Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 39 Dung Escape—Dung Flowing City Wall!

Chiba can be sure that Luo Sha will launch an attack.

So he didn't have to look for the other party at all, and the other party would come.


It was surprisingly quiet.

At this time, the forest was silent, and it seemed that a shocking storm was brewing.

"Chiba, is there really an enemy?"

After waiting for a long time, Jingmei's legs were a little sore, and she asked in a low voice.

Not only she was puzzled, but Fujiki and Asuma also looked at Chiba who was behind him, waiting for the other party's answer.


Where is the enemy?

They have been on guard for half an hour, and they haven't heard even a bird call.

Suddenly, Chiba's expression changed, and he suddenly looked into the depths of the forest.

He feels it.


Saying these two words, Chiba's eyes narrowed.


It's the sound of vibration!

Came from deep in the forest.

Although it was very faint, it was still noticed by Chiba.

Reminded by Chiba, the three of Shizumi also stretched their necks and looked towards the forest.

As a result, the three of them saw nothing.

"Senior Chiba? Do you feel wrong?"

Fujiki spoke again, with even more doubts in his heart.

"Could it be that you are too nervous? Dazzled?"

Asuma opened her eyes wide, but didn't notice anything.

"No! Look over there!"

Suddenly, Jingmei shouted and pointed to the treetop in the distance.

Just at this moment!


It was like the sound of waves hitting the rocks finally came.

At this moment, the faces of Fujiki and the others changed drastically.

"How is that possible? Is that...golden sand?"

"Sand taller than a tree? Is this a wave?"

"It's over! We're going to be drowned..."

The three of them were almost dumbfounded, their eyeballs were all round.


The endless stretches of golden sand rolled up billowing sand waves that were taller than the big trees, rushing towards them.

The golden sand waves had a height of more than ten meters, and instantly flooded a large forest.

"This is your method? Create sand waves from a long distance?"

A look of disdain flashed in Chiba's eyes.

"Stand firm!"

After exhorting three oil bottles, Chiba clasped his hands together.

Why do you have to put ten together?

Because he felt compelled.

That's all.

"Stand still?"

"Die with dignity like this?"

"It's dead anyway, I want to sit down and rest for a while..."

When the three heard Chiba's words, they didn't understand the meaning at all.

Shouldn't it be a girl running wild now? This kind of death can be a little slower.

Even Jingmei wanted to sit down and rest for a while.

at this time!

"Earth Style—Earth Flow City Wall!"

Chiba shouted loudly, and directly activated the imitation ability.

This is Yamato's move. With this move, he created a mountain wall and helped Naruto practice Wind Style Spiral Shuriken!

Boom! ! !

The ground shook violently instantly, shaking the three of them left and right.

Immediately afterwards, a giant mountain wall rose from the ground.

If it is an ordinary mountain wall, it must be a mountain wall. But this mountain wall is covered with a thick layer of dung.

Huge, thick, majestic, and flavorful!

The mountain wall keeps rising, and dung water keeps flowing down.

In two breaths, the mountain wall has surpassed the height of the big tree.

However, this has not stopped, and it is still rising rapidly.

Across - thousands of meters.

Height - 50 meters.

Standing on the mountain wall, Chiba looked down lightly at the sand sea below, with an invincible attitude in the ninja world.

It's just a small sand wave more than ten meters high, isn't it going to crawl at the foot of the mountain wall?


The three of Fujiki were completely stunned.

They never dreamed that Chiba could perform such an exaggerated Earth Style ninjutsu?

"This level of Earth Style? Ugh... 呵呀!"

"It's amazing! Yue! Sneak!"

"This... vomit! Huh!"

As soon as the three got excited, they smelled the disgusting smell of Ollie, so they covered it with their hands. This cover, all slipped.




The three of Fujiki hit the ground face to face one after another, and their faces were covered with paste.

Only then did they understand the true meaning of the phrase 'stand firm' that Chiba just said.

It's just too late.

"Where's my mask?"

"Quick! Put it on!"

"I don't have a mask..."

Fujiki and Asuma's first reaction was to wear masks, even forgetting to wipe their faces.

To say she is smart, she has to be Jingmei.

She took out a roll of toilet paper directly from her backpack, feeling extremely proud.

"I just said there is no leucorrhea on this piece of paper."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fujiki and Asuma immediately attracted begging eyes.

Ever since, she generously gave a little to the two of them.

When Chiba looked back and saw this scene, his eyes were straightened.

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