This thin cultivator is exciting to himself, and I’ve been talking about it a dozen times since I finally saw people.

Di Jiu’s quiet waiting for each other, and this thin cultivator seems to be corrupt, but Di Jiu knows that the other is an absolute expert and will not be weak than the fat man he saw earlier.

When he comes to perfection, he faces the fat man, and he does not have half his hand, and can see how terrifying that fat man is. This fellow is not weaker than a fat man, and naturally is a world expert. If Di Jiu is still in Dao Fusion Realm, he goes away without the slightest hesitation.

His only strength was Escaping Technique, who was not chasing him at the time, and see how powerful his Escaping Technique was.

As Di Jiu foresees in general, and when the excitement is calm, this thin cultivator is always calm, and he starts to hit Di Jiu, and he says, “How young you are.”

“Di Jiu has seen Fellow Daoist, and I don’t know why Fellow Daoist is here. What’s your name?” Di Jiu asked again.

“Di Jiu?” The thin cultivator praised a Di Jius name, which said, “Why is my name Qin, here?” hehe, I don’t know how many thousand years I’ve been here. “

The laughed of Qin’s skies, whose eyes are empty, seem to have been in plot against himself for thousands of years.

Qin Days? Di Jiu felt a little familiar with that name. Soon he remembered, and he heard about this fellow, who was a world expert, who died in the hands of the city of Sattario.

Why is there another Qin Day here? Aren’t they the same?

“Qin Fellow Daoist, I lost my way into primal chaos, and now I don’t know how to get out of here. Fellow Daoist’s been here for a long time, and I don’t know if there are some ideas?” Di Jiu is lazy to continue thinking about the Qin Day.

The watched Di Jiu of Qin’s Sky said long ago, “primal chaos is not allowed to come in, and occasionally one million are not available. You must have been brought in. Who brought you in?”

Di Jiu is now a borderline, and he has no need to hide it. “Indeed, I’m brought in, he’s an orphan, and he doesn’t know if Fellow Daoist knows it.”

“Orphans?” The Qin Day repeats the name, and then shook the head, “I don’t know. But what I’m going to tell you is, if you come in, you stay in peace. There’s no rules in primal chaos, there’s nothing, there’s no place in nature, and then there’s no way out.”

“How did Fellow Daoist get in?” Hear the Qin Day, Di Jiu’s heart is cold.

“I escaped in.” The humed laughed of Qin’s skies, and Di Jiu said this conversation, and his eyes were no longer the same empty hole as before.

Di Jiu wouldn’t be so sorry to ask again, but someone else escaped and asked if he’d hit his face.

There’s no place at all, no matter what the Qin Day says, Di Jiu wants to know more about it. In order to get closer to Qin, Di Jiu took the initiative to find a topic, saying, “Before I came here, I heard of a cultivator called Qin, who was strong and capable of confronting A realm monarchs.”

“Did you see Qin? Where is he? It must be very powerful now?” The Qin weather is somewhat excited and cannot even wait to talk.

Di Jiu’s skeptical watched Qin, what’s the relationship between the two Qin Days?

“Qin Fellow Daoist, I’m just listening, and I hear he’s doing two magical treasure and a light stone, strong and strong, and…”

“And what?” See Di Jiu stopping for a while, and the Qin is more compelling to wait.

Di Jiu groans and goes on saying, “Qin Fellow Daoist, and before I say I’m listening, the truth is not necessarily right. I heard that the Qin Day was killed, and I didn’t know what happened back there.”

“Killed?” Once again in Qin’s vein, it seems unbelievable, “Did someone kill him and the expert out there be so strong? How could this be possible?”

Di Jiu, while not seen in the city of Ning, admires him very much, and the friends of Ning City also know a few. Now there seems to be some relationship between this Qin day and the Qin day that was killed in Ning City, and Di Jiu wants to hear it immediately, “Is this Qin Fellow Daoist, the day you were killed?”

“Does he have anything to do with me?”

And then he shook the head, watched Di Jiu, and said, “Fellow Daoist Di, should you come here looking for prove the Dao third step? I’ll give you a advice. Don’t cut the prove the Dao.”

Di Jiu heard that, immediately. The Qin Dao Rhyme rule, which is now the big meteor of cultivation, together with the fact that he cut Ninth World into the third step, has brought together his own Dao Rhyme rule, and the Qin Sky has no sense that his cultivation base strength is normal.

But the Qin Dao said it shouldn’t be done. What does that mean? He cultivating to today, the strongest way to try to come here is to cut out the prove of the Dao. And because he was inspired by the completion of the prove Dao, he cut off his Ninth World, thereby making the world a success. Di Jiu is still satisfied with his own business.

Why are you here in Qin Days?

“Fellow Daoist of Qin? What do you mean by that?” Di Jiu one fist in the other hand, this is true. He didn’t have Master, the real Grand Dao was inspired by Ninth Dao Principle, and then, through Ninth Dao Principle, he created the rules that belonged to him.

Based on his constant experience of cultivating, there should be no more powerful proof of the Dao Programme than the cutting out of the prove of the Dao.

“Do you know what the highest level of the road is? That’s the body of your own Dao Will, and call the dead prove the Dao. I chose to kill the three corpses, prove the Dao, the first one I ever killed was the evil thought corpse.”

“There’s really three corpses that prove the Dao?” Di Jiu was surprised.

That’s why he heard of it, but he never thought that his Dao Will could cultivating the body? magical treasure could be coloured into Artifact Spirit, and Di Jiu didn’t think people would be like magical treasure. Man can be the master’s slaughter, so he can be the best pathway, because he has feelings and feelings of anger.

If human anger can be turned into a corpse, it’s too terrifying. What’s Dao Cultivator doing here? Isn’t it weird to fix it?

Don’t say “behave”, that’s what cultivating’s part is unacceptable to Di Jiu.

“Naturally, there are three corpses, prove the Dao, cultivating to be so extreme that the Dao Will corpse will become Dao Will’s body, and Dao Will will reach, and cultivation base will be more than 10,000 miles after it is done.”

Di Jiu smiled in the heart, cultivation base step 10,000 miles. Your Qin is a dead man, prove the Dao, and you don’t see Mile? Just stuck in primal chaos, thats all.

No, Di Jiu suddenly remembered that Qin day that he heard, and came by, surprising watched Qin, “Qin Fellow Daoist, what I heard about is not the evil thought corpse you killed?”

The Qin Day is another sigh, “Yes, I cut the next moment of the evil thought walker, and the corpse plot against me, not only deprived my world, but also deprived me of countless treasure. If I hadn’t had a little method, I was afraid there was only my corpse, not my Qin.

After I escaped the plot against the morgue, the first time came to this side, primal chaos. Because I know, a little later, I don’t have the ability to come here. After I got here, I burned all Grand Dao into the third step with great primal chaos. Unfortunately, I was unable to break primal chaos into the third step, and I had weak spot on my way, and that was the case in my life. “

Di Jiu was silent, and what the Qin Sky said about the body prove the Dao, and his circuit prove the Dao seems to be somewhat different. At least he didn’t have cultivating out the corpse, that is, he cut off before the condense corpse. Or he didn’t go to the condense corpse at all.

“Did your world come from the dark world?” Di Jiu heard the orphan say that the dark universe World and Grand Great World were brought by two outside universe experts. According to Di Jius’s guess, the master of Grandma Great World should be the fat man he saw before, and the owner of the dark universe should be the present Qin. But the darkness of the universe was taken away from him.

“Good, I opened up a small world, not yet called the universe. The small world of my side was opened in this primal chaos, so I could be back here again after plot against.” The Qin Sky Nodded, there’s no halfway out.

Di Jiu nodded, some sympathetic saying, “Qin Fellow Daoist, unfortunately your evil thought walker was brought rid of it, otherwise you could make his own Grand Dao a profit.”

“Fellow Daoist Di, evil thought that the corpse would not be killed, and as long as my light was still in place, he could reborn with light. After he was born, he should be stronger. Because before he was just a corpse, he had a complete Dao Will after birth, not just a corpse.”

The Qin Sky knows nothing but a good feeling in Di Jiu’s heart, and he doubts that this is because evil thought on the Qin Day has been wiped out.

But even if it was a good feeling, Di Jiu and Qin had been talking a few days later and were not interested in going on.

“Qin Fellow Daoist, I’m going to quit. I still have too many ties to put down, so I can’t talk to you anymore.” Di Jiu’s resignation.

Qin said immediately, “I’m going with you, and if there’s no one else in a few years, I’m afraid I’m going to collapse, and I’m a little afraid of being alone.”

Di Jiu believed in the Qin Day, when he just saw the Qin Day, it was all empty in Heavenly Eye, and now he’s got more alive aura in his eyes.

“Then let’s go together. Let’s go and talk. As long as I’m alive, I can find the way out of primal chaos.” Di Jiu did not refuse the Qin Day’s request.

“If one of my black nails was taken away by a demon, I would have had the opportunity to break the primal chaos prove the Dao, so long as I broke the primal chaos prove the Dao, we could get out of here.”

Come here today, friends. Good night!

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