Early the next morning.

Chiba woke up full of energy.

He is going back to the village.

After all, now that there is no one in the Sand Shinobi position, it is useless to stay here.

It was planned that he was going to leave, but what Chiba didn't expect was that Hatake Sakumo also took part of his subordinates to follow him on the road.

along the way.

Chiba always felt that there was something wrong with the way these people looked at him.

Confused, Chiba approached Hatake Sakumo, wanting to ask what was going on.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As a result, as soon as he got closer, the other party immediately opened the distance.

"Why hide from me? I don't have any smell."

Chiba doesn't understand.

So, he wanted to find other people to ask.


As soon as he moved, all the nearby ninjas scattered.

Now, Tian Ye was not calm anymore.

He ran directly to a big man who blocked him at the beginning, and began to ask why.

"Master Chiba, actually..."

The big man was about to speak.

The next 753 ticks!

He found that everyone around him was staring at him, with a warning in their eyes.

"Actually what? Say it!"

"Actually, we want to set up a formation to protect your safety."

The big man responded wittily.

Just then, Hatake Sakumo came.

"Chiba, this is from the village last night, look.

Passing the scroll over, Hatake Sakumo gave the big man a lot of admiration.

Chiba really didn't expect it.

What the other party said turned out to be true?

The content on the scroll can testify, let Hatake Sakumo keep himself safe.

"The village is too worried about me, and sent so many people to protect me.

With a warm heart, Chiba was quite emotional.


Everyone around breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Chiba thought of something.

"Don't you occupy the Sand Shinobi position?"

Puzzled, Chiba didn't understand.

Now that Sand Shinobi's position is empty, it's great to occupy (bbbd) the opponent's position and continue to advance.

"We are only defending the border, and the Sand Shinobi position occupies the territory of the Kawa no country."

Hatake Sakumo opened his mouth to explain.

"Once we take the Sand Shinobi position, it's no longer a defender, it becomes an aggressor."

This aggressor is not invading Sand Shinobi, but the country of Kawa.

When the other party said this, Chiba understood.

Resist sand and aid Sichuan!


The main reason why Hatake Sakumo returned to the village was to report on the battle situation.

He really didn't know how to write it, so he had to go back to the village in person.

After half a day!

Konoha Village has arrived!

Chiba ran all the way to the back mountain, while Hatake went to the Hokage building.

Hokage Meeting Room!

Hatake Sakumo reported the situation of the border in detail.

"Okay, go home and rest!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand, motioning for the opponent to back down.

Soon, there were only four senior executives left in the conference room.

Danzo was in a daze.

Homura was also in a daze.

Koharu was also in a daze.

They never imagined that Chiba alone defeated the entire Sand Shinobi frontline force?

What shocked them even more was that even Third Kazekage, known as the strongest Kazekage in history, fell into Chiba's hands.

Compared to the reactions of the three of Danzo [Sarutobi Hiruzen looked dignified.

too fast!

The speed of Chiba's rise is simply too fast.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is very sure that if it were him, it would be impossible to stop Sand Shinobi. But Chiba defeated the Sand Shinobi army.

There is a world of difference between the two!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Tapping on the table, Hiruzen tried to calm down his emotions.

"It's a good thing that Chiba defeated Sand Shinobi."

Hiruzen spoke.

Immediately, he changed the topic.

"However, his strength is growing too fast, and his heart will definitely swell, breeding pride, arrogance, and arrogant thoughts.

Hearing what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, Danzo and the others fell silent.

One person defeated the entire Sand Shinobi army, isn't it normal for such a person to swell a bit?

Do people want to pretend to be grandchildren?

Scanning the expressions of these three people, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke again.

"Chiba defied orders twice and left the village privately, showing signs of being out of control.

"I think there's a need to start monitoring Chiba."

Speaking of which, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked to Danzo.

He needs support.

Danzo, is his best partner.

In the field!

Being stared at by Hiruzen, Danzo felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

On the one hand, he has a private deal with Chiba, but now, Hiruzen wants to support and monitor Chiba himself?

If this matter is known to Chiba, his basic source of funds will definitely be cut off.

"Danzo, I still haven't sent Uchiha even though it's Sand Shinobi's frontier, do you know why?"

Hiruzen stared at Danzo and asked the question.

Danzo certainly knew why.

Not only did he know that this was what he had proposed in the first place.

Uchiha is inherently proud, and once he has military exploits, pride will quickly grow and swell.

This would threaten their rule.


Sarutobi Hiruzen compares Chiba and Uchiha, which is obviously afraid of Chiba's strength.

"I agree."

After a long silence, Danzo spat out these words.

He had no choice.

"I object!"

Suddenly, Homura spoke.

"Oh? As a high-level executive, don't you think about the safety of the village?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen narrowed his eyes.

Now there are two votes in favor. If both Homura and Koharu are opposed, he will be hard to convince.

"Hiruzen! Don't forget, Chiba saved Asuma."

Staring at Sarutobi Hiruzen, Homura spoke the matter.

【Ask for various free tickets】.

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