“My name is DiForgotten River, from Earth…” DiForgotten River did not conceal his own history, and he was from Earth, as far as Dao Realm, that was just the point of life in his pursue Grand Dao.

“You’re from Earth?” The Yellows are staring at DiForgotten River, with an excitement in the tongue.

DiForgotten River for a while forgotten about the evening, and the doubtful watched Yellows said, “Yeah, did you ever hear of earth?”

He’s weird, Earth is just a human planet thats all of it, and this place is a little too far away from Earth.

“haha…” Leaf laughed, “if strictly, we’re really old, though I’ve never been to Earth.”

“You’ve never been to Earth? How do you know there’s a little earth in the universe?” DiForgotten River is becoming more confused. If it were Dao Realm or Immortal World’s big domain, it was normal not to know it. Earth was in the universe, not even a piece of dust. How do you know about Yellows outside the Earth’s countless plane, countless 100 Million Li?

See DiForgotten River’s astonishing face, and the Yellowstone is laughed explaining, “I haven’t been to Earth, but my old dad and my mother were Earth out.”

“This is not right, earth cultivation resources are scarce, how is it possible?” DiForgotten River is more inconceivable, and he can come out because his mother and Aunt Shen found an ancient transmission array out of Earth.

“There’s nothing impossible, my old dad’s name is Yemmer, and you should have heard it.” According to the idea of Yelmer, this side of the universe cultivation base has, to a certain extent, heard, and he doesn’t have to continue to explain it.

DiForgotten River answered to make leaf stars a bit depressed, and he just shook the head, “I’ve never heard of who Yelmer is.”

Yellows touched their nose, and some embarrassing words, “Well, you’re too young to hear it’s normal. Don’t talk about you, I don’t know how many years it’s seen my old dad. I heard they went to the building door, and specifically I don’t know. When I just crossed Immortal King, I left St. Dao Realm, and I haven’t been back for so many years.”

“You said you old dad so well known, why did you leave?” DiForgotten River was talking to her, with some sense of mind.

“My dad was a man who broke up in the year, and I think it’s really a couple of poorly planted resources to stay in San Dao Realm, but I don’t think it’s good for Grand Dao. After I left, cultivating really slowed down, and many times it almost fell in void. But I’m sure if I stay in San Dao Realm, I’m sure my achievements are less than half of the time now, that’s not about cultivation base, but something else.”

“I agree.” DiForgotten River nodded, who is also a man in void, is well aware of the extent to which he broke into the difference between cultivating at home.

“Brother Di, you just said stay here waiting for your woman. I shouldn’t have said much, but we’re all from Earth, and we’re from the country, and I’m going to say one more word. A woman who, without any good reason, let his man wait here, I think,” The Yellows don’t say nothing special, and he knows that DiForgotten River will certainly understand.

DiForgotten River tranquilly said, “I was born with her to die and live with her. She saved me many times, and I saved her a lot too. Just because I don’t understand why she moved into the second step so big that she wasn’t.”

“hehe, brother, man has to be able, without power, women don’t look at you.”

DiForgotten River has not answered, and he knows exactly what it means. In fact, he cultivating is absolutely fast, and who knows it’s faster than he is.

See DiForgotten River Silence, Yasushi Sain a low voice, “brother, you and I are all corridors. I have a great place to go, and that place prove the Dao second step must be the best place. You haven’t heard of my old dad, but I have to say a few words. To be honest, my old dad’s power is definitely a crushing class. Do you know why my old dad is so good? Apart from Grand Dao’s strengths, it is important to choose where to enter the second step. I find this place now, and I think it’s better than where my old dad crossed the second step that year. How’s it going? You want to come with me?”

DiForgotten River watched the stars, hehe said, “Yep, this last sentence is your purpose?”


a little awkward for Yellows to say, “Brother Di, the last sentence is really my purpose, and that place I can’t go alone. You know, after I left St. Dao Realm, the cultivation base rate was slow, not so many years without entering the second step.

I have not yet entered the second step, just to find a cow’s place where prove the Dao second step. Now I finally found it, but unfortunately I can’t find friends of companion in the past. I don’t want to take it. For you to be an old country, I didn’t give an invitation. Of course, if you really don’t want to go, forget it. ”

“I said I was with the others.” DiForgotten River has some heart, honestly, changes in the evenings. Because I don’t think so, he’s even more pressing to get into the second step, and he’s gonna tell Sunset that he’s not a waste.

“Brother Di, not me. My wife and wife are dressed, brother. You and that woman should just be Dao Companion, no, or even Dao Companion is not even a couple anymore. People just left you here to work, and that’s not what you’re doing. You’re still here, that’s a shame to lose your old dad Mother’s face, and, by the way, my old country’s face.


know how my name came from? My old dad has a very good friend called Yellows. After he disappeared, my old dad gave me that name. So, friend is the most important thing, we’re friends now, and you should listen to me, go to prove the Dao second step. ”

DiForgotten River was silent, and he seemed to see the evening after the second step of the prove the Dao, his compassionate eyes, and the pride that came from the bones. Forgotten River Big brother, the four characters, who crossed the second step from the evenings, never heard of it again. He’s also going to find a place to prove the Dao second step.

“Your old dad is from Earth, what kind of man is he?” DiForgotten River suddenly asked a question.

Leaf Star laughed, “Naturally Han, does that have to be asked?”

“Well, I believe in you. We went together to find out where the prove the Dao second step, and you told me where that was?” DiForgotten River never hesitated, and he didn’t think he needed to wait any longer. He was with the evening, and that was mutual support, life and Death’s love.

Now, the evening obviously changed, and before it was changed, the evening would never let him wait, and then go after someone else. Why do you beg if that love is gone? There is a lot of things in the world that can be demanded, except for love.

Leaf Star shot, “brother, that’s right. Come on, fuck my flying boat. When you and I go to that place, you’ll know that I’m not lying to you, and I’m really good for you.”

“Where the hell is it?” The mouth asked that DiForgotten River is still a flying boat that crossed the Yellow Star.

“Large-scale space.” After the four characters were said, flying boat driven and turned into a shadow disappeared in Ha void.

It’s a half-day past, and it fell in the waiting position for DiForgotten River. When she found out DiForgotten River was not here, it became difficult to look at her face. She could use DiForgotten River as a dog at her discretion, and would definitely not allow DiForgotten River to turn against her.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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