Seeing several Sand Shinobi running towards him, Chiba is ready to activate his ability.

But at this moment.

Sand Shinobi, who took the lead, beckoned to Chiba.

"You cleaned the hut just now?"

After Sand Shinobi's words fell, Chiba was slightly taken aback, and the ability that was about to be activated stopped.


Chiba nodded.

"Cleaned up very well."

The other party smiled and looked up and down at the young excrement worker.

Being praised by the other party, Chiba smiled shyly.

"As a professional excrement collector, my aim is to be quick and clean."

A hole in three seconds, just ask you if you are fast.

If most of the time hadn't been wasted looking for pits, he could have scooped up the entire Sand Shinobi Village's excrement in a minute.

"Very well, get ready and come with us later."

This Sand Shinobi patted Chiba on the shoulder, and then, led the crowd away.

go with you?

where to go

Before he had time to ask, several people ran away.

"There must be nothing good, I have to speed up."

Squinting his eyes, Chiba's speed increased sharply, and he began to search for the huts.

Now, he didn't bother to observe whether there was anyone in the hut.


As soon as he rushed into a hut, there was a scream.

Immediately afterwards, a woman was thrown out by Chiba.



The woman drew a beautiful parabola in the air, and fell to the ground while still maintaining a squatting posture.

Ten seconds later.

Another man flew out from the hut next door, and he could vaguely see a piece of feces still sticking to his back.

Women are terrified, and men are even more terrified.

However, Chiba no longer has the mind to talk to them.

He wants to collect more as soon as possible, and then get out of the way.

"Anyway, no one knows me, I'm afraid of a hammer!"

With this invincible mentality, he swept through one hut after another, harvesting a lot of dung points.

All of a sudden, all the huts in Sand Shinobi Village jumped up and down, screams and exclamations were heard endlessly.

For this situation, Chiba was extremely calm.

Isn't it just shit being seen, what's the big deal.

Fengying Office!

Third Kazekage frowned and leaned back on the chair.

On the table in front of him, a piece of information has already been unfolded.

"The rest station will be flooded with cesspit?"

This is already the tenth time he has read this information, and every time he reads it, he finds it unbelievable.

"Although people have been sent to deliver supplies, there are still gaps."

Tapping on the table, Third Kazekage thought hard.

"The supply of the frontline troops cannot be cut off. Once it is cut off, such a long-term effort will be in vain. The village's expansion plan will also be terminated by Konoha."

What worries him even more is that the country of Sichuan that he just swallowed may also give up.

In this way, Sand Shinobi Village, which has consumed a lot of supplies, will be beaten back to its original shape, and even weaker.

thump! thump! thump!

Suddenly, hurried footsteps sounded outside the door.

Involuntarily, Third Kazekage looked up towards the door.

Soon, Baki walked in with a happy face.

"Master Kazekage, there is a solution!"

As soon as he entered the door, Baki spoke hastily, with a very excited tone.

"Huh? What can I do?"

Third Kazekage frowned, feeling that this subordinate was too reckless, didn't he see that he was thinking about something?

"It's supplies! I've thought of a way to supply them."

"Oh? Say it quickly."

Fengying leaned forward, urging him up.

After all, these two words were too sensitive, which aroused his curiosity.

"I just found a excrement worker in the village. He excavates the excrement quickly and cleanly. If he is taken to the rest station, wouldn't the materials submerged in the excrement pit be usable?"

After speaking, Baki looked expectant.

as expected!

Hearing this news, Third Kazekage's face suddenly relaxed.

"Okay, great! As expected of you, Baki! You actually thought of such a way!"

Greatly appreciating the intelligence team leader's ability, Third Kazekage's heart finally fell to the ground.

Immediately, he solemnly warned.

"However, you must protect this excavator well. If he has an accident on the way, you know the consequences."

"Master Fengying, please rest assured, I will definitely protect him."

"Go, send more people to protect this talent along the way. And after arriving at the rest station, you can also carry supplies."

With a wave of his hand, Third Kazekage relaxed.

With Kazekage's orders, Baki quickly summoned a dozen Sand Shinobi.

He then led the men into the streets of the village.

"There is pervert!"

"A satyr broke into the women's restroom, everyone hurry and catch him!"

"He also broke into the men's room and peeked at me shitting..."

"I was halfway through the shit and he threw me out!"

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