Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 3 Sand Shinobi Is Completely Destroyed, Luo Sha Has A Premonition!

Undoubtedly, these people all pulled their pants pockets.

"Ah...I pulled..."

"Why are mine so thin? My pants!"

"It feels so refreshing, my constipation is gone."

"Huh?" Several Sand Shinobi looked at the companion who said Shushuang in unison, all of them looked unhappy.

All of them had their trouser pockets soaked, but only the constipated companion couldn't see any trace of wet trousers at all due to his dry stool. He just stretched his pants up a lot.

"What kind of expressions are you guys showing? Radu has pulled out, why don't you hurry up and get rid of him?"

The Sand Shinobi shook his head, and quickly took out Kunai from the ninja bag.

"Yes! It's all like this, can we still push it back?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna poke a hundred holes in this Zabby and pour shit in there."

Several other people also took out their kunai, ready to poke that nasty guy into a hornet's nest.

"It seems that I have been underestimated..."

"The dung fist is condensed!"

With a sneer, Chiba shouted loudly, stretched out his palm and shook it against the void.

In an instant, the feces in the pockets of the five Sand Shinobi's trousers came out one after another, condensing into fists the size of five sandbags.

Among them, one fist was obviously bigger than the others for several laps, which was contributed by the constipated Sand Shinobi.


"What kind of ability is this? Instantly control feces to form fists? This kind of condensation speed is too fast!"

"I didn't react at all?"

Several Sand Shinobi were shocked.

too fast!

It is too fast!

The few of them didn't react at all, the feces in the trouser pockets tore apart the pants, condensed into fists, and floated in front of them.

The few people had every reason to believe that before they could throw out the kunai, these few fists condensed from feces would be able to smear their faces.

Most importantly, they don't know the power of these fists!


They know.

"Eat Laozi with a punch!"

Chiba's fist punched the void.


Five fists to the faces of five Sand Shinobi.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The huge impact hit the five people's faces, knocking them into the air.

Even Chiba heard several bones shattering.

At this time, the bodies of the five Sand Shinobi were like five rotating dolls, they spun more than a dozen times in the air before they landed one after another, and fell to the ground with 'baji' and 'baji'.

Taking a closer look at the dead bodies of Sand Shinobi, Chiba felt a chill.

"It's so fucking miserable, the feces are all blasted into the mouth."

"I have to leave quickly, the supply station is destroyed, I have to bring the news back to the village."

Having made up his mind, Chiba raised his leg and turned around.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

"Almost forgot, these feces can't be wasted!"

His system also features a septic tank that collects feces. However, he read it in a hurry before, and didn't look at the specific storage method in detail.

When he scanned the introduction to the column of septic tanks, Chiba's face immediately turned green.

[Septic tank (infinite space): dedicated to storing feces, gather the feces within a radius of 100 meters through the mind, and store them through the mouth]

Deposit by mouth?

Is this the mouth that I understand?

"Isn't this going to make me eat shit?"

The expression on his face kept changing. finally--

With Chiba's thought, the feces from the five corpses floated one after another, and then condensed into an extra-large spiral-shaped feces.

"This TM is too big, compress it for me!"

Thoughts spread, the original extra-large feces suddenly shrunk to the size of a walnut.

Then, Chiba picked it up and threw it directly into his mouth.

grunt! ! !

In a hidden forest.

Two ninjas wearing Sand Shinobi forehead protectors guard their surroundings vigilantly.

This is the meeting point for the Sand Shinobi sabotage team in the Fire Nation.

According to the agreement, once a team successfully destroys the supply station, it will evacuate and gather here.

"The Sand Eagle team hasn't come back yet?"

Luo Sha frowned and asked the guard Sand Shinobi.


Hearing his subordinate's answer, Luo Sha had an ominous premonition.

As the commander-in-chief of the team that infiltrated the Fire Nation, Luo Sha's task was to command three reinforced teams to destroy the three supply stations connecting Konoha Village to the border front.

A total of five such supply stations were set up in Konoha, but the last two were too close to the frontline troops of the Konoha Shinobi, making it difficult to attack. So Luosha only needs to destroy three places near Konoha Village.

Since these three supply stations are quite far from the front line, Konoha did not send many defensive forces, which also hit Luo Sha's plan.

Now, the other two teams have all returned, except for the Sand Eagle team, which has no news.

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