Ninth in The World

Vol 17 Chapter 881: Di 9

"Thank you for the traces, I will go first." Di Jiuyi clenched his fists, took the wine from his son's mark and turned to the top of Wangshan.

He listened to the child's mark, but his opinion was exactly the opposite of the son's mark. Since it is here, it is natural to find the best. Duzizi has not been to the top of the mountain. In this case, how can he know that the mountain is not suitable for him?

No matter what, the feelings of others are always standing on the stand of others. For him, it is only a suggestion. Since it is related to yourself, you need to determine it yourself. What's more, this is his avenue? If you have listened to the advice of others, don't you look at the truth of the mountains?

"On the mountain can not be ..." Duzizi said only half of a sentence, helplessly stopped himself, Di Jiu has long disappeared. He would like to tell Di Jiu, don't be impatient when you look up the mountain, you need to climb up slowly. Who knows that this Di Jiu plastic road is so fast.

The rich spirits of the gods swept over, and Di Jiu felt the smell of washing the flesh and the gods in this rich aura. He had seen this breath and created a breath.

Di Jiu’s heart is secretly happy, this is still at the foot of the mountain. If it reaches the top of the mountain, how rich is this atmosphere? Even if Di Jiu can now join the road at any time, Di Jiu has no intention of joining the road.

A misty and huge floating pool appeared in front of Di Jiu, and Di Jiu subconsciously stopped. This piece of futon is still suspended above the floating pool. Di Jiu does not need to ask, but also knows that this is the creation of the rhyme pool in the mouth of the ferry.

According to the saying that the child is traced, he should enter the cultivation of the rhyme pool, and then use this to create a rhyme pool. It's best not to abandon the immediate benefits and continue to look for them, which will lose more.

However, Di Jiu directly ignored this creation of the rhyme pool, he rushed to the top of the mountain at a faster speed. In just half a day, Di Jiu saw the second Taoist pool. What makes Di Jiu puzzled is that this rhythm of the Taoist Tao is actually weaker than the rhythm of the first Taoist rhyme pool.

Di Jiu is doubtful. It is reasonable to say that the more the rhyme pool is going to the top of the mountain, the richer the rhyme of the creation is, why is it getting weaker now?

When Di Jiu once again captained and saw the third and fourth creations of the rhyme pool, Di Jiu thoroughly understood the meaning of the Duzi.

That is the monk who is looking up at the mountain. The first Taoist dynasty that meets the Taoist dynasty is the most intense, and then the continual advancement will continue to weaken.

When Di Jiu crossed the hundred and eightth Huaihua rhyme pool, he never saw any artificial rhyme pool. The one hundred and eightth Huaihua rhyme pool has almost no rhyme, even if it meets the 109th, Di Jiu will not stop. He is not a person who likes to regret. Since he has decided, he will firmly follow his own heart.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} The rule is running to the extreme, and Di Jiu is almost constantly teleporting on the mountain.

What shocked Di Jiu was that after ten years, he was still in a hurry, looked up and saw that the mountain was still missing.

After he realized his direction of the avenue, he came to the foot of Wangshan in one step. Now that he has been in the mountains for a decade, he has not reached the top. Is it necessary to realize the new road again?

Di Jiu stopped, he didn't have a way, and on this road, he didn't feel any new way except for the many Taoist pools.

Di Jiu knew that there was a lot of words about the Duzizi. He told him that he would understand these things in advance if he crossed the mark and he said something more clearly.

However, Di Jiu did not care. The person who crossed the child marks is not a villain, nor is he not hiding. It should be taboo, and if so, if he asks, it is not good. Since everyone is a friend of the other party, don't ask too many friends, otherwise it is not a friend.

Thinking of this, Di Jiu once again rushed to the top of the mountain.

This time he made a long-term preparation, and while he was impatient, he began to build his own rules.

He realized that if he wants to go further on his own rule, he must abandon the rules of practice and cultivate his own rules.

He can't go to the rule of practice now, so if he doesn't take a step, he will be killed by the rhyme. He must first establish his own rules and avenues, and then slowly abandon the previous rules.

Di Jiu practiced the rule of the road for so many years, and realized the infinite basic rules. He now decided to build his own rules of the universe, but it is not difficult. It is easy for him to build his first basic law with the help of the ninth world. This basic law has nothing to do with the vast five-line universe. He built it with his own ninth world.

When Di Jiu was preparing to build the second basic rule, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Although part of the ninth world is his understanding of the construction of the sea god, but in addition, there are the ninth, the sacred beads and even other things.

Although the ninth world is completely his own, can he finally surpass the five elements of the world by building the basic rules of the ninth world?

Without anyone else answering himself, Di Jiu himself shook his head. This kind of world was built up, and at most it was a five-line world or a ninth world. It even had a thousand-line relationship with the five elements of the world. It was definitely not a five-line world. If he uses this world rule to achieve the road, the greatest height is probably only to be equal to the crossing.

The bigger possibility is that he is simply not good at crossing.

Di Jiu is a very simple person. He thinks that he can't rely on the ninth world to build rules. He does not hesitate to take the one that he just built. Followed by a new law, he was once again built by him. At the moment, this law does not exist between the universe at all. Now it appears because of Di Jiu.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} At the same time as this law is constructed, a kind of new joy is filled with Di Jiu’s heart. Di Jiu felt that he was like a man who had been suffocating his mouth and nose all the year round. Then he tore off the cover that covered his nose and mouth and breathed fresh air. The kind of fun is really hard to say.

When this law appeared, Di Jiu felt a faint bud in front of his eyes, and the buds were also pale yellow.

“Call!” Di Jiu’s long sigh of relief, he understood his own way, he saw his own road, he had a clear direction.

One after another, the law was built by Di The buds grew rapidly. When the first rule belonging to Di Jiu was constructed by countless rules, Di Jiu had a kind of enlightenment in his heart, and he felt vaguely that he was breaking away from a kind of embarrassment. This has locked him since he started to practice. Until now, he has built his own rules of the universe, and he is qualified to begin to slowly break free from this shackle.

At the moment, where is Di Jiu still thinking about whether it is a good way? He is crazy to build his own basic rules, one after another...

I don't know how long it took, a powerful atmosphere filled the whole body and mind of Di Jiu, and filled his god, soul and even soul.

Di Jiu shouted and opened his eyes. He saw a new world. He saw a brand new universe.

"From today, I am Di Jiuhe!

My way, do not rely on the rules of the universe!

My way, build the rules by yourself!

My way, build the rules of the world by yourself!

My way, build the universe by yourself!

My way, unity, unity, unity, unity, unity, unity, unity..."

Boom! A burst of roaring from the void, this moment the entire mountain is in this roar. It is not only the monks who cultivated in the mountains of Wangshan, but the monks in the avenues of the dynasty stopped their cultivation at the same time. Every monk was horrified and looked up at the vast expanse of the roaring sound.

Every monk seems to have heard the shouting sound in the roaring sound, just like a new **** suddenly descended into the world, and this moment the universe is still shaking.

(Today's update is here, friends are good night!)

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