“The tent Fellow Daoist, on this rock cultivating works very well.” Di Jiu turned around the tent and asked.

He’s still a little good at the tent, and this fellow, although he wants his Ninth Dao Principle, acts like some expert demeanor. He wants to wait for the orphan to finish and say that the tent hasn’t even started at the time, and that’s good.

Nodded, “Yes, this stone brings together Grand Dao in the opening of the universe, and there is no clearer place than the rules here. So cultivating up here twice the results for the half of the effort, and hardly need any Heaven and Earth Origin Qi.”

This Di Jiu understands that cultivating to such a level and wants to go further, Heaven and Earth Origin Qi are not paramount, primarily Heaven and Earth Law’s clarity, and the degree of insights to Grand Dao in the universe.

“So everybody’s not going here, it’s supposed to be all to stay here in cultivating?” Di Jiu questioned again.

The tent laughed, “Better place, cultivating over 100,000 years is just like chicken ribs. Everybody stay here, just can’t go.”

“Why can’t you go?” Di Jiu is really kind of surprised.

This tent has not answered, but indifferently said, “You’ll know.”

Di Jiu did not ask, but instead pointed to the orphans and seeds of the finger, “Fellow Daoist, the tent, where cultivating day is probably equivalent to other domain cultivating for years. That derivatives have been here for so many years, together with a third step, and should be able to crush the little orphan, why do they still have evenly matched?”

“Hahahaha…” The tent laughed, if the interesting watched Di Jiu, “and when you enter the third step, then you come to this place, cultivating.”

“bang!” The derivatives and the orphan Dao Rhyme were bombarded together, and the two men threw a blood arrow at the same time and flew out.

The two did not seem to be victorious, but no more. No one else has ever done it before the machine, and the orphans have a lot of secrets. Who’s got a little experience here? Who doesn’t have a little secret? Orphans can fight the derivatives, nor can they be afraid of others. If you want to kill an orphan, you have to fight with your life. No one’s stupid will be here and alone, and for any one, people around here are enemies.

“Lord Dixie, it’s our turn.”

The tent took out of magical treasure, the sentence was not finished, and Di Jius Heaven Dancing Blade broke the past.

Feel Di Jius blade momentum and field, and smile in his tent, with Di Jiu, blade, he can see that Di Jius is less than an orphan, and that he is sure to resolve Di Jiu within a time frame.

Di Jius, the blade that rolled out several tracks, is not how hard blade glow, blade intent, blade glow, can only be brutal. At the time of the crackdown in the tent, there was a shovel that turned into an indifferent Dao Rhyme fence, and even if it had not yet been done, it had prevailed.

All the people around you see are dark from nodded, tent, which is the way everybody demeanor works, to take action not at all attacks, but to gather potential. Di Jiu is too young to kill him directly.


tent will first put itself in a position of failure, and it will not be questioned that the second influential divine ability must be an extremely ambitious attack. It gives people some doubts about Di Jius, and Di Jiu says it’s the Ninth universe’s founding saint, but it’s a little too bad to do it.

bang bang bang bang! Di Jiu blade glow only brought together three blade screens, and Di Jius Heaven Dancing Blade appeared to have suddenly crossed the space and again returned to Blade’s position, which was blade chopped.

The first three lines of blade screen have just emerged, Di Jius II blade chopped four blade screens, and the blade screen formed by two blade screens has formed a small blade wave.

When the tent saw Di Jius first blade, it was intended to resolve it in the shortest time possible, and he was supposed to be high on Di Jiu. So his second divine ability brought together almost all of the imposing taches, and the separatist shovel in void bombed the sound of the tear rules.

Just his second divine ability was just halfway together, and Di Jius II blade bombed it.

Is this Law of Space? The tent is in shock, the expert who can stand here, says it won’t be law of space, I’m afraid not. But Di Jius, the law of space applications, is almost a degree of profit, almost half a point of ambiguity, and it looks like resembles nature itself.


his second situation continues, then when the second divine ability Dao Rhyme is bombed together, his third divine ability will surely fall into the humble one. Because Di Jius II blade is nearly twice stronger than his first blade.

The tent does not require a pride, not because of his personality, but because he is well aware that there must be no harm here. Even if it is injured, it can only be lightly injured, not seriously injured. Once he gets seriously injured, he’s done.

The rules of the second split of the tent have changed dramatically, from extremely strong offensive in order to be like plane blocking the company.

This attack on divine ability Dao Rhyme will never change much. The tent can do it because he’s been here for too long. When it came here, cultivating would be very surprised, and it would be a long time to know that cultivating here doesn’t make you raise a lot of cultivation base.

His divine ability Dao Rhyme is far from being able to compare.

He knew he was wrong, big mistake.

After a cultivator saw Di Jiu blade momentum coming to its head, blade in his hand crossed the space from the beginning of a blade strike down, where there was no half-stagnation. This is definitely a degree of control over the law of space, and even divine ability to lift its own space rules exists.

One of the women cultivator who spoke before said it was ironic, “This is time concept divine ability, spatial rules shit!”

No, but the female cultivator found out that Di Jiu was not Space Divine Ability, or the rest, and Di Jiu was not Space Divine Ability.

Di Jiu had a fancy heart, and he suddenly came out of blade not to sneak attack tents, but because he suddenly had a clear comprehension, a clear comprehension that forced him to leave blade. At that moment, clear comprehension was three times old.

Three machines, that humble one, the wave surging is real. Blade screen 90,000 miles, not half the dust.

He had crossed Bridge of Reincarnation on the second plane of his age, and now his second flight of clear comprehension had not been carried out, but had displayed three machines for the month of clear comprehension.

Di Jiu knows better than anyone that his three-year-old machine has gone beyond the law of Time, which is a time accumulated blade momentum.

“ka ka ka!” A number of blade glow has bombed on a tent defender Dao Principle, and bursts of Kka over the giant stone have broken up for a while.

But this is just the beginning, and Di Jius II blade responded again to the original position of blade, and the third blade was similarly bombed. One more level than the second blade, the third blade.


blade screen of the third blade and the blade screen ahead finally formed a little blade wave, not an end. Follow the fourth blade

blade wave was getting bigger, and by the time it was fourth blade, it seemed like killing potential of the entire universe, and it formed an endless blade wave.

From the first to one zhang blade screen, to the blade wave of 1,000 feet.

killintent struck the whole giant stone with a chill, and there was a death aura in the combustion.

Di Jiu felt exhausted, and he was sure that he could kill the tent as long as he had another blade. The three machines at the age of three are too terrifying, and everything that’s blocked before, will be under this 90,000 miles blade glow and turned into dust.

Unfortunately, he knows that he can’t show up the fifth blade. His strength is insufficient, and Dao Rhyme and spiritual sense are hampered. This is the Grand Dao Law of his cultivating, with Heaven and Earth Law continuing chopped four blade, otherwise he would probably have chopped at least two blade half.

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