback for a moment, he seemed to have said this foolish reason before?

"So that's how it is."

Fujiki believed it.

And believe it.

Afterwards, the expression on Fujiki's face gradually became firmer, as if he had made a lot of determination.

"Senior Chiba, you saved me! Then let me be by your side when you are most lonely!"

Fujiki's tone was firm.

But Chiba was dumbfounded.

Is the other party serious?

A big man said he wanted to stay by his side? How does this feel weird?

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