Di Jiu 一进来就感受到了一种死亡的aura ,他心里一懔,甚至连前方的孤步人也没有精力去关注了,整个人的身心都关注到这种terrifying 的空间错位上来,连Dao Eye 也是完全打开。

Once this space is trapped, don’t say he’s Di Jiu, it’s just a few Di Jiu and dead end one, and it’s all dead end that Origin Spirit doesn’t have.

Di Jiu, while avoiding this terrifying space error, was also vigilant in his heart, and he was too big to go into this place with an orphan. In other words, if only Spiritual Sense Escapee was borrowed, he was finished, well, he had rules on Escaping Technique.

Nor do you know how long Di Jiu has not focused his attention on the location of the orphan, and his body is on Monday. The space error disappeared without a trace, and there was a white giant in front of him. Orphans are standing on giant stones, and it looks like they’re just falling on giant stones.

Di Jiu didn’t hesitate to cross the stones directly.

The orphan saw Di Jiu cross the rocks, and his heart was shaken. He thought Di Jiu could keep up with him, even on the first Step of the universe ladder, but Di Jiu had never thought about it.

Even if he hadn’t gotten the universe nest, he wouldn’t have been eligible for nothing to lose in the first Step of the universe stairs.

“Fellow Daoist Di’s good ability.” Orphans are laughing at their faces and putting up a big thumb.

Di Jiu’s cold watched orphans, sometimes without locking the orphans, “I can be bigger and you’re not big. If I hadn’t had some luck, I would have been unable to stand here.”

“Fellow Daoist Di, if you think leaving the Five Elements universe is to tear up a void domain, then I can’t help it.”

“You mean, this has left the five Elements universe?” Di Jiu asked. Although the orphan had a heart attack on him, he came all the way and knew it was a solar plot. Because the orphans are the same path as him, the only difference is that the orphans are likely to know how to go, and he’s totally borrowed from ability.

Orphant shook the head, “Of course not, we just took a start. It takes a lot of years to get rid of the Five Elements universe. One thing you can worry about is that we’re here, and as long as we stay here for more than a year, we can’t find us again.”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “Not me, not us.”

“You’re right, but it’s not time to find this place.” The isolated heart is getting deeper about Di Jius, and he even wants to go straight, even Bridge of Reincarnation. Di Jiu, this guy, once he takes him out of the Five Elements universe, really prove the Dao step three, he’s not a Di Jius opponent.

The orphan quickly threw this idea aside, as long as Di Jiu did not enter the third step, he had the opportunity to kill Di Jiu. On the road, he could even borrow blade to kill. If he gets Bridge of Reincarnation, he’s got a way to fight. Otherwise, he will not be able to cross the mountains.

Di Jiu is locking the isolated area without a slight loose, still indifferently said, “Old loneliness, I would now like to ask you a few questions, and if you can’t answer it, don’t blame me for turning my face off. I am good, but I am not deceived.”

“Fellow Daoist Di says,” Fellow Daoist Di, as long as I know, I promise not to hide. “

“Okay.” Di Jiu looked at the orphan and said, “You said this is the way out of the Five Elements universe, and I believe you too. But how do you know this is the way out of the Five Elements universe? And why can you escape without chasing you? As far as I know, your Escaping Technique is not that strong.”

The orphan Nodded, “Fellow Daoist Di, before I said to answer your question, it was just that time was more urgent. My history knows fewer people, of course not. Do you know what the most precious thing was when five Elements opened the universe?”

Di Jiu said, “Should it be Primordial Chaos Dao Principle?”

“Nice, Primordial Chaos Dao Principle, nine Primordial Chaos Dao Principle.”

“Are you sure it’s nine?” Di Jiu was staring at the orphan, asking a question.

The Orphans heard Di Jius, laughed, and said, “The exact thing should be ten, and I didn’t think you heard it. Just that tenth path, no one can get it, and only in the five Elements universe can’t get it, because it’s one of those.”

Di Jiu said, “I thought it was eight. I didn’t think there were ten.”

Orphans heard Di Jius, almost threw blood. He thought Di Jiu had heard about it, and he didn’t think Di Jiu was just a missing fellow. Only the fellow who did not see him thought Primordial Chaos opened up was eight Primordial Chaos Dao Principle.

“Go on, stop and do what?” Di Jiu’s unhappy staring at an orphan.

The orphans are angry, and the heart says that you just broke the old man’s words. It’s just now that he can’t fight Di Jiu because he can’t repress Di Jiu, and he can only keep saying, “But I know there’s one thing that won’t be worse than that ten Primordial Chaos Dao Principle.”

“What is it?” Di Jiu heard something worse than Primordial Chaos Dao Principle, and urgently asked.

Orphan slowly said, “That thing doesn’t know, it’s the universe nest. Five Elements, when the universe was opened, nine of the ten Primordial Chaos Dao Principle were nurtured in the universe nest, thus seeing how valuable the universe nest is.”

“The universe nest? You mean, when you don’t get to rob Primordial Chaos Dao Principle, you rob the universe nest?” Di Jiu’s staring at the orphan.


orphan was seen by Di Jiu with some hair, but only said, “Yes, I am going to rob the universe nest. When Primordial Chaos Dao Principle is not taken, I also got the universe nest. Primordial Chaos Dao Principle was too many people, and I took the universe nest and ran away. Grand Dao, mostly derived from nine Primordial Chaos Dao Principle, and my Grand Dao, was derived from the universe nest. I know there’s a universe ladder here, and the information that comes from Primordial Chaos, so it’s not known.”

“Can you show me your universe nest?” Di Jiu laughed, and the color says.

“If I’m still here, I’ll show you that. After I merged Grand Dao of the universe nest, the universe nest was merged with my fleshly body, and now I’m calling it, and I can’t get it.”

Di Jiu secretly sighed, it is no wonder not to chase an orphan, nor to blame the orphan for being able to escape from his heart, which is the same.

“How did you get repressed in Bridge of Reincarnation?” When Di Jiu asked, spiritual sense fell on a Dao Principle of Reincarnation at Bridge of Reincarnation.

This Dao Principle of Reincarnation was his refining, which seems to be one of the countless groups of Bridge of Reincarnation Dao Principle. Now he knows that a lone person, forcibly, was taken out of his Grand Dao, and then completely integrated into Bridge of Reincarnation, and that’s probably the universe nest.

It’s not only hard, it’s tight. If he was not alone at all times chasing him behind his back, he would never have found this a rhyme.

Orphant sighed, “When I and I were in a bad war, my cultivation base was a little bit worse, not heavy injury. Although I’m not as good as I am, I’m going to get out of here. When I ran away, I was crushed by the replied King plot against. This fellow really wants to put me alone in Bridge of Reincarnation, and he’s too high to look at himself. While I backlash, I bombed him like Bridge of Reincarnation. hehe, for so many years, I’ve been there, and I’m still, and the replied is afraid there’s no chance to return.”

Bridge of Reincarnation? Di Jiu secretly sighed, you’re lucky, Bridge of Reincarnation.

“Yeah, you’re lucky, but, unfortunately, you haven’t answered your life-saving man.” Di Jiu laughed, he decided to extortion a bit of an isolated thing, and this fellow and a different era, and there’s absolutely a lot of good stuff on you.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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