Di Jiu sees the infinite idea, he smiled and said, “Not really after me, but I didn’t give him a chance. If he found me before I came here, I’m afraid there’s no way to stand in front of you.”

It’s not surprising to hear that there’s no trace to Di Jiu. It seems to me that even if the basin is not restored, it should also be possible to suppress Di Jiu.

“Junior Brother Di, I don’t know which route to the five Elements universe now, but I have a sense of the five Elements universe in one day. When I felt it, you helped me guard.” Nothing more, time was nervous for her and Di Jiu, and she had to find the way to the five Elements universe as soon as possible.

Di Jiu nodded, “MauSenior Sister, you look for it, and I’m here for you guard.”

The Trinity universe is getting a message right away, trying to come here, and it should not be possible for one day. Even if it’s done, Di Jiu believes he can handle it.

Triple universe, Dao Lord’s Temple.

There’s a bald man sitting in Hall Lord’s position, a man with a strong body, like three eyes, just three eyes that he’s already three colors, blue and black. Although sitting on the chair, that tall body gives people a sense of extreme oppression.

In addition to that, his skin was concealed with a layer of blue faint.

Or he’s related to his skin, and at this point his face has become an azure. All the experts in Hall understand that Dao Lord is now on the verge of hair.

This man, the brave man, is the Dao Lord of the Three Wise Universe. Unlike the five Elements universe, delusions have not been plot against, directly taking control of the greatest power of the Trinity universe. While there are also a few powerful influence in the Trinity universe that are not obedient or even challenging the authority of delusion, it is not possible to deny that delusion is now ruler of the Tripartite Universe, which has not yet been able to threaten his status.

The gloomy eyes are sweeping out of a lot of expert sitting in Hall, with a cold aura, “Hugo void, no idea how small the universe is. But these universe rarely has the same universe as me, at the group level. In addition to that, I have three wisdom in the universe and a cosmic channel to the great primal chaos. Because the universe crystal stone is too rare, so this channel will not be used once in years.

But today even I’m ashamed that someone came to my triumph universe, robbed the cosmic crystal stone, and then used our cosmic channel to enter the great primal chaos. The man is still a woman, and I can hardly believe that the person who guards the universe is so incapable. “

A skinny young man walked out, bowed out and said, “Dao Lord’s up here, this time it’s my fault. I was accidentally plot against each other because I looked at each other.”

The young call Ginny, the lucky monarch escaped, is the path he deserves. He’s not looking at each other, but because he temporarily insights a divine ability, and then when he’s weakest, fate comes.

Fathers control oneselfs fate, and obviously is the time frame. And Ginny did not look at the fate monarchs in his eyes, not at all of them simply abandoning his insights, but split up a spiritual sense against the fate monarchs. As a result, the Fathers defeated Ginny and took the sealed cosmic crystal stone in time. And then, in the shortest time, the transmission array was activated to leave.

The next step of disagreement and regression is due to the fact that fate monarchs have come into the cosmic channel, which follows the past and wants to capture fate monarchs.

I didn’t expect to meet Di Jiu, and the last two fellows didn’t survive.

“Your diligence has caused us to lose a universe crystal stone, not only so, but also through our triumph path to the universe into the great primal chaos. Do you know how precious it is for me to enter the glorious quota?”

Ginny’s heart is not convinced that the universe crystal stone should have been placed in the world of the bearer, and you’re pretending to be forced to tell everyone that this thing is the whole universe, and it’s outside to show you. In fact, without you speaking, who can move the universe crystal stone? Actually, you don’t worry about people, you worry about people putting them in their own world, you don’t take them out.

So, you put it in your own world and thats all, promise that no one will say anything about you. Prejudiced to be hypocrites, and someone else thought you were open and aboveboard. That’s what you think, Ginnie.

“I, Ginnie, would be willing to take charge of this incident.” Ginni was unhappy and had to continue apologizing and putting his posture very low.

“If that’s the case, go to hell.”

“Dao Lord, I’m wrong, but I’m not going to kill…”

Dao Rhyme is getting stronger and desperate in his heart, and he knows that he can’t live. He wants to scream, but he doesn’t dare to yell, and he has a son. Under Universe Dao Lord’s delusional eyes, as long as he speaks of a word, his son will be with him soon.

“bang!” blood mist exploded, Ginnie transforming into nothingness.

A common cultivator, with no room for resistance.

“Dao Lord, the cosmic plates that have just returned and disagreed have broken…” An urgent voice has been passed.

“What? The man who dares to kill me, courting death…” The anger in his eyes has almost become substantive and unaware of standing up. The battle images of the Fathers, like he has seen, are definitely not a rival to return or to disagree with anyone. Now, back and disagreement were killed, obviously in the plot against. Ho primal chaos surrounding, it won’t be right for someone to exist.

“Dao Lord, I have not been involved in the construction of the universe, sealed the door to the building of the universe, and I am afraid that other universe cultivator has benefited greatly from the creation of the world.” A woman has been cautious about it.

She noticed that even though anger was in her eyes, there was also some kind of cruelty in his eyes. Obviously, in a short period of time, killing the restoration and disagreement, not ordinary cultivator, can do it.

Calm down and his voice slowed down, “Use a cosmic crystal stone, left burn, and you show three people. I don’t believe it. No one else can crush me in the world.”

“Yes.” A young man in white clothed stood up, and the youth week Dao Rhyme was almost substantive, and Chad, for its part, was not much different than paranoia.

The paranoid tone slows down some, “Left burns back early, making a fight can’t be less than my triumph universe.”

Despite some confusion in the left, it should still be said that As Dao Lord of the Trinity universe, delusion has been opposed to the fact that the universe cultivator entered the world and even depleted the natural resources of the universe in its entirety.

I don’t know why, so Dao Lord suddenly changed his mind.

Di Jiu didn’t wait a day, just half a day, so she opened her eyes up, and she seemed a little weak.

“Mau Senior Sister, how about that?” Di Jiu was busy asking.

Nodded, “already found, that light purple passage.”

“Then let’s go in now.” Di Jiu’s heart is really kind of anxious, and he’s worried about the powerless Palace Lord woman playing moths.

Nodded, “You follow me, remember to keep your body with magical treasure. Once that passage goes in, it can’t get into its own world, and even if it gets into the world, it can’t stop it.”

“I know.” Di Jiu nodded.

No more bullshit, no more shape, went to light purple’s cosmic passage, and at the same time the river map turned into a single light to protect her whole body.

Di Jiu didn’t even hesitate, so he went in the back.

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