Looking at the big tree that was constantly being corroded, Chiba smiled.

"This move can not only summon Ollie out of thin air, but also corrupt the enemy..."

Just imagine, Chiba glanced at the enemy, and then the enemy was blurred by Ollie who appeared out of thin air.

The point is that Ollie still has a corrosive effect.

To see who is disfigured, the smell is still strong, who can bear it?

"This trick imitates Amaterasu, which is called feces photo-paste face Technique?"

Thinking of the name, Chiba always feels that it is not compelling, and it has a strong local flavor.

That is soil!

But he couldn't think of a better name.

Originally, he wanted to continue testing Susanoo. But after thinking about it, he felt that the consumption might be too great, so he gave up.

Tonight, the stars are shining brightly.

Lying in the wooden house, Chiba gradually fell asleep looking at the stars in the sky.

Early the next morning.

Chiba continued to set off.

All the way south.

It was ten minutes before noon, and he was already approaching the junction of the Land of Fire and the Land of Vortex.

About half an hour later.


Falling to the ground, Chiba entered the country of vortex.

"There are so many villages on the border."

Seeing several villages in front of him, Chiba is about to enter the village.

Go all the way along the narrow path.

Soon, Chiba came to the village.

"Young man, are you?"

As soon as he entered the village, Chiba was spotted by a gray-haired old man.

There is no one else, because the old man is sitting on the stone pier at the entrance of the village and smoking.

"Old man, I'm here to collect manure."

Chiba smiled shyly and showed a sincere smile.

"Collecting dung?"

The old man was a little suspicious.

Is there anyone else who collects manure?

Even if it is collecting manure, there must be tools, right?

Carefully looking at the young man in front of him, the old man suddenly realized.

His body was covered in dirt and his hair was sticking out.

Although they keep talking about collecting manure, they don't have any tools.

This is just a beggar.

It's just that the young man couldn't hold back his face and made up a reason.

The old man didn't know that the reason why Chiba was covered in dirt was because he flew too fast along the way, the dust in the air was all stuck to his clothes, and his hair was also blown by the wind.

"My wife, there are guests!"

Shouting to the side yard, the old man stood up.

"Come, come to my house for dinner."

After speaking, he pulled Chiba and walked in.

It is exactly noon.

Chiba didn't eat in the morning, and met the enthusiastic old man again. So, he started cooking.

"Look at the children who are hungry."

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you."

The old couple persuaded him, thinking that the young man must have been hungry for a long time, otherwise why would he gobble up the meal?

After eating, Chiba was ready to leave.

"Son, if you're hungry, come here to eat at night."

Seeing that Chiba was about to leave, the old man gave an order.


Looking back at the old couple, Chiba left.

The village is not too big, Chiba reckons, only a few dozen households.

With his speed, he easily sneaked into every hut.

As a professional excavator, Chiba's purpose is: not to miss any hut.

Although he could use his ability to forcibly condense the feces within a radius of 100 meters, but doing so would definitely alarm the villagers.

Therefore, Chiba chose to sneak in quietly.

One village, two villages, three villages...

He wiped out the huts in four villages.

"The villages near here are settled, ready to go to the next place."

Looking back, Chiba continued on the road.

After leaving a certain distance, he just stopped when he was about to use the sand pad.



This is a caravan coming.

The bullock cart is full of goods.

On both sides of the bullock cart, four people dressed as businessmen followed closely.

Chiba saw the convoy.

People on both sides of the convoy also saw Chiba.

"The merchant still has a knife bag on his lap?"

Chiba is suspicious.

"kill him!"

At this moment, four people burst into shots.

At the same time, the four of them took out Kunai in unison, and poked at Chiba's vitals.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a black-purple streamer flashing on the Kunai Blade, which is obviously smeared with poison.

"It turns out that this is the so-called rogue..."

Suddenly, Chiba stretched out his finger.


Ability activation——

Reincarnation of grains!

next moment!


"Pfft! How did I lose weight?"

"Me too~~"

"Not only did I lose weight, I also collapsed..."

Before the four of them got close, they all ran out of their trouser pockets and fell to the ground one by one.

It may be because the speed of the rush was too fast, after several people fell to the ground, their castration continued, and they all rolled to Chiba in front of Chiba.

At this time, several people were ashamed, their pants were wet, and the disgusting smell of Ollie was also emitted.

"Fall into my hands, you may rest in peace."

Looking down at the few people in front of him, Chiba clasped his hands together.

"Wait a minute! You can't kill us."

At this time, someone spoke, with a weak tone and a frightened face.


"If you kill us, our companions will tear you apart."

"You have many companions?"

Chiba asked with a frown.

"Of course, if we can't go back, they will all come here. If you let us go, I can let you join, and together we will clean up the village in front of us."

After hearing these words, Chiba was silent for a few seconds.

Immediately, he asked a question.

"Do you know the well flower?"

"You know it too?"

Seeing the surprised expression on the other side, Chiba smiled.

"I hope your companion will come sooner, otherwise..."

Speaking of which, Chiba unleashes the imitation ability.

Shit Escape—Big Dung Pit Technique!

Suddenly, a large cesspit appeared in front of him.

Not surprisingly, all four of them fell into the cesspit.

"Shithole? Ugh!"

"I don't have the strength to move, yue~~"

"It's over, I'm going to drown in the cesspit. Vomit!"

"Mom! I don't want to die yet. yue..."

Several people kept wailing, but were unable to struggle, and were slowly submerged by the cesspit.


The old cow smelled the smell of the cesspit, turned around and walked to the nearby woods, and began to graze.

"Since everyone will come, I'll wait here..."

Looking back at the village again, Chiba muttered to himself.

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