Ninth in The World

Vol 18 Chapter 932: Years of dawn

"Old Ji, don't be busy, let's say a few words." When Ji Fengyu was still setting up the flag in a frenzy, Di Jiu had already opened the door of the frontier.

Ji Fengyu shook hands with the flag, and then stayed for a while, his sleepy array was able to be arranged. But for the trapped Di Jiu, he has no confidence at all.

If you can trap Di Jiu, will Di Jiu be so easy? Even when he has not completely sealed up, there is still leisure to talk to him?

Ji Fengyu still reluctantly lost the flag in his hand, and then said dryly, "Di Jiu, how did you find it here?"

Di Jiuhehe smiled. "How did you find it? How did I find it? There are very few monks in this universe. Maybe we are only two. Since you can find it, I can find it naturally. What is strange?"

"Call!" Ji Fengyu sighed and grabbed the twilight comb and looked at Di Jiu. "Look at your appearance, you should have full confidence to escape from my hands. If so, then I will look at you for thousands of years. How much progress has been made."

In the millennium, it is necessary to say how much progress Di Jiu has made. Ji Fengyu absolutely does not believe it. At least he is sure that Di Jiu still is still in the right path and has not stepped into the third step.

Di Jiu’s hand-opened pen appeared in his hand, and the Scorpio knife was also surrounded by the body. At the same time, he said faintly, “If that’s the case, then let’s do it. However, I dare to stand in front of you again, and I have no plans to continue to escape. ""

At the same time that Ji Fengyu launched the sleepy killing, the twilight comb was already sacrificed, and the imaginary air was combed out with a ray of light.

Di Jiu felt the glory of Ji Feng Yu Yu's light comb, and his heart was full of emotions. This magical power is really beautiful. It's like a beautiful woman sitting in front of a loom and concentrating on the perfect silk thread. These silks are time twilight, and they can lock everything in the universe...

"Thank you, Lao Ji." Di Jiu talked again and opened a huge ‘world’.

He thanked Ji Fengyu, because there was no jingguang comb of Ji Fengyu, he could not understand the time of the machine.

One word breaks through the road, and the world is yin and yang!

This side of the void is drawn by the word "Boundary" of Di Jiu, and the rhythm of the road is in the top of the word 'Boundary'. It is different from the rapid disintegration of the last 'Boundary'. Di Jiu's 'Boundary' word rhyme struck, and the void in the void universe burst into a rhythm.

And when the flowers bloom, there is a blue sky!

The rhyme of the twilight comb falls on the domain of Di Jiu, and the crazy mottled all the years of Di Jiu, mottled the time of the void, so that everything is like Hong Tao, quickly swept away by time.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} No matter how strong the life of Di Jiu, even the flower that just blooms will be eroded by this light.

For the first time, Di Jiu was mottled by this kind of radiance, and his vitality quickly dissipated. Shou Yuan quickly became old. Just as the flower just opened, it has already withered.

This time, the world in which Di Jiuqi wrote the pen is no longer disappearing as quickly as before, but it has hardly locked the vitality and years of Di Jiu’s empty space, and even locked the time. Lapse.

Beyond this, everything is old, everything is being eroded, and everything is taken away by the dawn of time. But within this, Qingshan is still there, and the vitality is still there, and Di Jiu is still there. The twilight mottled everything, and the mottled green hills could not be mottled.

After all, the word "咔嚓!" was finally torn by the twilight of the twilight comb, and Di Jiu felt the moment when the lifelong Shouyuan dissipated, and the Shuguang Taoyun disappeared.

Di Jiuyi shouted, and the Scorpio knife rolled up again.

A machine, weaving the years to go like a fly!

Under the knife screen, cosmification for a loom, the loom took away all the years to weave a new time, and everything quickly dissipated in this loom. As long as you are still in the universe, as long as you are still in this period, this one-year loom can take you away...

"Shenzhen magical power?" Ji Fengyu was shocked, and the twilight comb was rolled up again.

Boom! Ji Fengyu's Shuguang Daoyun and Di Jiuzhi's years of time are banging together. The whole universe can only feel the passage of time, and you can feel the emptiness in the void.

In the dawn, Di Jiu seems to have returned to the once lush years. He saw the picture of his best friend Qu Xiaoshu letting him escape. He saw the picture of the vine turning and leaving...

But the light came quickly and went fast. He hadn't seen the back yet, and the light was broken.

Ji Fengyu was also brought into the machine of the years. His hair was in a flash of white. When he saw that he decided to leave home, the old mother woven a cotton coat on the loom that she was older than her...

Hey! Twilight and the years collapsed at the same time, and everything was restored to its original state.

Di Jiu and Ji Fengyu were awake at the same time, and the two faced silently. Di Jiuxin secretly rejoiced, if it was not his time, he was brought in by the dawn of Ji Fengyu. Once brought into the light of Ji Fengyu, he is afraid that it is difficult to be good.

His years have been able to compete with Ji Fengyu's twilight comb, but his cultivation is still low, and the time of the magical power is still too short.

Ji Fengyu looked at Di Jiuliang for a long time and did not speak. He clearly felt the terribleness of Di Jiu’s nine-year-old machine. Like the Ningcheng, he was sentimental from his dawn, and he probably surpassed him in the end. The dawn of light.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} He did not fight against Ning Cheng, but he has seen the battle images of Ning Cheng, and many people have said it. Ning Daojun’s ‘the sunset is infinitely good, just near dusk’ is a dusk triple, more powerful than his dawn. Today, Di Jiu realized from his dawn that he had a chance. Ji Fengyu does not have to think carefully, but also can be sure that in the future, Di Jiu’s years will be stronger than his dawn.


Why are these people so geniuses, and when they fight against their opponents, they can also feel the magical power of their opponents. This is terrible to the extreme.

"Old Ji, it seems that you can't help me Put away your broken comb, let's talk about other business." Di Jiuyi, a hand-clawed knife fell into his hands. However, he did not take the initiative.

Ji Fengyu can't help him now, he can't help Ji Fengyu. Ji Fengyu did not move him a hair, he could not afford to pay Ji Fengyu.

Ji Fengyu swallowed the dry throat, and the tone was a little heavy. "I have already arranged a trap, and if I try my best, I even pay a price, I believe I can trap you."

Di Jiuhaha smiled, one hand, four five-party flags rose from four directions, countless rules and flags automatically activated, the next moment Ji Jiyu arranged the trapped squad was locked.

Ji Fengyu is even looking at the four five-square flags. Even speaking, it is somewhat difficult. "The plain color cloud flag, the Qinglian treasure flag, the seven-star net water flag, the flame flag from the ground... the five-party flag, you actually There are also five flags..."

At this time, he should not say that he was trapped in Di Jiu. Di Jiu launched the five-party flag and could completely trap him. You must know that there are only four flags, and the Wufangqi has a penguin and apricot flag. Di Jiu did not take out the apricot and yellow flag, apparently lurking on one side, blocking the five worlds at any time.

Di Jiu said faintly, "Now you can say that I can trap you, or you can trap me."

Ji Fengyu whispered, "You can trap me."

His words did not know whether he said to Di Jiu, or he was talking to himself. He has been searching for so many years of madness, only to get a tanning comb, and the things that Di Jiu took out are all innate treasures, which makes him a face that has been mixed for countless years?

(Today's update is here, friends are good night!)

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