With the appearance of Chiba, an unbearable stench wafted along, and the stench centered on Chiba and followed him all the way.

"What smell? Why is it so smelly?"

"My god, is this someone shitting in the street? Why does it smell so strong?"

"Ah...that stinks, yue..."

At this moment, wherever Chiba passed by, passersby cursed and covered their noses one by one, and some even vomited out of control.

Soon, their eyes fell on Chiba.

No need to think about it, this guy walking while eating noodles is the source of the stench.

With such a big smell, you can still eat noodles as if they were real, especially this guy also makes the sound of 'suction' and 'suction', it seems that he enjoys eating...


Chiba stopped.

He looked at several passers-by and smiled slightly.

As a result, a piece of feces at the corner of the mouth loosened and fell off.


Seeing this scene, the passers-by widened their eyes, shouted in horror, and fled in all directions.

"What are you running for? Am I really scaring you that much?"

Feeling a little dissatisfied, Chiba muttered and continued on the road.

Now, the pedestrians along the way are fried.

Wherever Chiba walked near the streets, there was a stench of excrement, which made passers-by run wildly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This is the sound of a large number of residents closing their windows, and even many shops along the way are closed.

"I really don't know how to appreciate it. Without the taste on my body, how can I bring out the deliciousness of ramen?"

Chiba slurped the ramen with a 'sucking' sound, and saw the Hokage building close at hand.

Hokage office!

Sitting behind the desk in front of the window, Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned suddenly.

"What is the taste?"

Then, he sniffed hard out of the window with his nose.

Upon hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression changed.


A strong pungent smell entered his nostrils, making his stomach churn for a while.

"This is..."

Danzo also smelled it at this time, and a bold picture immediately came to mind.

"Bold! Who? Dare to shit next to the Hokage building?"


Chiba strode into the Hokage building.

At the same time, the strong smell of Ollie on his body also entered the narrow corridor.

Corridor duty room.

Ninja Iichi, who was on duty, saw someone coming through the glass window, and was about to go to the entrance of the building to confirm the identity of the visitor, but——

As soon as the door was pushed open, a disgusting smell rushed over.


Before he could say a word, he was so smoked that he fell to his knees on the ground and spit out.

Stomach juice mixed with acid water kept gushing up his throat, and he couldn't stop it at all.

"Why are you kneeling? Does it matter?"

Seeing the appearance of the ninja on duty, Chiba kindly asked.

It's okay if he didn't ask, but when he asked, Jing Yi on the ground trembled all over immediately, and then ran out of the building like crazy.


After running out of the building, Jing Yi let out a long breath, only to find tragically that there was still a foul smell in the air outside.

But in comparison, the air here is much better than in the building.


Someone appeared in an instant and came out of the building in an instant.

Jing Ding took a closer look and found that the other party was a ninja from the confidential room.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Another ninja appeared one after another, all staff members of the Hokage building.

Within a few breaths, more than a dozen ninjas gathered outside, posing in various poses and throwing up, the scene was a bit grand.

"What was that thing that just went in?"

Finally, someone looked at Jing Yi and asked angrily.

Following the ninja's inquiry, the others also looked over in unison, with unfriendly expressions on their faces.

Everyone knows that Jing Yi is the ninja on duty at the entrance of the Hokage Building, so it is natural to question him.

Being stared at by so many people, Jing Yi's expression was also ugly.

"Who the hell did I provoke?"

The anger in his heart is hard to calm down, but facing so many ninjas, he can't help it.

"I just know it's a young man holding a bowl of ramen in his hand."

"Youth? Ramen?"

"That should be someone from the village!"

"Are you sure it's a person?"

Hokage office!

Danzo was furious.

Upon smelling the smell, Danzo was immediately sure it smelled like poop.

Just imagine, since this smell can enter Hokage's office, it means that the source of feces is very close.

Daring to defecate nearby is simply unforgivable.

thump! thump! thump!

Just when he was about to order a thorough investigation into the matter, hurried footsteps sounded in the corridor.

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