Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 87 Suspicion Deepens, The Popular Chiba!

Hokage office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, looking at the detailed information about Chiba on the scroll.

The scroll records Chiba's growth from childhood to adulthood.

"Both parents died at the age of three, refused to go to the orphanage, and grew up picking up trash alone..."

Just after reading the first line, Sarutobi Hiruzen can conclude that Chiba has nothing to do with him.

Once out of control, it will bring huge crisis to the village.


Throwing the scroll on the table, Sarutobi Hiruzen stared deeply.

Taking a deep breath, he picked up the scroll again.

Skip the content in the middle, and his eyes fell on the two names.

Mito Fujiki! Aburame Shizumi!

"Fujiki is the son of Homura."

"And Aburame Shizumi, was Danzo sent to Chiba in the first place?"

Seeing this news, Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart skipped a beat.

"So that's it, it turns out that he has been in contact with Qiantu for a long time. 21

He thought that in the previous meeting, Danzo was silent for a long time before choosing to support himself. Thinking about it now, Danzo probably knew something already.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen suspected that Danzo had some private deal with Chiba.

"Not only Danzo, but also Homura!"

"His son was saved three times by Chiba, which is also a problem."

The thought of Mitokado Homura publicly opposing him at the meeting, Sarutobi Hiruzen was extinguished.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, footsteps sounded outside the door.

Sarutobi Hiruzen closed the scroll and tried to restore peace.

"Master Hokage!"

"What's up?"

"An accident happened to the Orochimaru team."


Hearing Anbu's report, Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked.

He obviously sent the Orochimaru team to monitor Chiba, why did it take so long for something to happen?

"Who attacked them?"

"No, they...have diarrhea..."

Anbu was a little embarrassed and told the truth.


Sarutobi Hiruzen froze.

Later, he understood Qiu.

Before, Hatake Sakumo reported the frontline situation and told about Third Kazekage's diarrhea in public.

It now appears that Chiba was responsible for Orochimaru's diarrhea.

The three Orochimaru are their disciples.

Chiba has no scruples?

"It's out of control now..."

Squinting his eyes slightly, Sarutobi Hiruzen's thoughts kept changing.

Chiba didn't understand.

He found that as soon as he walked into the street, many ninjas greeted him.

Among them, 99% he did not know.

When he came to the barbecue shop, even stranger things happened.

"Chiba, what a coincidence!"

Hyuga Hiashi came out of nowhere and sat next to Chiba.

"Boss, Chiba's barbecue is on my head."

Shouting to the boss, Hyuga Hiashi stared at Chiba enthusiastically.

Chiba is numb.

He had already given the boss a year's worth of barbecue money, did he use someone else to pay for it?

In particular, what is the situation where the other party has been scanning back and forth on him?

"Ahem, do you have something to ask me?"

Chiba spoke.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with his understanding.

If it's okay, why is the other party so enthusiastic.

Facing Chiba's question, Hyuga Hiashi scratched his head and nodded again.

"Say it! What's the matter? But let me declare first, I can't help you with anything! You can talk."

Hyuga Hiashi was dumbfounded.

He was about to speak, but the other party said this.

"I actually want to be your friend."


Chiba was a little surprised.

After a long time, it turned out that they wanted to be friends with me.




Chiba smiled brightly.

"Senior Chiba! What a coincidence!"

Suddenly, the familiar words sounded again.

Ask for flowers......

However, why is there the word 'senior'?

Chiba and Hiashi turned their heads together.

As a result, they saw Uchiha Fugaku and sat down beside him.

"Are you? Uchiha Fugaku?"

A little uncertain, Chiba opened his mouth suspiciously.

In fact, he is really not familiar with the other party.

The only time we met was when we were collecting manure.

At that time, Chiba clearly remembered that the other party didn't care about him, so why did the other party break up like this when they met for the second time?

"Senior Chiba, last time you came to the family, you were wearing a mask, I didn't recognize you."

As if explaining, Uchiha Fugaku's face was full of sincerity.


In terms of age, Chiba is several years older than Fugaku, so Fugaku feels that his title is okay.

Chiba really couldn't figure it out.

First Hyuga Hiashi, then Uchiha Fugaku.

It seems that I have become a fragrant bun all of a sudden.

"I want to ask, what's going on with you two?"

"Don't seniors know?"

"I know a hammer!"


Uchiha Fugaku didn't understand, neither did Hyuga Hiashi.

"Don't mention the hammer, what about the two of you!"

"Senior, you defeated the entire Sand Shinobi army alone on the front line, and even made Third Kazekage loose on the spot. All the ninjas in the village know about it."

"Yeah Chiba, don't hide it, I know you are strong!"

The two spoke one after another, their tone excited.

Even, in the excitement, there was a little awe.

Chiba: "...'

He gets it.

After a long time, Yuan's great deeds were exposed.

In fact, this matter cannot be concealed at all.

Previously, Hatake Sakumo brought back some frontline ninjas.

It was these people who told his story.

Not only did they say it, but the eight people even added fuel and vinegar to it, smearing Third Kazekage severely.

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