Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 57 Please Call Me The Richest Man In Konoha!

Chiba had a strange dream.

He dreamed that he had raised an oversized dung fly.

The size of the fly was bigger than the village, and the feces pulled out directly buried the village.

Ever since, Konoha Village turned into a shape given by Ollie, constantly steaming.


With a jolt, Chiba woke up.

Looking at the hazy sky outside the window, he also lost sleepiness.

"A new day starts with making gold bars."

Walking to the yard full of motivation, Chiba started the first step of building a farm.

Building a farm requires money.

So, he had to make gold bars by himself.

As a humanoid money printing machine, for the current Chiba, money is basically the urology of pediatrics - drizzle.

Thunderbolt bang bang!

After rummaging in the yard for a while, he finally found some iron plates and Iron Body.

Next, the imitation ability activates.

He imitated Luo Sha's sand mat, and peeled off the feces on it.

Ever since, pure placer gold appeared.

It was squeezed hard with an iron plate, and a large gold bar was born.

All morning.

Chiba is immersed in the joy of printing money.

It didn't stop until he consumed more than half of the Chakra.

"about there."

Looking at the gold bars piled up everywhere in the house, Chiba felt that he should be the richest man in Konoha.

There was a grain of reincarnation for himself, and he cleaned it up.

After all, Chiba is a hygienist.

"Eat first, and then find Hokage to rent the back mountain."

The abacus in his heart was ping-pong, and he was realizing the life of a farmer step by step.

Strolling out, he took to the street.

"Noon, it's time to eat~~"

Chiba also felt hungry when he saw people on the street holding rice bowls and eating rice.

Just then.

The other party seemed to sense that someone was looking at him, so he looked up.

Seeing this, the man threw the bowl away, and even spit out the rice in his mouth by the way.

"The dung king is coming!"

With a loud shout, pedestrians on the road looked over one after another.

"I'm really bored this time, so stop yelling."

Chiba shouted angrily, wanting to kick this man a few times.

He had clearly integrated into the crowd just now, but when the other party yelled, he was exposed.

"It's really the dung king!"

"No, I didn't smell Ollie."

"Yeah, I didn't smell it either."

"Could it be that he didn't take a bath before, but took a bath today?"

Pedestrians chatted in unison, all looking at Chiba.

Their deepest impression on the dung king is the smell of Ollie on the opponent. Now that the smell is gone, they are afraid of a hammer.

Soon, Chiba was mobbed.

Wherever he went, a group of curious people would come up to him.

"Suddenly want to shit."


In a word, a group of people were startled.

Chiba applauds his wit.

BBQ shop!

When the kebab shop owner saw Chiba sitting in the shop, he was so scared that he almost cried.

But then, he was overjoyed.

"You don't smell like shit anymore?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Since you don't smell good anymore, then settle the previous meal money."

Chiba: "..."

He underestimated these people, especially the owner of the barbecue shop.

When I used to smell bad, Chiba never spent money on food. But now, the boss wants to settle accounts with him even with interest?

"As the richest man in Konoha, I can't renege on my debt, can I?"

After weighing it in his mind, Chiba pulled out a large gold bar from his trouser pocket.

"This... such a big gold bar?"

The boss's mind was buzzing.

Not to mention that the boss was dumbfounded, other customers in the store also saw this large gold bar, and their eyes were straight.

"In the next year, you can eat whatever you want."

Holding the gold bar, the boss smiled from ear to ear.

As soon as the boss left, a person came over with a smile on his face.

"Ahem, Chiba, a new batch of rare flowers has recently arrived in my store, are you interested?"

"Who are you?"

"My name is Yamanaka Yukiichi."

"Oh, I'm not interested in flowers."


What is the use of this thing?

Did you buy it and stick it on yourself?


Hokage conference room.

Sarutobi Hiruzen held an emergency meeting and summoned Danzo and others.

"Look, it was just sent back from the front line."

Throwing the scroll to Homura directly, Hiruzen didn't care to see these people robbing it.


After reading the information, Homura didn't know how to describe his current mood.

"It's too..."

Koharu was equally bewildered.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Danzo hastily pulled the scroll over and scanned it quickly.

"Chiba alone messed up the positions of both parties?"

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