Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 29 Investigate The Cesspit And Salvage The Corpse!

Near Supply Station No. 1.

Three figures came out of the forest.

"not found."

Gathering together, the three shook their heads one after another.

This is the three of Orochimaru, who have just finished exploring around the supply station.

Eventually, they came to the place of the only clue.

Marsh brand cesspit.

Standing by the pit, the eyes of the few people swept over the feces in the pit.

"Aren't you sick of standing here?"

Jiraiya is a little on top and wants to stay away.

But when he looked over at the two teammates, Jiraiya was dumbfounded.

I saw that both Tsunade and Orochimaru were wearing masks?

"Where did you get the masks?"

Jiraiya couldn't believe it.

He wondered if the two teammates already knew something? Otherwise, why would you carry this thing with you?

Orochimaru and Tsunade ignored him in response to his query, but kept looking up and down the cesspit.

"Did you see it?"

"Well, vomit, a lot of vomit!"

Orochimaru and Tsunade asked and answered, and Jiraiya was full of question marks.

"It's excrement! Hey! Did you say something wrong? Tsunade!"

Hastily correcting Tsunade's remarks, Jiraiya found that Tsunade still had no bird himself.

At this time, Tsunade and Orochimaru are like two experienced detectives, while Jiraiya is like a Maori Kogoro, in a fog, without knowing why.


Suddenly, a winding green snake rushed out of Orochimaru's arm and plunged straight into the cesspit.

As soon as the green snake entered the cesspit, Orochimaru immediately felt strong resistance and stickiness.

"Very strong viscosity!"

While exclaiming, Orochimaru looked shocked.

"This is no ordinary cesspit, there is extremely viscous swamp clay in it!"

His voice sounded, as if to remind his teammates.

Tsunade looked thoughtful, and Jiraiya 'cut' without caring.

"Clay, I used to play with it when I was a child, Orochimaru, you are not afraid of this stuff, are you?"

"Jiraiya! You shut up!"

After yelling at Jiraiya, Tsunade stared at the cesspit, waiting.

"Okay, you guys continue to play shit here."

Jiraiya, who was hit continuously, dropped this sentence, turned around and ran into the woods.

After a while, he ran back again.

It's just that Jiraiya has two leaves stuck in his nose at this time.

"Mint leaves are a good thing. Insert them into the nose, and even people will be refreshed!"

Talking proudly to himself, Jiraiya leaned against Tsunade, nostrils up.

Obviously, he was showing off.

But he found tragically that the other party didn't even look at him, as if the dung in the cesspit was more attractive than himself.

"found it!"

At this time, Orochimaru's face relaxed, and the green snake on his arm began to shrink.

"What did you find? You don't think you can catch someone from here, do you?"

Jiraiya sneered.

But then, he shut up.

A corpse was rolled out by the green snake and thrown on the ground.

"Sand Shinobi?"

The moment he saw the corpse, Jiraiya finally looked serious.

The corpse has a Sand Shinobi forehead protector tied around its waist, and its mouth is open and filled with fecal clay.

"Suffocated to death."

Seeing the state of the corpse, Orochimaru made a judgment.

"Indeed, there is only one trace of being smashed on his body, but it is not a fatal injury. He should have been smashed into a cesspit..."

Tsunade added at the right time.

"There should be no such person in our village who can perform Earth Style ninjutsu similar to teacher Tuliu Taiga!"

Jiraiya also joined the discussion.

"Jiraiya is right. There is an Earth Style ninjutsu that restricts people's movements. Only the teacher in our village knows it. But—"

Orochimaru paused, his eyes flashed brightly, and he continued to speak.

"However, there is one person who can control feces!"


Tsunade was the first to shake his head at Orochimaru's deduction.

"No way? You don't think that shit king did it, do you?"

Jiraiya also didn't believe it and scoffed.

If it is said that the pit is full of feces, then Jiraiya will believe it. However, only the surface layer of the cesspit is feces, but the inside is extremely viscous clay.

Which means it must be a seasoned Earth Style ninja who actually created the cesspit.

And the shit king in the village was just a commoner before he awakened Shi Dun.

This is also the main reason why Tsunade and Jiraiya don't believe it.

For the reaction of the two teammates, Orochimaru did not defend himself, but continued to fish people from the cesspit.

As the corpses were fished out one after another, the three had to admire the Earth Style ninja.

"So many Sand Shinobi can be drowned in one pit, that Earth Style ninja is a genius..."

Jiraiya couldn't help but compliment.

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