Within the country of the vortex!

Shali led more than a dozen teams, loaded with goods, approaching the border of the Land of Fire.

"How are the ships on the coast getting ready?"

"Master Sand Power, you are ready and ready to deliver the goods to the ship."

In response to his subordinate's answer, Saari nodded.

As a strong man in Sand Shinobi Village comparable to Luo Sand, Sand Power was sent here to carry out this task of looting supplies.

Under his command, more than a dozen Sand Shinobi squads avoided the Vortex Village by pulling nets, sweeping half of the Vortex Country.

"We will be approaching the border of the Land of Fire soon, and this is the closest distance to the front line."

A smile crossed the corner of Sand Force's mouth.

His plan was perfect.

As long as you travel a certain distance and transport the cargo supplies to the ship, you can directly transport them to the country of Sichuan and transfer them to the front line.

"So what if Luo Sha is stronger than me? I'm still dead! And I, Sa Li, will rely on this mission to become Master Fengying's newest disciple."

Thinking of this, Sali felt happy and full of motivation.

"Hurry up! Our mission will be completed soon."

Just after some urging, Shali frowned suddenly.


At this moment, a subordinate ran over with an anxious expression on his face.

"Huh? Why are you so flustered? Don't you know how to be steady?"

"Master Shali, the investigation team has lost contact."


Sha Li was startled, and his tone suddenly increased.

Seeing this, the subordinate only murmured in his heart.

Still steady? You are unsteady yourself.

"Where did you lose contact?"

Staring at the eyeballs, Sa Li hurriedly asked.

This is not a trivial matter. The investigation team lost contact and was most likely killed.

The subordinate thought for a while and guessed an approximate location.

"It should be about ten miles ahead."

"Ten miles? How long has it been since they sent back any news?"

"An hour..."

an hour?

Sand quickly jumped up.

"I haven't contacted for an hour, and you're only talking now?"

Grabbing the collar of his subordinate, Sali cursed.

At this time, the surrounding teams turned their heads and looked over.

"Forget it! Keep going!"

Being stared at by so many subordinates, the sand force is not easy to develop.


After solving the third wave of Sand Shinobi, Chiba kicked these people into the cesspit.

"You wait to die! Master Sali will avenge us! Gululu~~"

Looking at the bubbles in the cesspit, Chiba was speechless.

People are going to die, don't forget to threaten yourself.

"These people didn't deliver the goods, so they are responsible for the investigation?"

After thinking about it, Chiba felt that his guess should be right.

"Since it's an investigation..."

Muttering to himself, the imitation ability was activated——

Big dung brand supercilious!

In an instant, Chiba's eyes became the shape of a manure, spiraling in circles.

He looked into the distance.

In Huang Bulaji's line of sight, more than a dozen convoys came into sight.

At the front of the convoy, a burly figure stood out.

"It seems that this is the main force."

Lifting the feces eye, Chiba decided to take the initiative.


His figure sped up suddenly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

9 li...

7 li...

5 li...

3 miles...

Soon, Chiba rushed to a distance of one thousand meters from the convoy.

At this distance, he saw the convoy.

Similarly, the dozen or so teams on the opposite side also saw Chiba.

"Is this the person?"

Squinting his eyes, Sali saw a vague figure a thousand meters away.

"It seems that it's time to show my great strength."

Twisting his neck, the sand force was full of fighting spirit.


At this moment, the ground suddenly shook.

"Huh? What's going on?"


"No! That person is using ninjutsu!"

"Look! What's that?"

As the ground shook, a group of Sand Shinobi were shocked and looked thousands of meters away.

There seems to be a wave of sand rising?

Sand Force is also watching.

"Is that... sand? No! Not sand."

As a powerful ninja, Sali quickly judged that what rises a thousand meters away is definitely not sand.

It really isn't sand!

Chiba clasped his hands together.

Imitation ability activated——

Sea of ​​dung storm!

This is the manure he transformed into by imitating Gaara's Quicksand Burst.

boom! ! !

Countless dung rose from the ground, forming a sea of ​​dung that was more than ten meters high.


The giant dung sea was churning and rushing forward.

The dung waves were monstrous, braving countless wisps of heat, exuding an indescribable Ollie smell, and came out in a mighty impact.

"This is?"

As the dung sea approached, Sali's face turned green.

Not to mention him, a group of Sand Shinobi were also stunned, their eyeballs almost falling off.

"This is? Feces?"

"Sea waves made of poop?"

"The dung sea is coming, run quickly."

"How does this run?"

Watching the dung sea approaching, a group of Sand Shinobi fry the pot.


Where are you going?

In addition to being able to fly, otherwise it can't run away at all.

At this time, the rich Ollie was hit by the smell, and everyone's brains were buzzing with the disgusting smell.

"Everyone hold your breath! The dung sea impact is coming!"

Sand Power yelled, then took a sharp breath.

"Wori! This smells so fucking disgusting."

Suppressing the feeling of vomiting, Sali tightly shut his mouth and eyes.


The next moment, the sea of ​​dung rushed over and directly submerged everyone.

Gradually, the dung sea subsided.




Strings of bubbles burst out.

Afterwards, yellowish heads appeared in the sea of ​​dung.


Shali's head also drilled out.


After spitting out the Ollie in his mouth, Saly opened his eyes.

As a result, the feces on his forehead got into his eyes.


Shali couldn't bear it anymore and hissed loudly.

With this shout, the feces around him poured into his mouth.

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