Hokage conference room.

Familiar four-person high-level executives, familiar high-level meetings.

"Look at the news from Shuo Mao at noon."

Sarutobi Hiruzen threw a scroll on the table, motioning for several people to watch.

Danzo glanced at Homura and found that the other party was indifferent, so he stretched out his hand, ready to be the first to see.


As a result, he stretched out his loneliness.

The scroll was snatched by Homura.

Soon, Homura and Koharu finished watching.

Koharu then pushed the scroll in front of Danzo.

Danzo smiled and nodded at Koharu's move.

As for whether the other party understands? Then Danzo doesn't know.

Seeing the intrigue between the three, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care about it. He waited for the three of them to read all of them before asking for their opinion.

Finally, Danzo finished watching.

"Tell me, what do you think of the fact that Sand Shinobi's frontline troops have pulled out ninjas twice?"

Looking around at several people, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

This was written by Hatake Sakumo this morning, but due to the long distance, it was delivered to the village at noon.

It was Danzo who spoke first.

"Sand Shinobi mobilized front-line troops twice, one time with more people than the other time, there must be a threat from their rear. I guess, it may be rounding up Chiba."

After sorting out his thoughts for a while, he analyzed the reason why Sand Shinobi left the frontline ninja.

I have to say that Danzo still has some wisdom.

"It's about the same as I thought."

Hiruzen nodded, a rare agreement.

Agree to agree.

But for Chiba who is behind Sand Shinobi, he has no way to save him.

Next, Homura spoke.

"I think, according to your guess, Sand Shinobi's move is a bit too impulsive."

"Oh? It seems that you have a different opinion~~"

Danzo sneered, his tone dissatisfied.

He thought that there was nothing wrong with his analysis, but Homura was picking on him again?

Not only Danzo was dissatisfied, but even Hiruzen and Koharu looked at Homura together, as if waiting for his different opinions.

"According to Sakumo's information, Sand Shinobi pulled away a dozen people the first time, and directly increased to a hundred people the second time. If it was just to round up Chiba, wouldn't Sand Shinobi worry about Sakumo's massive counterattack?"

Speaking of this, Homura paused, intending to continue.

However, just as he was about to continue, he was interrupted by Danzo.

"Homura, Sakumo's information clearly stated that he made a tentative attack and was forced back by the puppet and poison gas. Didn't you see it?"

"I saw it, but if it was my command, I would fight back aggressively."

Homura got straight to the point, ignoring the reactions of several people.

"Hatake Sakumo is too conservative."

"If Sand Shinobi was only transferred from the front-line ninja once, then Sakumo would not have to move, but the other party transferred the ninja for the second time, and the scale is so large! You don't need to think about it, there is a big problem in the rear of Sand Shinobi."

Homura's tone was agitated.

Hiruzen listened silently.

Danzo didn't speak back, but looked thoughtful.

Only Koharu half-understood, pretending to listen while leaning on his chin.

"Just imagine, Chiyo, the commander of Sand Shinobi, doesn't know the disadvantages of large-scale transfer of ninjas?"

"She must know. However, she still wants to transfer a hundred ninjas. Why?"

After scanning a few people, Homura asked back.

The three were silent, and no one answered.

The entire conference room became a stage for Homura alone.

"She still transferred away from the ninja at the risk of being fully counterattacked, so there can only be one possibility—resting station!"

Homura's words were like a sledgehammer, waking Hiruzen and Danzo awake.

Rest station!

It can only be a rest station!

Unlike Konoha's supply station, Sand Shinobi's rest station is a combination of repair and supply.

"You mean, the Chiba's sabotaging Sand Shinobi's staging station? So they're mobilizing troops to round them up?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked with a dignified face.


Homura shook his head.

"Instead, I think that Chiba may flood the entire rest station with cesspit. So Chiyo is furious and wants to catch him at all costs!"


The word was spoken by Homura.

Since the last time the cesspit inundated a dozen Sand Shinobi, Konoha executives knew that Chiba was able to cast the cesspit. And this time, Homura pushed the word out even more.

"If what you said is true, then Hatake Sakumo is indeed too conservative."

Rarely, Danzo did not object, but pointed the finger at Hatake Sakumo.

thump! thump! thump!

Suddenly, footsteps sounded outside the meeting room.

Hiruzen froze.

Danzo froze.

Even Homura and Koharu were stunned.

They've found this to happen in every recent meeting.


The door of the meeting room was pushed open, and Orochimaru walked in.

"Teacher, Chiba is back."

Orochimaru spoke the news in a respectful tone.

He felt that the news was very important, so he came to pass it on.

as expected!

"What? Chiba you say? He's back?"

"Can he come back?"

"He's not dead?"

Hiruzen and the others were shocked, unbelievable.

They never imagined that Chiba could come back.

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