“Brother Di, I’m afraid there’s no time to talk so slowly after I’m done, so before that, I want to do something with you, I hope you can help me.”

Di Jiu a cup of fist in the other hand, “Qin Brother, as long as I Di Jiu can do, I Di Jiu will certainly help you.”

Even though Di Jiu Know Qin’s day was due to the extinction of the body, it would make such a decision, but Di Jiu was grateful. He’s different from Qin, and Qin has not even had much hatred for the bodies. But he has to go back as soon as possible, because his family and friends are in danger.

If you don’t have that kind of expert, you shouldn’t have done anything to hurt his family. But the whore Palace Lord, the bitch, will definitely do these things.

The endless Palace Lord was under his shock, not only seriously wounded but fleshly body collapsed. But there’s that fat walker and no, Di Jiu estimates that this woman’s wounds will be fine.

In the Unseen heaven beyond the heaven, he had a lot of friends. But his friends, basically, have not been able to fight the endless Palace Lord. The only one who can fight some, only Lord Azure Lotus. Has Lord Azure Lotus recovered now? And Lord Azure Lotus didn’t have Azure Lotus.

“My life magical treasure bullet is a black nail. My magical treasure was taken away, and if Fellow Daoist Di found this nail in the future, please place a cosmic transmission array for array core, and I have a molecular method here…” The Qin Times Speaking in between a jade slip and the Di Jiu.

Di Jius spiritual sense fell in jade slip, and then sighted, “Good timing, great.”

Di Jius was almost there in Divine Realm plane, which jade slip’s strength or not, and he saw it in his hand.

The Qin Sky laughed, “This is called Wikipedia, which can be sent to me as long as it does not go beyond the infinite universe of primal chaos. This time, I have to use my finger to do array core, so I can send it from here.”

Di Jiu said very solemnly, “Qin Brother, don’t worry, I’ll take time to find this nail, and then I’ll put Vivian transmission array. Just what if I set this great array up, Brother, you haven’t broken primal chaos a realm?”

The Qin Day says with a bitter smile, “This is actually possible, and if this really happens, then leave my finger with you. In the future, if you can reach a higher level, come and see me.”

“更高的层次?”Di Jiu 说道,“Brother speaks correctly 造Transformation Realm 吧。”

“No, it’s a higher level than Transformation Realm.” The Qin skull says, “Because I haven’t touched it, so I can’t explain it to you.”

“Qin Brother, before you said this side primal chaos split the universe. Is there another primal chaos universe?” Di Jiu asked again. Di Jiu also heard it at a higher level than Transformation Realm, but he only estimated that the people at that time were also speculating about thats all.

Qin said, “Yes, don’t look at me being stuck here countless years, and you must have come here as hard as you can. In fact, I’m telling you, including Ho primal chaos and all the universe you have seen, are one of the corners of the primal chaos universe, thats all. It’s like cultivation base, we cultivating to make Transformation Realm, but there’s a higher level than Transformation Realm. It’s just the limits of our primal chaos universe, and our own limitations, that’s all.”

“Many thanks Brother’s point.” Di Jiu is also impressed that, regardless of how much he cultivating to the tall realm, the wider universe will always find itself far away.

Qin likes Di Jius personality, and he doesn’t drag, “You’re rushing out of here, it’s supposed to be urgent, I’m going to cut the border first, and then condense primal chaos.”

“Qin Brother, I have one thing to ask Brother for help. If Brother will be able to break primal chaos in the future, get out of here with Violet, please also give senior attention to a few of my friends. I have a couple of friends, and here too, prove the Dao Step 3. If they will not find a way out, they will meet Brother, ask Brother to take action to help one or two.” Di Jiu is very worried about lightning.

The Qin Day says with a smile, “This is a small matter, and as long as I break primal chaos, you’re also installed with a Violet transmission, and so many people don’t affect me. Tell me a few of your friends first.”

Di Jiu was busy talking about lightning and millionaires, and finally Ninth Dao Principle.

“Okay, don’t worry about it. If there’s nothing else, I’m going to cut the line.” The Qin Sky Nodded says.

Primordial Chaos Dao Principle, for ordinary cultivator, is a precious thing, even to be pursued with a mandate. It’s really nothing for the world expert of Qin’s sky.

“Wait, this is for Brother.” Di Jiu grabbed a jade bottle.

Qin picked up jade bottle, opened it up, and then looked in it, and there were some vivid words, “Good things, that’s two drops of the universe True Essence, that’s useful to me, thank you.”


top treasure of the universe True Essence, even the talented man of Qin, would be useful.

Di Jiu was on the side to watch a massage.

In any case, the Qin Sky is such an extinct expert, with too much ability, not Di Jiu’s short time to learn.

Dao Rhyme exploded around Qin the sky, and Di Jiu could even feel the endless Dao Rhyme crashed in the vicinity of Qin the sky, and every rest time was like a cloud was shocked.

Di Jiu is looking at a vibration, and this top expert is still very different from what he did to Ninth World. This pound of imposing way, the endless Dao Rhyme rule around, is a general collapse of the universe. It also worries Di Jiu that, if the Qin Day is not under control, his community will collapse, and the Qin Day will, like his community, transforming into nothingness. This is not the end of the prove of the Dao, but bringing it to the ones own destruction.

Di Jiu can feel a whole new Dao Principle concept after Qin’s day of closure. This reminds Di Jiu of a few words in a poem, “Silver bottles of Chadian shrimp, and iron rides highlight blade spear.” The end of the tune is carefully painted, the string is like a crack… “

It’s too tight to describe Qin’s veil.

The Dao Rhyme aura, the body of Qin, was weak, and Di Jiu immediately felt the infinite primal chaos bee.

Di Jiu Know, the third step in this area, where primal chaos walk, has nothing to do, and if cultivator is not a third step, then the endless primal chaos will crush, and the cultivator will soon be packed into primal chaos a realm.

That was when he was packed, and then he was able to bring his primal chaos a realm to the third step and make the world a success.

Now that Qin has cut the third step of the clock, cultivation base obviously landed in the second step. Since the plantation base fell in the second step and cultivating, that infinite primal chaos would come together, and then it would end up in Qin and form a new primal chaos a realm.

“Find the way…” The Qin Sky sends a few words, and no more information.

Di Jiu did not use Qin to say it was a closed eye, spiritual sense was completely expanded to search closely for the differences surrounding it.

Di Jiu felt the difference between one of them, even if it was no more detail, but still caught under Di Jius Grand Dao Law.

Di Jiu, I’m going to go to Brother, one cup of fist in the other hand the day the Qin has been parceled by primal chaos. Remember to hold on until I find the finger… “

In conclusion, Di Jiu fully implemented the rules Escaping Technique, heading towards the space for that slight change.

After entering the third step, in this great primal chaos, his rules Escaping Technique are absolutely not comparable.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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