Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 89: Chiba's Shit-Poet Reasoning!

Sarutobi Hiruzen said to deal with it as soon as possible, and Chiba believed it.

He thought, if there is no ninja forehead protector, it would be a bit inconvenient.

The simplest example: Before he went to the front line, he was called a spy by eight big men.

If you have a forehead protector, this kind of thing will definitely not happen.

After returning to the back mountain in a happy mood, Chiba is full of expectations.

"Huh? Fujiki, are you leaving?"

On the back mountain road, Chiba saw Fujiki standing by the side of the road.

At this time, Fujiki looked around furtively.

It seemed that after confirming that no one was there, they came together.

"Chiba, my father asked me to tell you that Lord Hokage has monitored you."

Fujiki's voice was very small, and his tone was extremely heavy.

"Monitor me?"

Chiba was taken aback.

He thought of the Orochimaru trio in the morning.

Now it seems that these three guys are monitoring themselves.

However, he has been blurred and carried away.

"You have to be careful, my father said, Lord Hokage mentioned twice in a row that you went out of the village without permission."

Having said that, Fujiki looked around again.

"By the way, don't say I said it."

After leaving this sentence, Fujiki flashed away.

Chiba walked to the side of the road, sat down on a rock, and began to collect his thoughts.

He believes in friends.

Therefore, he 257 believed that Fujiki would not lie to himself.

"Just now Hokage has been refusing me to become a ninja, it seems that there is a real reason.

Mumbling to himself, Chiba thought about one thing after another.

He stole to the country of vortex, but was found by Orochi for the team.

He went to the front and was escorted back by Hatake Sakumo with a group of men.

He returns to the village, where he is again followed by Orochimaru's team.

Even just now, Hokage refused him to become a ninja.

There must be a prelude to all this.

"what is it then?"

Resting on his chin, Chiba thought hard.


Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind.

He figured it out!

"That scroll! Yes, the scroll that Hatake Sakumo showed me!"

Chiba thinks he is too smart.


there is only one truth!

protect yourself!

"I'm going to the country of vortex, because the snake protects me for the team!"

"Returning to the village from the front line, Hatake Sakumo led his men to protect me!"

"After returning to the village, the big snake (bbai) pill team came to protect me again."

"Even refusing me to become a ninja just now is protecting me. As long as I can't become a ninja, I can't go out of the village to perform tasks. I can always stay in the village..."

Chiba was so moved.

He never expected that Third Hokage would be so tactful and calm in order to protect himself.

"Just now, I was angry with Hokage-sama...

Feeling a little guilty, Chiba felt that Hokage was too difficult.


Suddenly, an Anbu appeared.

"Master Chiba, Master Danzo are waiting for you at the entrance of the village.

"Village entrance? He's not a village flower, what are you doing waiting for me at the village entrance?"

"That...your shit has arrived..."


Hearing the word "dung", Chiba ran faster than anyone else, and Sa Yazi ran towards the entrance of the village.

He has a deal with Danzo, which is to exchange gold bars for poo.


Chiba arrived at the entrance of the village.

He saw dozens of ox carts full of dung.

From Chiba's point of view, what kind of feces is this? It's love! It's Danzo's full love for himself!

However, Chiba is a little dissatisfied with delivery to the village entrance.

"Chiba, check and accept."

Danzo was wearing a mask, standing under the corner outside the village.

"Uh? Master Danzo, I didn't even notice you if you didn't speak."

Chiba was a little embarrassed.

He was so excited just now, "I didn't even notice that there was a person standing under the wall.

"Can you send it to the back mountain next time?"

While strolling to the bullock cart, Chiba did not forget to make suggestions.

Only, Danzo refused.

"What do you think will happen if dozens of dung trucks pass through the street?"

"That...seems to make sense."

Chiba is no longer entangled with this, and is ready to collect the manure.

But now there are root ninjas all around, and Danzo staring at him, how can he accept it?

"Well, can you avoid it for a while?"

"Avoid what? Don't you want to watch you eat dung balls?"

Danzo shook his head, and went straight back.

"What are you talking about? Dung balls? What kind of dung balls?"

Chiba's face was full of disbelief.

He didn't know how the other party knew, how could he even know that he had eaten dung balls?

"Must be those three guys from Orochimaru."

Greeting the ancestors of these three people a hundred times in my heart, Chiba felt so ashamed.

He was happy and happy today, but now, he is depressed.

"You are too vigilant, and now the ninjas in the whole village know that you eat shit."

Danzo opened his mouth quietly, breaking a big news.


Chiba was completely dumbfounded.

All the ninjas in the village know about it?

Orochimaru three have such a big mouth?

Shouting through a loudspeaker?

"You collected dung on the front line at night, and all the ninjas on the front line saw it!"

"In the future, you should be more vigilant, forget it! Anyway, you know, it's useless if you don't raise your vigilance

Danzo kept shaking his head, feeling that Chiba's vigilance was too low.

It's okay to be seen by one or two people, but it's really impossible for the entire Konoha frontline troops to see it.

Chiba was silent.

He has nothing to say.

That night, he was careless.

Who the hell would have imagined that people wouldn't sleep at night and would all peek at themselves collecting excrement?

Chiba started collecting manure.

lift off.



Finally, a fist-sized ball of dung fell on his hand.

He planned to go back to the mountain to eat.

He wants to retain his last bit of dignity.


Walking towards the village with strides, the leaves of the fields were as dead ashes.

"Be careful recently, be more vigilant!"

Suddenly, Danzo's reminder came from behind him.

[Ask for various free tickets] [Ask for flowers].

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