Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 43 The Knife Pierced Into The Rear Of Sand Shinobi!

A natural canyon filled with wind and sand.

On one side, the Konoha defense force is stationed, while on the other side, the Sand Shinobi force.

Originally, the location where the Sand Shinobi troops were located belonged to the country of the river, and Konoha called it the country of the river. It's just that the country of Sichuan has been fully occupied by Sand Shinobi, and it has become an outpost for Sand Shinobi to attack the border of the country of fire.

Sand Shinobi frontline command post.

Chiyo, his younger brother Sea Burial, and several front-line captains sat around, staring at a detailed map and looking back and forth.

Not long after, Chiyo rubbed his shoulders and looked around at everyone.

"How do you all see it? Have you thought of a way to break into Konoha's position?"

Break into Konoha's position.

This is Chiyo's first strategic goal.

Only when this step is successful can the follow-up large-scale attack be carried out.

"We can take advantage of the wind and sand and cooperate with the detonating talisman to blast the Konoha troops to a breakthrough."

Someone spoke and thought of using the natural wind and sand.

Hearing this answer, Chiyo didn't have any expression on his face, and turned to look at the next person.

"Surprise attack at night, also using wind and sand."

The second person added a night surprise attack on the original basis.

However, Chiba still had no expression.

"Why don't we follow the previous method of delivering Luo Sha? While feinting an attack, let the elite sneak in at the same time?"

This is Sea Burial's opening. Thinking of Luo Sha's successful infiltration before, he wants to follow suit.

"I really don't grow up~~"

After listening to these people's suggestions, Chiyo let out a long sigh and looked at the first subordinate who made the suggestion.

"Didn't you find out that the defensive fortresses built by the Konoha troops were stationed immediately?"

"What does this mean? It means that we have a risk of intruding! Once we break into an unmanned defensive fort, we will be surrounded by Konoha Shinobi from other forts."

"Return the detonator? Blow up a few empty fortresses and use them as your tombs?"

After scolding the first subordinate, Chiba spoke again to the second subordinate.

"Surprise attack at night? Is the white eye on the opposite side blind? Do you think the white eye is cataract? You are mentally retarded."

Now Chiyo felt much more at ease.

So, he looked at his younger brother's sea burial.

"Hmm~~ Your suggestion doesn't work."

thump! thump! thump!

At this moment, hurried footsteps sounded outside.

A Sand Shinobi agent hurried in.

"Didn't you see I was in a meeting?"

Chiyo was very angry and was about to scold.

She hates being disturbed during a meeting the most, and she will spray whoever disturbs her.

"Master Chiyo! Just now, Ninja sent information that a stranger has sneaked into the rest station!"

The intelligence officer spoke hastily, for fear of being sprayed.

as expected!

"What? Rest station? How could someone sneak in there?"

Hearing this news, Chiyo turned pale with shock and stood up with a bang.

Not only was she shocked, but everyone else in the command post was also in disbelief.

The rest station is located behind the front-line Sand Shinobi troops, and there are hundreds of Sand Shinobi guarding in turn, but a stranger sneaked in?

"It shouldn't be~~ If you want to sneak into the rest station, you must pass through our troops..."

Sea Burial muttered to himself, with deep doubts on his face.

If you want to sneak into Sand Shinobi's rest station, it is dozens or even hundreds of times more difficult than sneaking into Konoha's supply station.

Because the rest station is surrounded by a vast desert, even if an enemy approaches, they will be discovered immediately.

What's more, the enemy has to go through the entire Sand Shinobi front line!

This is simply impossible.

"Could it be that Ninja Hawk was wrong?"

At this time, a subordinate spoke in a low voice.

"Let go of your grandma's big fart! It's impossible for Shinobi to read it wrong!"

Chiyo cursed directly, and decided to send a few teams to investigate.

"The first brigade, the second brigade! Take out four teams and go to the rest station to investigate immediately."

After issuing this order, Chiyo showed a dignified expression.

Nothing can happen to the rest station.

There is not only a repair station, but also a supply station connecting the village and the front line, where a large amount of supplies are piled up.

Once destroyed, the entire frontline unit will be cut off from supplies.


The four Sand Shinobi teams assembled and rushed towards the rest station.

an hour later.

When the dozen or so Sand Shinobi arrived at the rest station, they all looked dumbfounded.

"Is this a rest stop? Have we come here by mistake?"

"This did this turn into a cesspit?"

"The entire rest station is flooded, and the supplies..."

"Where are the people at the rest station?"

A group of people stood by the cesspit, each with a dazed face.

At this moment, where is the shadow of the rest station in front of them? There was only one large cesspit, which smelled of Ollie in the sun.


Suddenly, a string of bubbles emerged from the cesspit.

"Someone! There are still people in the cesspit!"

"Everyone, save people!"


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