the fist went down, primal chaos broke up, Di Jius World formed embryonic form, and the mountain river, though only outline, was already visible.

The bee embraced primal chaos Dao Rhyme, emptied by Di Jiu, then turned into Di Jius to the Dao Rhyme and World Rules.

Di Jiu under the foot Bridge of Reincarnation remained in primal chaos, while Di Jiu opened his eyes. He can even grab anything he just hung up in a realm.

Feel yourself, Dao Rhyme and cultivation base imposing way, and Di Jiu called for a breath. He built the border, and today he’s Di Jiu finally crossed the third step. After that step, he finally took control of oneselfs fate and was no longer a cage hidden by everywhere after being extradited.

Di Jiu is in his own world, and one of them is as naive as he is. He clearly captures every law in his own world, every rule. It was before he had Ninth World without it.

“So,” Di Jiu fu, who understood himself and herself, and no, and where the fat old man was even an orphan.

Don’t look at him when he’s on the right path. But Di Jiu is well aware that that kind of creation is essentially a hypocrisy, or a small community created by the five Elements universe.

Now that he built a realm is the real a realm, that’s the third step.

He seems to be able to suppress the orphans when he works in perfection. But Di Jiu is sure that once an orphan builds the world, then he is perfection, and the orphan can easily crush him. Because the universe of the orphan is different from that of the general cultivator, the universe of the orphan can count as true.

Once the orphan is created, the power of the orphan is many times stronger than that of the orphan.

Di Jiu an open hand, many Dao Rhyme Law was captured by Di Jiu, followed by these Dao Rhyme Law fragments that were quickly integrated into Di Jiu’s hands and flown in front of A. Di Jiu then opened again, and another broken jewel appeared in his heart.

Di Jiu secretly sighed in the heart, that’s the real truth, the real controller. When Ninth Dao Principle was competing with him, Ziñezle became endless Dao Principle, and now he was able to integrate Dao Principle of the crackdown again and then Ninth Dao Principle. Because of this world, it’s the world he’s completely and completely under control. If he were to create a world in the Five Elements universe, he couldn’t do that because his pathways could not go beyond Ninth Dao Principle. There’s no way to go beyond Ninth Dao Principle, how can Ninth Dao Principle be reintegrated?

Unfortunately, Sacred Yin Bead has been crushed, and his ability to recover Sacred Yin Bead has not yet been possible.

“You…” Ninth Dao Principle was surprised by Di Jius cultivation base in the first time after he restored a sense of autonomy.

Di Jiu sighs, “I didn’t think you were part of my world, and today I can get you back.”

Ninth Dao Principle came here to clear comprehension, “You’re a borderline, and you’re the Supreme.”

Ninth Dao Principle didn’t say it, and it was clear that it was not a little bit smaller when it first looked Di Jiu. It was attached to Di Jiu, entirely because of that Universe Embryo Layer fragment thats all. Universe Embryo Layer broke up, and it left.

“Yes, I am. Unfortunately, my Sacred Yin Bead was broken by you, plot against, and now I can restore your Dao Principle, but I can’t perfect Sacred Yin Bead.” Di Jiu sighed and took Sacred Yin Bead away. In the future, after his cultivation base was upgraded, he might be able to repair Sacred Yin Bead again.

“What are you going to do to me?” Ninth Dao Principle knows that he can no longer threaten Di Jiu, and Di Jiu’s presence is now loose.

Di Jiu indifferently said, “I’m not going to deal with you, you go, this is Holly primal chaos, and the transition should not be found here.”

“What?” Hear this is Holly primal chaos, Ninth Dao Principle is completely shaken. When it worked hard, it wanted to get to primal chaos, but unfortunately it didn’t have that ability. Now it’s like a waking up, and then it’s in a giant primal chaos.

No, Di Jiu just said no name. How did Di Jiu know about the transition?

“You know what Universe Dao Lord is?” Ninth Dao Principle is amazing, and it remembers who Di Jiu Universe Dao Lord was.

Di Jiu sneered, “Universe Dao Lord? He can’t afford to whisper some of his ass, nor can he be Universe Dao Lord. Not only did he get some Primordial Chaos Dao Principle first when the five Elements were opened up in the universe, that’s all.”

After all, Di Jius spiritual sense swept out, outside of a realm, which he bombed, the world would slowly become a new universe. If Di Jiu says he’s the Universe Dao Lord of this universe, then there’s one more thing to say, “What’s Universe Dao Lord?”

Di Jiu wondered why he opened primal chaos a realm and created Primordial Chaos, and why did he not find Primordial Chaos Dao Principle and Primordial Chaos treasure in a realm he smashed himself?

Ninth Dao Principle was silent and sent a message for a long time, “You are indeed qualified to say no, and why did you let me go?”

It was plot against Di Jius, Di Jius Sacred Yin Bead.

Di Jiu indifferently said, “’Cause I’m inspired by you, and you’re my inspiration Teacher. I wouldn’t have let you fit into my world if it wasn’t for you to plot against me. Today I built a realm that really belonged to me, and I brought you back, and it was all about you and me. I’ll take you back to Ho primal chaos, just like when you pointed out my rules, and gave me a form of fabrication. I’ll give you a piece of fabrication, if you can hold it, then look at yourself.”

After that, Di Jiu left his world with Ninth Dao Principle, and fell outside a realm that was crushed by him.

“This is primal chaos a realm just opened?” Ninth Dao Principle is not an unaware fellow, and as soon as it comes out, it feels the endless Primal Chaos Aura.

Di Jiu nodded, “Yes, I broke primal chaos a realm into the third step and built my own world.”

Ninth Dao Principle suck in a cold breath, that’s not even done, Di Jiu did it. No wonder Di Jiu does not fear now, but it’s been wandering for so many years, and it’s not going to go well?

Di Jiu said, “Before you leave, I want to ask you a question. Who opened up the Five Elements universe that year? Why don’t you make it cheap?”

“I don’t know, just knowing that man tall figure, there’s a giant divine ability.” Ninth Dao Principle suddenly feels a little ashamed.

Di Jiu shake hands, “You go, this is a realm I opened, and I’ll take you out. By the way, I suggest you don’t go looking for it. Your strength, go find a way out. No, just give it no food.”

“I know, many thanks to you.” Ninth Dao Principle is depressed, Di Jiu is its watched growing, and now Di Jiu can and can’t pull his wrist, and it’s still struggling for oneselfs fate.

At the bottom of its heart, it is still grateful to Di Jius, not Di Jiu, which, I’m afraid, has not restored freedom at this moment.

Di Jiu left Ninth Dao Principle, and also did not remain in the primal chaos a realm that he opened up here. The world, if he wanted to run, could evolve into the second five Elements universe. He was not interested at all, however, and he conceded that the primal chaos a realm had been opened to him, and that his elite in the world had been removed from him, and promoted his power not to say but to make him build his own A realm.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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