Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 37 Chiba's Mentality Is Blown Up! (Ask For Free Tickets)

After packing a few things, Chiba didn't have time to eat, so he had to go out with his lunch box.

As soon as he stepped out from the empty wall, Chiba froze.

"Jingmei! Have you noticed that the garbage dump seems to be moving?"

"Move you big-headed ghost! Go faster!"

Being dragged away by Jingmei, Chiba still felt a little weird.

"Could it be my dazzled eyes early in the morning?"

As he walked further and further away, Chiba simply stopped thinking about it.

After all, it's just a garbage dump, how can it move?

When he came to the gate of the village, Chiba squatted at the gate and ate his boxed lunch.

"Why do I always wait at the gate every time I go out on a mission?"

Looking at the empty gate, he couldn't understand it.

He wondered if he had come early?

Otherwise, why would there not even be a shadow of a ghost.

What makes Chiba even more incomprehensible is, where are the guards at the entrance of the village? What about Qingtian?

After pulling out the lunch box, no one came.

To be honest, he is a little suspicious now whether Jingmei is fooling herself?

He was very anxious, but he waited until now, and he didn't even see a single hair.

Wait and wait, wait and wait.


Someone showed up.

I saw two teenagers wearing masks walking towards the entrance of the village, both carrying bulging backpacks.

If they didn't know, they would have thought that the two of them were going to school.


Seeing one of them, Chiba recognized it immediately.

And the other one he has also seen is the boy next to Hokage who he met when the Sarutobi clan was digging out the excrement.

"This mature look, Asuma?"

These are two heavyweight flowers.

Although the waiting time was a bit long, as a senior, Chiba waved at the two of them.

As a result he found out.

The two did not move.

thump! thump! thump!

Since the opponent is not moving, Chiba can only move by himself. So, he walked towards the two of them.

When he moved, both of them backed up together, as if they were playing with him.

At the same time, a mask was thrown from Fujiki's hand.

"They thought I still smelled..."

Looking at the mask in his hand, Chiba realized.

After putting on the mask, he didn't bother to explain.

No matter what he says now, he is also invincible in the ninja world, and he must have a strong character. How can he explain it at every turn?


Fujiki stepped forward with an apologetic tone.

As a result, Chiba turned his head away and ignored him.

It didn't matter that he turned his head, but he turned in front of Asuma.

"Hello senior!"

Asuma's tone is sincere and respectful.

However, this is still useless.

Chiba turned his head halfway again, and stared forward with his hands behind his back, proud and indifferent.


This is the style!

"Senior, this is for your own good. If he speaks, it will taste bad..."

At this time, Fujiki explained thoughtfully.

"I see, Senior Chiba is really thinking of us."

Asuma stood in awe.

No wonder the other party didn't face him, it was because he was afraid that the taste in his mouth would rush to his face.

Hearing the discussion between the two, Chiba was stunned.

He just wanted to maintain the force of a strong man, how could it be explained like this?

"Oh, that's right! There is one more person who hasn't come, senior, we are waiting..."

After Fujiki finished speaking, he looked into the village.

Anyone else?

Chiba was speechless.

four people?

This can make up a table of mahjong.


The three of them waited for a long time at the entrance of the village.

Not to mention that the mentality of Chiba and others is about to explode, but Fujiki and Asuma are impatiently spinning in circles, like ants on a hot pot.

"Fujiki, are you sure there are still people?"

Asuma became anxious and asked.

It's almost noon, and I can finish shitting.

"Um, actually I don't know either. But that person said once that she would also participate in missions with Senior Chiba in the future..."

Fujiki scratched his head in embarrassment, and responded.


Chiba turned his head, questioning in his eyes.

You two just chat, why did you talk about me?

thump! thump!

At this moment, a figure finally appeared.

When Chiba looked over at the running girl, he was in a bad mood.

Aburame Jingmei?

To be honest, no matter what Chiba thought, he never thought it would be her.

Is this a teammate?

She was the one who woke herself up early in the morning, but in the end, she was the one who was late!

At this time, Aburame Shizumi was also carrying a backpack, a standard ninja combat uniform, and a ninja bag on her lap.

The only thing that is a bit discordant is the pair of ponytails.

While running towards the entrance of the village, the pair of ponytails kept swinging back and forth.

"Sorry, Chiba-senpai, I'm late!"

As soon as she ran to the front, Jingmei apologized, but there was no apology on her face.

Chiba: "..."

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