Hatake Sakumo hides.

Originally, Sand Shinobi's defeat was a great thing, but he didn't know how to praise Chiba.

You can't say: what a shit! Your shit is so powerful!

As soon as he thought of these few words, he felt unable to open his mouth.

Crouching in the corner of the camp, Hatake Sakumo thought about what to do for a while - send a battle report to the village.

"Third Kazekage was washed away by Ollie-?"

"Sand Shinobi troops flooded with shit?"

He really didn't want to write this kind of battle report, it was really disgusting.

But if you don't write it, you are ignoring the facts.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, several big men came around from the edge of the position, obviously thinking that this was a good place to hide.

As a result, as soon as the big men arrived at the corner, they saw Hatake Sakumo.

"Eh? Master Sakumo?"

"How did you come here?"

Sweeping through several subordinates, Hatake was embarrassed.

It's so clean for him to hide here, who knows that these guards also come to join in the fun.

Before, he clearly saw these people running to the other side.

"That... we offended Master Chiba, come here to hide."

"Master Chiba?"

Hatake Sakumo was taken aback.

When I stopped people before, I called them little bastards, but now they are called Chiba days.

"What is he doing now?"

"Ah? It seems to be eating."

"Have a meal?"

Hearing the word 'eat', Hatake felt a little nauseous.

Can I still eat in this situation?

The Sand Shinobi camp is full of dung, and Chiba is eating?


Hatake Sakumo patted his forehead.

He almost forgot a big thing.

"Now, I give you a task. 11

His expression turned solemn, and Hatake Sakumo spoke solemnly.

"Put your weapons on now, rush to the Sand Shinobi position, and slash at Sand Shinobi! Don't be afraid, I will cover you from behind!"


Several people were excited.

Head harvesting?

Is there a better mission than this?


The eight guards rushed out of the position holding machetes.

They seemed to have forgotten that Hatake Sakumo didn't even step out of the position, but stood on the observation tower.

"Come on!"

"I'm going to cut a hundred of them in a while."

"My broadsword is already hungry and thirsty!"

"Please call me Konoha Chopping King."

Eight big men rushed towards the canyon, full of fighting spirit.

It can be very fast.

As they approached the canyon, the run turned into a trot, and the trot turned into a walk.

Finally, simply stopped.

"yue~~ this smell is too strong, I can't run past it at all!"

"The canyon is full of feces, the smell is so spicy~~vomit!"

"Isn't Master Sakumo trying to protect us? What about others? yue..."

"No, I can't help it, vomit!"

The eight people were so vomited by the smell wafting from the canyon that they even threw away the big knife in their hands.

In the end, they just couldn't take it anymore.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Throwing Kunai and the detonating talisman blind chicken into the canyon, they turned around and ran away.

Observation tower.

Hatake Sakumo saw this scene, showing an expression of "as expected".

He knew that the smell of the canyon must not be small, so he sent a few men to try it. This try, shit really tastes great.

"Such a big taste, how to harvest Sand Shinobi?"

Hatake Sakumo was thinking.

He understands that feces can't wipe out all Sand Shinobi, and a large part of Sand Shinobi will definitely escape.

To understand is to understand.

However, due to the obstruction of Oli's smell, Sand Shinobi was covered in feces again.

If you fight in this situation, if you are not careful, you will have to splash yourself all over.

In the canyon!

Ten miles away from the positions of both sides.

A group of Sand Shinobi who smelled all over their bodies were fleeing in embarrassment.

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that there is Third Kazekage among them.

At this moment, Third Kazekage's whole body was covered with Ollie, and the pockets of his trousers were drooping down.

His footsteps were flimsy, and he was crossed by two subordinates, and he staggered forward.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect, that Chiba can make people have diarrhea!"

Third Kazekage had guessed a lot of the opponent's abilities, but he hadn't guessed that there was diarrhea.

More importantly, after this move, his whole body collapsed.

Puff! Puff!

With both feet in the dung water more than half a meter deep, Third Kazekage remained silent.

He lost!

Not only was he defeated, but he also had diarrhea in front of thousands of subordinates.

This is a stain in his film history, and he will not get rid of it until he is paid.


A subordinate ran over.

"Master Fengying, the end of the canyon is ahead, we have to climb up."


Weakly replied, Third Kazekage remained expressionless.

Now, he has been numb to the smell of Ollie.

Although his face was covered with Ollie, Feng Ying didn't bother to wipe it off.


There Sand Shinobi throws the rope and starts to climb up.

After a while, it was Third Kazekage's turn.

Climbing can only be done by one person alone.

But now, Third Kazekage collapsed badly.

In order to maintain his last bit of majesty, he could only bite the bullet.

Grit your teeth! Hands on!


Halfway through the climb, Third Kazekage couldn't hold on anymore.



"Look, everyone! Kazekage-sama has fallen!"

"What a fart! Hurry up and help Kazekage-sama!"

"You did the wrong thing! This is Kazekage-sama's foot!"

"Ah? Kazekage-sama passed out..."

【Ask for all kinds of free ticket pills】.

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