Ninth Grade Jailer: He actually went on a blind date with the leader of the Demon Cult at the beginn

Chapter 410 The flower path has never been swept by visitors, but now the gate is opened for you!

Romance and warmth are always short-lived, like a flash in the pan, and like a shooting star falling. This sense of happiness that fascinated Qingyang was suddenly interrupted by someone's very rough movements.

Li Nuo!

Simply and roughly... he tore open the blood-stained clothes on Qingyang's chest!

"Ah, what do you want to do? This is absolutely impossible..."

Shyness easily spread all over Qingyang's pretty face, and she exclaimed like a frightened rabbit. Then she bit her red lips tightly and tightly grabbed the corner of Li Nuo's clothes with one hand.

Although she was willing in her heart... the reserve and pride of a woman and a princess forced her to do so.

This is her last bit of stubbornness!


She thought Li Zian wanted to have a romantic relationship with her before she died, in order to fulfill her long-cherished wish to become a real woman.

How did Li Nuo know that he was in such a dangerous situation, and this silly girl was still full of random thoughts?

Now, he can't control whether men and women have sex or not.

Now, life is the most important!

Fortunately, the thin bellyband hung on the chest, covering most of the skin, so there was no real candid relationship. At this time, Li Nuo had no time to take care of the whiteness and tenderness of Qingyang's delicate body. He concentrated and leaned down with a serious face...

Being injured by the evil spirit of [Tiger Soul Sword] is not a trivial matter. Once the evil spirit invades the body and reaches the internal organs, no elixir or panacea will be able to save it.

And this injury was extremely repulsive to other internal energy. Li Nuo was unable to use his kung fu to help Qingyang force the evil poison out of his body. Therefore, he could only use the stupidest and most primitive method to inhale the evil poison with his mouth.

At this moment, all he could see was saving people.

At this moment, Qingyang's face was as beautiful as a peach blossom, and her whole body was numb, as if there were millions of ants crawling over her body.

All she could think about was the scene of Li Nuo kissing her body...

The innocence of a woman, the innocence that has been preserved for twenty-three years... is being taken away by Li Zian!

What should I do?

Self, do you want to refuse?

Push him away?

Or is it just a half push?

This man really makes her love and hate her...

After thinking about it, Qingyang closed his eyes nervously.

That’s all.

He was going to die anyway.

Why worry about so much?


It's been a while, why is this Li Zian still repeating the kissing action?

With a trace of curiosity, Qingyang quietly opened his eyes again and secretly looked at Li Nuo.

Only then did she realize that Li Zian was helping her suck the poisonous blood from the wound!

Qingyang was slightly annoyed.

What are you thinking about!

They are saving her!

But she had wild dreams.

So shameful...

But this Li Zian is so hateful!

It's all his fault!

"You feel better?"

Noticing that Qingyang's soft body suddenly became stiff, Li Nuo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked.

Then, he carefully examined the wound on Qingyang's chest and found that most of the evil poison had been removed by him.

Of course, even so, Qingyang's life is still in danger. Because some evil poisons have already invaded the body, the heart must be protected to prevent unexpected events.

Being stared at and inspected by a man, Qingyang closed her eyes tightly in shyness, but her slightly trembling eyelashes gave her away.

She was already in a state of confusion.

See it.

Li Nuo smiled.

This brave, resourceful, talented and beautiful female hero is so shy!


But it's a pity that the only fly in the ointment is that this is a flat-chested princess.

Although it is not completely flat, the slightly raised hills are just a dispensable scenery.

The title Princess Taiping should be given to her.

Li Nuo cursed.


Keep working hard.

But as he sucked it, he felt something was wrong.

My mouth is swollen and numb, which is fine, but why is my mind slowly becoming drowsy? And his breathing became rapid.

This is……

not good!

Damn it, I seem to have been tricked too!

He far underestimated the evil nature of [Tiger Blade]!

Soon, the desire deep in his heart was aroused, and he jumped up and down ferociously, constantly eroding the territory of reason.


Li Nuo used his mental skills to force himself to calm down.

"What an evil power..."

He can still bear it for now, but the princess is afraid... she won't be able to escape this disaster.

At this moment, he felt Qingyang's delicate body becoming hot and hot, and this evil poison would soon corrode her internal organs.

But he couldn't just watch Qingyang disappear, right?

Hey, evil poison is not poison to be precise, it is a kind of energy that stimulates the most primitive seven emotions and six desires, otherwise it can be absorbed with the [Five Poison Pearls].

It's a pity that Jiang Ran'er from Yaowang Valley is not here, otherwise Qingyang would have been saved by borrowing her [Shen Nong Ruler].

"When evil energy enters the body, one must use the power of pure Yang to protect the heart. Otherwise, he will suffer irreversible damage. Even if he can be saved by then, Qingyang will probably be in a vegetative state..."

Li Nuo's face was solemn.

But now that he is trapped in the underground palace, where should he find this pure Yang power?


I seem to have a pure Yang body?

He vaguely remembered that the National Preceptor had mentioned this issue to him when he was at the [Star Reaching Tower].

Ji Xiyao coveted his pure Yang body, so she pushed him back, thereby containing her inner demons.

When he thought of this, Li Nuo had a strange look in his eyes.

Is this really the only way?

Treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor?

Qingyang, would you agree...

At this time, Qingyang was also tortured by the evil spirit and lost his last trace of reason. Sniffing the hormones emitted by Li Nuo that were fatally attractive to her, her delicate body became as hot as a furnace, and her desires were infinitely amplified.

She suddenly raised her head, hooked one hand around Li Nuo's neck, and then kissed the sluggish Li Nuo.

Your Highness, you...

Li Nuo couldn't believe it, and his pupils widened instantly.

He clearly felt a warm and moist heat stirring up his sensitive and fragile nerves, and spreading to his whole body.


The suppressed emotions were completely aroused by this kiss.

Qingyang responded to Li Nuo enthusiastically, sucking greedily.

At this point, Li Nuo is not Liu Xiahui who is still in love, and the princess's charm is indeed unstoppable.

I still hesitate to do it, for fear that I will be worse than the old eunuch.

When it breaks, it breaks!

Li Nuo took off Qingyang's annoying... bellyband!

Everything Li Nuo and Qingyang did was seen by little Jinyang not far away.

Her Highness Jinyang had actually woken up, but when she saw Li Nuo kissing her imperial sister, she was sensible enough to say nothing.

She hurriedly covered her eyes with her hands, but through the big fingers, she could see clearly!


Li Zian is doing shameful things with the imperial sister!

Don't think that she doesn't know that when she is young, a man and a woman will have a baby as long as they kiss!

Soon, the imperial sister will give birth to a...well, a little niece or nephew to play with.

Little Jinyang's eyes were full of joy.

Li Nuo held Qingyang's hot body, and the pure yang energy from her body was transferred into her body through the intercourse of yin and yang, and began to eliminate the evil poisons that had escaped from her body.

Qingyang's heart was finally protected!

Li Nuo was so engrossed in "rescuing" Qingyang that he really didn't notice that the quirky little prince Jinyang watched an erotic drama for an hour.

An hour later.

Even Li Nuo, who had a third-grade warrior body, felt exhausted.

Fortunately, the job was done and Qingyang was finally out of danger.

Looking at Qingyang whose eyelashes were trembling slightly, Li Nuo knew that she had woken up. He reached out and touched Qingyang's rosy face and said with a smile: "Your Highness, are you feeling better?"


Aren't you asking for trouble by saying this?

There was immediate pain in my waist.

Qingyang's nails pinched his waist hard.

"Do not talk!"

Qingyang gritted his teeth and whispered.

"Your Highness, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time..."

Li Nuo said helplessly.

"Why, you took away my virginity and just want to run away?"

As a woman, there will always be times when she is unreasonable, even Qingyang is no exception.

Li Nuo said: "Your Highness, although I, Li Zian, have a bad temper and rough methods, I am still an upright man! Tell me, what should I do so that you can feel at ease?"

Of course Qingyang will not make trouble unreasonably, she still has this sense of propriety.

After thinking for a while, she said: "You have written so many war poems, and I will not make excessive demands. I will just make up for your last poem 'Clear water brings out hibiscus, and nature will carve it.' This is what you owe me." of……"

"Haha, I'm good at composing poems. But forget about that one, I'll give you a new one, and it's very suitable for the occasion!"

Li Nuo said with a smile.

Meeting the occasion?

Qingyang looked around.

A heap of bones.

Akler's body.

The broken tiger sword.

Weird blood lake.

How to cope with such a terrifying environment?

Qingyang suddenly became curious: "Come and listen..."

Li Nuo smiled playfully: "Ahem, listen carefully...the flower path has never been visited by random visitors..."

The poem is beautiful, but where does it fit the scene?

Flower path?

Where did the flower path come from?

There were no flowers on the stone path leading in, and it was all blocked now.

Qingyang frowned slightly.

But I always felt that Li Nuo had something to say.

Li Nuo's voice continued to be heard in my ears: "The gate is now open for you... How is your highness? Does this poem fit the occasion?"

The tree-lined path leading to the Flower Valley in Qingyang belongs only to Li Nuo, so he will naturally cherish it even more...

"The flower path has never been swept by visitors,

The gate is now open for you..."

Qingyang was about to speak, but when she saw Li Zian's eyes looking back and forth on her delicate body, she suddenly understood!

Her literary attainments are not weak!

After savoring this carefully, his face was full of shame and anger!

Damn Li Zian, he was actually teasing her on purpose!

Some people, relying on their talents, actually use their talents in such a shameful place!

How abominable!

The joy of the boudoir is not enough for outsiders...

Seeing Qingyang being so careless, Li Nuo quickly said: "Your Highness, the way out is blocked. You can use brute force to break it open, but I'm afraid it will destroy the underground palace. I think there is a lake here, it should be It can lead to the outside. I'll use [Water Avoidance Beads] to take you down, so without further ado, get out of this damn place."

As he spoke, Li Nuo put one arm around Qingyang's neck and the other around her legs. A princess hug came directly.

Being held in his arms, Qingyang felt unprecedented warmth and murmured softly.


A man and a woman have done everything they need to do. How can she choose a consort in this life?

I can only cling to this unreasonable man.

For a moment, Qingyang's heart was in confusion.

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