Ninth Grade Jailer: He actually went on a blind date with the leader of the Demon Cult at the beginn

Chapter 469 Yao Guangzong’s literary heart was broken, Wu Daozi took action to seize the painting

Expectation, doubt, fear...

Everyone's mood was extremely complicated, but their eyes were fixed on the young master Baimei who stood out like a chicken on the field.

Li Nuo paused for a moment, took another breath, and then slowly recited the poem "Xia Que"——

"Moth snow willow golden strands.

The laughter is full of fragrance. "

The upper palace depicts scenery, and the lower palace naturally depicts people...

A group of young women wearing shining headdresses such as gold, silver and jewelry shuttled among the crowd, laughing and enjoying the lanterns and flowers. The fragrance on the gorgeous dresses was still floating in the dark, which added a beauty to the Lantern Festival night. landscape.

This sentence alone vividly depicts the beauty of the woman admiring the lanterns during the Lantern Festival.

Everyone on the field, both men and women, were amazed.

This Mr. Baimei is absolutely unprecedented in his ability to write poetry.

I can write the scene of the Lantern Festival to the extreme, and I can also write the beauty admiring the scenery to the extreme.

The scenery and the beauty merge into one.

Some people even have a rather strange idea in their minds: this Mr. Baimei is definitely a veteran of the romantic field, the kind of old man who can lure away the souls of courtesans with hundreds of battle experiences!

At this point, everyone's expectations have become even stronger!

Because in this painting, the Jiangnan woman holding an oil-paper umbrella and walking alone in the dim light is the protagonist of this painting!

Whether it is "Thousands of trees blooming with flowers in the east wind at night" or "Golden wisps of moths, snow willows and willows", the beautiful scenery and beauties are all designed to set off this Jiangnan woman!

So, what words should be used to describe this woman?

Beautiful as jade?

The best in the world?

Overwhelming the whole audience?


These are tacky and will ruin the beauty.

No one can think of it, but we’ll see.

They wanted to see how Mr. Baimei put the finishing touch!

Li Nuo, who has an entire era of brilliant poetry, certainly will not disappoint everyone.

He also looked at the woman in the painting and silently chanted -

"People look for him thousands of Baidu.

Suddenly looking back, that person was there, in a dimly lit place. "


A strong literary energy overflowed from Li Nuo's body, and immediately rose into the sky, completely covering the entire plum garden.

However, the original painting of the painting saint moved automatically without wind and kept trembling.

Wenquxing appeared in the sunset glow of the burning prairie fire, flashing nine times in a row.

But at this moment, no one is paying attention to this vision of heaven and earth.

Because the souls of everyone present seemed to be sucked into this painting, which acted out the scene of talented people and beautiful women appreciating the Lantern Festival lanterns.

The words and paintings fit perfectly, and everyone became the person in the painting.

Those beautiful ladies from the south of the Yangtze River, who are smiling like flowers and enjoying the lanterns, are beautiful, but they are not my ideal ones!

I kept going back and forth among hundreds of people, looking for that beautiful figure that made me care about tea and food, but I was always hard to find.

I thought that was it, but when I was feeling lost, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of my eyes!

That faint and beautiful figure that I can't forget is right next to a broken lamp in the corner.

Yes, it's her!

She was originally in this cold corner, admiring the lights alone. Although she was far away from the bustle, she was still here.

Like a peerless and independent proud plum blossom, it blooms alone in the cold, under the wind and snow, and outside of the bustle.

This is the best part of this poem!

The moment you discover the person you love, it is the condensation and sublimation of the spirit of life.

This is another village's transformation from sorrow to joy.

Fish and dragon lanterns, jade pot moon, star rain fireworks, melodious sheng flutes, talented people and beautiful ladies...were interwoven into a beautiful Lantern Festival night song. But all of this is for that "person".

Without that person in the dimly lit corner, all this would be meaningless.

This word does not use those extremely gorgeous words to describe that "woman", but that woman is extremely beautiful, indescribably beautiful.

Of course, everyone's understanding of the artistic conception of this word and painting is different.

Some people with unappreciated talents even think that the "beautiful shadow" in the poems and paintings is themselves.

He has many talents, including literary skills and military skills, but he has nowhere to put them to use.

You can only stand outside the hustle and bustle, bloom alone, and enjoy your beauty alone.

I don't admire the prosperity of the world, I feel the loneliness of the world, but I am content with it.


Li Nuo had already finished reciting the words.

But everyone on the field could not return to their senses for a long time, and they were still silent in this wonderful atmosphere.

And just then.

Suddenly a strong wind blew across the field.

Everyone felt the coldness, and then they calmed down.

Some sharp-eyed people were immediately stunned and said incoherently: "She, she, gone!"

"Who is missing? Was it blown away by the wind?"

"She! Look, look at the painting... the woman in the painting has disappeared!"

After such a reminder, everyone was suddenly shocked and couldn't believe it.

The woman in the painting disappeared inexplicably!



Li Nuo was also shocked.

With his cultivation level, he naturally felt that the woman in the painting really seemed to come alive. She walked out of the painting gracefully, looked back with a smile, and then left with the wind.

Fairy in the painting?

Li Nuoleng took a breath and felt that his IQ was not enough!

What kind of supernatural power is this?

Could it be that this painting, like the "Kiuzhou Map" in Cao Xiong's hand, can trap people?

And the woman in this painting was trapped inside, and then escaped because of his poem?

This is too... outrageous, right?

No, no.

This picture definitely cannot reach the level of a heaven-defying treasure like the "Kyuzhou Picture".


Another big hand reached out from the void and grabbed the scroll.

Li Nuo smiled bitterly.

This old monk was still alarmed!


A monk gradually emerged from the wind and snow.

Abbot of Qixia Temple.

Painting sage Wu Daozi!

"Amitabha. My dear friend, please leave this painting to me for safekeeping..."

Wu Daozi came walking barefoot in the snow, clasping his hands together in a salute.

A strange force overflowed from Wu Daozi, and the entire time and space of Meiyuan seemed to have stopped.

Yao Guangzong and Jade Dragon layman, even such strong Confucianists and Taoists of the fourth level of true artistic conception, lost their minds at this moment.

Only Li Nuo could move freely.

First of all, Wu Daozi did not target him. Secondly, he is a third-grade martial artist. Although he cannot defeat all methods with his strength, ordinary difficulties really cannot trap him.

Li Nuo smiled.

I thought it was done very covertly, but I was still caught by a thief.

As expected, this Wu Daozi cannot be judged by his appearance.

The little white mouse in his arms took a sneak peek and immediately shrank its body, fearing that the old monk would come to trouble it.

"Master, I wonder who the woman in this painting is?"

Li Nuo bowed and showed due respect. In fact, the gossip in his heart was slowly emerging.

Wu Daozi did not answer.

But Li Nuo had already guessed that it was almost the same.


The fairy in the painting is definitely the old monk’s favorite!

However, probably, maybe... the painter failed to fall in love with the painter in the end, but the painter still couldn't forget him, so he made such a painting to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

Ask the world what love is, and teach you the promise of life and death...


But I have never heard that the painting saint got married!

Staring at the painting saint's bald head, Li Nuo smiled a little...

Since the painting sage chose to become a monk and shaved off the three thousand worries, he still kept this painting. It seems that the six roots are still not purified!


How disrespectful!

Amitabha, sin, sin, sin.

How can we arrange the highly respected abbot of Qixia Temple!

Li Nuo immediately stopped thinking.

Wu Daozi didn't want to talk to Li Nuo. He came and left in a hurry.

As the family left, the wind and snow in the plum garden suddenly stopped, and everyone looked at each other, as if they had no memory of the monk's arrival.

Jade Dragon layman stroked his goat's beard and praised with a smile: "The word "Little Friend Baimei" is truly unprecedented and unprecedented. As soon as this word came out, I'm afraid there will be no more Lantern Festival poems in the future...

"No, no, Master Jade Dragon praises late students too much."

Li Nuo politely handed over his hand with a humble look on his face.

Yao Guangzong's mood was extremely complicated at this time. He said: "Young Master Baimei's words should be the first, no one should doubt it. Someone, please present the [Night Pearl]!"

At this point, he could only pretend to be generous.

The eyes of the woman on the scene immediately became hot, her chest was rising and falling, and her breathing was rapid. They stared straight at Li Nuo, so charming that they wished they could throw themselves into his arms.

Li Nuo also felt the pressure.

Jiangnan girl is so enthusiastic.


It's a pity it's too late.

He is no longer the ninth-grade jailer who stayed away all night listening to music.

He has gotten married, the prodigal son has turned around, corrected his evil ways, and wants to protect his wife like a jade!



He wants to be a good family man.

So, woman, just give up on this idea, he will not give in.

The boy opened the wooden box and revealed the luminous pearl. Everyone on the field couldn't help but exclaimed.

Yao Guangzong said proudly: "Master Baimei, if you take this night pearl back to your wife..."

However, before he finished speaking, Li Nuo curled his lips and interrupted: "Well, Xiaosheng, please interrupt me, please don't mind, Bachelor Yao..."

"My friend, please tell me..."

Yao Guangzong had a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, and barely showed a smile that he thought was magnanimous.

Li Nuo said: "To be honest, this night pearl... is the lowest defective product of the Sea Clan. It has some uses for lighting instead of oil lamps, but it is a bit reluctant to delay aging and maintain youthfulness and beauty..."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

Zhao Mo immediately took the lead and said sarcastically: "Mr. Baimei, I am really inferior to you in terms of your poems. But when it comes to appreciating treasures, your eyesight is still a bit lacking. The pearl of the night is as big as a dove's egg, and the whole body is crystal clear. It is even more beautiful when you hear it." How can it be useless if it has a light and fragrant fragrance?”

Li Nuo shook his head and said: "Mr. Zhao, the bigger the Ye Mingzhu is, the higher its quality is. You probably haven't had any contact with the Sea Clan, so I can't blame you if you don't understand. But you don't know how to pretend to understand, and you talk so brazenly and boastfully, then It’s a bit overestimating one’s capabilities.”


Zhao Mozhi was furious.

Yao Guangzong said coldly: "Please give me some advice from Mr. Baimei!"

Li Nuo made a move [Create Something Out of Nothing], and colorful light poured out from his palm.

A pearl as big as a bean overwhelms the entire audience.

"Ah, this is... Night Pearl?"

"I have never seen such a luminous pearl. Although it is small, its luster, roundness, and even crystal clearness are almost instantaneous in comparison to that of a dove egg-sized luminous pearl!"

Everyone let out exclamations of obsession.

Comparing people to each other makes people angry.

In fact, this item is also the most fearful of comparison.

In the past, the original paintings and the fake ones were put together to make a judgment.

And the same is true for this night pearl.

Everyone present is a knowledgeable person.

It's clear at a glance.

Even, because there is a suppressive relationship. The luminous pearl as big as a pigeon's egg was instantly eclipsed.


In front of the Mermaid Queen's tears, how could an ordinary luminous pearl dare to change color?

"Hey, I have a lot of this stuff..."

Li Nuo silently made another stab.

In my hand, more than ten appeared again...

Damn it!

A well-fed man doesn’t know how hungry a hungry man is!

See it.

In the end, Yao Guangzong couldn't endure it until the end. He broke out and spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

The luminous pearl he was so proud of turned out to be inferior in the hands of others.

A crack has opened in Wenxin's heart again, and Wenqi is constantly losing.

"Chief of the Mountain, Chief of the Mountain!"

"Are you OK!"

"Come here, help Shan Chang go down and have a rest.

"Stop the ink. Whoever issued [Wen Hefei's book] should quickly call Dr. Chen from the east of the city..."

Everyone on the field immediately became confused.

Li Nuo and Red Lady took the opportunity to leave Meiyuan together.

When they came to a quiet place, the red lady stared at Li Nuo carefully.

Li Nuo touched his face: "Am I looking bad?"

The red lady snorted coldly: "Mr. Baimei, I wonder if you know Ren Woxing, Li Xunhuan, and Li Zian!"

Still got recognized.

But it's not surprising.

Li Nuo smiled and said: "I can't help it. But isn't it the same for you? Should I call you the demon hunter Red Lady, or Nangong Honglu?"

"Can this be the same?"

The red lady said angrily, "Also, why are you looking for my brother?"

Li Nuo: "Borrow something."

"What to borrow?"

The red lady pressed.

Li Nuo said nothing.

After all, this involves some secrets, and naturally it is not convenient for the Red Lady to know.

The red lady also knew that she was a little too reckless, so she changed the subject and said: "How come you have so many night pearls?"

Li Nuo handed one out without thinking: "I have someone in the East China Sea. I'll give this one to the Red Lady... Well, consider it a gift from me."

The red lady's face suddenly turned red and she said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Li Nuo joked: "Aren't you and my senior brother... By the way, now that you recognize your ancestors and return to the clan, how can you marry my senior brother? He is the lord of Western Chu after all."

The red lady looked a little lonely: "He is so proud now, how can he still look at me, a broken flower and a willow?"

Of course, Li Nuo knew that the red lady was speaking out of anger.

After all, whether it is Ren Tianxing or Jiang Jingcan, their approach to state affairs may change, but their approach to feelings will not change.

He believed in Ren Tianxing's character.

But the changed identities of these two people have indeed become a roadblock for them to be together.

Naturally, the red lady couldn't refuse this luminous pearl, so she took it over and said, "Huh, I'll keep this thing for now."

Li Nuo snickered secretly.

"You're so ridiculous! Come to my house at 3:00 tonight!"

After the red lady finished speaking, she turned around and left.

At three quarters of Hai hour.

This time is quite late.

But it doesn’t matter.

Meet Nangong Shehu and talk about Nangong Hubo’s marriage.

As the head of the family, he naturally has to make decisions for his subordinates.

Lu Yihong was loyal to him and promoted the Caobang family, and the Nangong family and the Caobang family had a close cooperative relationship. Although there were other voices within the Nangong family, it would be different if the Caobang family married Nangong Hubo.

Although Nangong Shehu is not a direct descendant, he holds military power and is also a very important figure in the Nangong family!

This powerful alliance is to kill two birds with one stone and benefit both sides.

As for how to convince Nangong to shoot the tiger.

He believed that because of his identity, Nangong Shehu should know how to choose...

But before that, he had to meet the old monk.

Although the woman in the painting did not match the age of the figure in his mind, her appearance was 70% similar.

He had to find out!

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